JOIN CPSA and be part of the organisation
that helped bring you the following benefits!
Membership is open to all who support CPSA’s aims and objectives
From 1931-1933 CPSA successfully struggled to reinstate the value of the pension from a 2/6d cut. CPSA has continued to successfully campaign for many benefits for pensioners and low-income superannuants / retirees:
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –
- Pension includes indexed GST supplement.
- Pension and other bonuses from 2001-2008.
- 2009: targeted single pension increase to help cover the cost of living.
- Pensioner Excursion Ticket for CountryLink, CityRail, government & private busesacross NSW.
- Nursing home bonds assets test - family homes excluded.
- Telephone, electricity, water & gas concessions for pensioners.
- Only 5.5% GST on long-term residential park sites.
- Council rates rebates.
- Half-yearly CPI adjustments to pension.
- Improved rights for people living in nursing homes and hostels.
- Improved bank services and lower fees.
- “Veteran Access Fee” subsidises Local Medical Officers treating Gold Card holders.
- Free photo ID available from RTA for all pensioners.
- Carer allowance now available to non co-residential carers.
- Reinstatement of Medicare coverage of outpatient eye surgery.
- Reinstatement of the interstate ambulance fee scheme.
- Overturning the proposedcancellation of free pensioner car registration.
- Abolition of CountryLink booking fee on “free” trips.
- Cancellation of proposed cut to macular degeneration Medicare rebate.
- Cataract surgery rebate cut overturned.
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –
In 2010 CPSA will be campaigning for:
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –
- Bulk-billing for all doctors’ services and increased low-cost medications.
- Better services in NSW hospitals and reduced waiting lists for surgery.
- Dental treatment under Medicare.
- Increase in council rates rebates.
- Extension of pensioner concessions to cover low income retirees.
- Improved public transport.
- Affordable housing for all.
- Protection of tenure for park residents.
- Reduction of funeral and insurance costs.
- Free disability aids for all on low incomes.
- More quality affordable care at home or in hostels / nursing homes.
- Pensioner Excursion Ticket affordability.
- Keep Age Pension age at 65.
- Adequate pension for the lowest paid.
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –
- CPSA Branches are all covered by CPSA’s$10million Public Liability Insurance.
- Branches provide social activities and support, and participate in CPSA’s campaigns to improve the quality of life for all pensioners, superannuants and low-income retirees.
It pays to be a member of CPSA.
□I would like to join CPSA as an individual Member and enclose my membership fee of $12 (this includes 11 issues of THE VOICE¹ and all other membership benefits). Membership is open to all who agree with the Aims and Objectives of CPSA.
□Please send me information about my nearest Branch.
□I would like information on how an organisation can become a Branch or an Affiliate of CPSA. (All Branches are covered by CPSA’s $10 million Public Liability Insurance.)
□I do not want to become a Member but I want to subscribe to THE VOICE¹ ($25).
□I would like information on how to make a bequest to CPSA in my Will.
Name :______
Address :______P/Code: ______
Phone :______Fax :______
Email :______
$12 Membership (includes free subscription)$______
$25 Subscription$______
□ Enclosed is my Cheque / Money Order(Payable to CPSA.)
□ Please charge my Credit Card□Visa□ Mastercard
Cardholder’s Name: ______
Credit Card number: ______/______/ ______/ ______Expiry Date: ____ /____
Amount: ______Date: ______Signature: ______
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –
Please return this form and payment to:
CPSA, Level 9, 28Foveaux St
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –
¹THE VOICE of Pensioners and Superannuants of NSW is full of up-to-date news and is sent to all members and subscribers.
Level 9, 28Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010–Ph: 02 9281 3588/ 1800 451 488– –