Combined Goal Team Meeting

October 22, 2010

Goal Organizational Morning Sessions

Goal Team 1 Table Notes

Table Number 1

Goal One: Build Pathways

Moderator: Bradley Honious

Recorder: Beverlee Andrews

External Questions

Objective 1 2 and 4

Generic and broad.

They will always apply to what they are based on.

Economy and capacity – driven by external factors and internal considerations.

Drive funding and student demand.

The situational needs analysis based on 2006

Situation has changed.

Statements are week – based on a strong economy.

Are these strong enough to develop a strong environmental.

Scan possible change to strengthen the question.

1 - What are the potential changes to our community that affect demand, capacity and funding between 2010 and 2013.

3-Lukewarm. In 2006, we may have needed to look at our competitors, but in the current environment (2013), we should with the exception of online competitors could turn education upside down be looking at partnerships, rather than competition.

Based on our discussion of competitors add new question.

Strategic alliances such as Direct Connect.

Who are our current allies – how can we build upon the serving capacity for students.

3 - In the distant future however, online competitors could turn education upside down.

Capacity issue, who will reign in this?

What differentiates these services?

Private, state, public, business and industry

Table Number 2

Goal Team 1

Moderator: Joe Lynn Look

Recorder: Linda Downing

External Question 1

What do we mean by an invitation? By a restriction?

Add: Are there circumstances where we should restrict (or continue to restrict) access?

Are we internally responsible to the needs of our external community?

Do we need a common language and some definitions?

External Question 2

Do their perceptions match reality of their experiences?

Is it two questions?

How does this impact student success?

Do we need to interview and if so, how?

How do perceptions differ among cohorts such as FTIC?

Students are not a homogenous group.

External Question 3

What is needed to help all students be successful?

Part B: This is an assessment question and really does not belong here?

Is this part of learning assured?

No, but questions about assessment and how we measure what students are learning is important.

What did an unsuccessful student learn?

“Value added” should be answered externally.

External Question 4

Paired with Question 1 – Simplify wording.

Did we leave out details with the list?

We are looking at resources: money, people, capital, etc.

If we have new normal – how will we need to manage those resources?

How can resources help or hinder?

It is more than just a percentage who graduate.

Table Number 3

Goal Team 1

Moderator: Jessica Morales

Recorder: Michele McArdle

Edits, new questions, aha moments.

Question 1

Change dates.

Big issue – four-year degrees.

What other 4-year degrees are coming to us.

Need to diversity our economy so we are not dependent on one sector.

Another impact – lose of jobs at space center.

New normal – higher percentage unemployment – average will be 13%.

Age is changing- more adults want access.

Valencia is a driver to impact change in community. Just as we help to shape the student’s future, we help to shape the community.

New – Knowing Valencia has an impact on the community; what are Valencia’s future plans?

We are a driver of the change.

Any other educational opportunity areas that are not represented?

Community needs that are not being address?

Population – homeless for example.

External Question 2

Look at needs and changes of the community.

Students coming to college for financial aid income.

AHA - What do we do about student’s loan debt?

$6,000 a year - staying four years - $24,000 in debt at the end.

Needed resources – child care and counseling.

External Question 2 (cont.)

Need to educate the community about our story.

CJI – need to keep building on relationship.

What is our future relationship with outside partners?

Are there relationships we can establish or enhance to meet current need or future need?

What can we do to enhance our partnership with Orange County Public Schools and existing partners?

External Question 3

How can we see opportunities to partner with competitors because of the enormous current need for continuing education in the future?

Not to duplicate effort

Need to partner for better use of limited resources.

Edit what is the volume of their enrollment

Competitors – Nova, Everglades – need to remain competitive.

External Question 4

Representatives of Valencia Community College being advocates.

Who is frightening for us?

K-12 has to be funded.

What are potential opportunities that Valencia can capitalize on (i.e., TSA program with Homeland Security)?

Table Number 4

Goal Team 1

Moderator: Joyce Romano

Recorder: Melissa Pedone

Part III

Internal Questions:

Should bachelor’s degrees be addressed separately in the questions?

Or is it implied in another Question?

Is dual enrollment similar idea/issue?

Internal Question 2

Does perception capture actual experience?

Quality needs to be asked in connection with capacity, not just growth.

What could we do to find innovative ideas in higher education?

What are the innovation models even outside of education?

If we have capacity limits, do we plan for who is left out?

Who are “our” students?

Distance learning makes it harder to define.

Internal Question 3

Does question 3 focus on transitions/admission.

What do we know about our students?

Are there groups (i.e., veterans) that we could do things to serve them better?

Does the Millennial Generation have different needs particularly in the orientation/transition process?

How can we simplify our processes?

How do we help students become more independent?

We need more focus on pathways through Valencia and beyond, they seem to focus a lot on our admissions processes but not beyond.

Charge to the Goal 1 Team discussion:

Okay with charge and roles as is.

Principles Comments

Add a “be creative” component

Think about big ideas.

Be aware of the other goals and how they fit together to avoid silo thinking.

Stay student/learning focused; always keep the student in mind.

Goal 1: Summary of Progress and Work Underway

New members of this goal team did read and follow the summary so it made sense to them.

Some of the objectives are very narrowly focused (such as 1.1 on high school students transition to college, there are many others in transition).

Edit 3rd bullet measure: persistence is not the same as successful completion.

Is a program different than a degree in how we are using it as a measure?

Do we mean student goals?

Meeting – We would like to meet as a group for all objectives and want “Go to Meeting” meetings.

RTT – 85% goal by 2015 (currently at 70)

“Retained through key thresholds” need measurements of progression, too (credit accumulation).

“Program completion and graduation rates” what do we mean by naming both?

Nothing addresses withdrawal.

Table Number 5

Goal Team 1

Moderator: Maryke Lee

Recorder: David Sutton

External Questions

Are questions still valid?

Question 1

Based on the changes that have occurred since 2003 and will continue to occur, how will significant changes impact the programs and services Valencia delivers to the community to meet those needs?

Question 2

How will our relationships with community partners enhance our ability to meet community needs?

Question 3

Collaborating with partners.

Question 4

What is the current political environment and how do we develop a strategy for garnering resources to serve our students and support our employees?