January 20, 2017 AP US GOVERNMENT


These are topics of study that we have discussed this semester. I recommend that you thoroughly review each of the topics/sub topics. In addition to what I have listed below, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you review and know all notes, vocab, amendments, articles, clauses, court cases, graphs & charts, and all other handouts that we have covered this semester. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask during class, lunch, after school, or through email. My goal is for everyone to achieve great success on the semester final! The final is two parts: A) 60 multiple choice questionsàworth 200 points in the test category AND B) 2 free response graded by peersàworth 40 points in the homework category

While I believe in all of you, the true question (and one only which you can answer) is, do you believe in yourself?

If you believe you can, you will! You can achieve anything you put your mind to.


1.  -Key functions of government and be able to explain why they matter

2.  -John Locke

3.  -Be able to define politics in the context of democratic government

4.  -Understand how citizens can have an impact on public policy and how policies can impact people

5.  -Identify the key principles of democracy

6.  -Know theories regarding how democracy works and the challenges democracy faces

7.  -Understand the ideas behind the American Revolution and their role in shaping the Constitution

8.  -Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

9.  -Core ideas of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention

10.  -Main issues at the Constitutional Convention

11.  -Madisonian theoryàmajority rule/minority rights

a.  -Federalist #51

12.  -Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

13.  -Know how to formally AND informally amend the Constitution

14.  -Define federalism (many different types) and explain its consequences for American politics and policies

a.  -Cooperative

b.  -Dual

c.  -Fiscal

15.  -Understand and know the parts of the Constitution that discuss the division of power between national and state governments

16.  -Know what the Constitution discusses about states’ obligations to each other

17.  -Know and understand the federal government’s obligations to the states

18.  -Understand the shift from dual to cooperative federalism and the role of fiscal federalism in governmental relations (devolution, Welfare Reform)

19.  -Be able to discuss the impact of federalism on democratic government and the scope (size) of government

20.  -Know the Bill of Rights and why it was added to the Constitution


1.  -Be able to identify demographic trends and their impact on American politics (gender gap for example)

2.  -Understand political ideology and its influence on Americans’ political thinking and behavior

3.  -Know the different forms of political participation (two broad types)

4.  -How public opinion about the scope of government guides political behavior

5.  -The different forms of political socialization and how they shape political opinions

6.  -Know how polls are conducted and what can be learned from them about politics

a.  -Characteristics of a valid poll, different types of polls

7.  -Understand how presidential primaries and caucuses work

a.  -Media, momentum, money

8.  -The key objectives of any political campaign (not as simple as it may sound)

9.  -How is fund-raising for federal offices regulated by campaign finance laws

10.  -Know the important, yet limited impact that campaigns have on election outcomes

11.  -Know the advantages and disadvantages of having a long presidential campaign

12.  -What are the types of elections in the United States

a.  -Off-year

b.  -Midterm

c.  -General

d.  -Presidential

13.  -The evolution of the American electoral process from 1800 to the present

a.  -Suffrage

b.  -McGovern-Fraser

c.  -Primaries

d.  -Caucuses

e.  -National Convention

14.  -What are the factors that influence whether people vote or not (and what are the factors that dictate who a person will vote for)

15.  -Understand the impact of party identification, candidate evaluations, and policy opinions on voting behavior

16.  -Electoral college systemàfair or not, why it has not been abolished, and the reason it was established

17.  -How do elections make/force officials to pay attention to what voters want

a.  -Mandate

b.  -Trustee vs. Delegate


1.  -How do politicians use the media to get their messages out to the public

2.  -What are key developments in the history of mass media and American politics

3.  -Know the major “criteria” that determine which news stories receive the most media attention

4.  -Understand the impact the media has on the policy issues Americans think about

5.  -What media strategies are utilized to influence the public agenda

6.  -What is the impact of the mass media on the scope of government and democracy in America

7.  -Watchdog, Gatekeeper, Scorekeeper

8.  -Be able to identify the functions that political parties perform in American democracy

9.  -Federalist #10

10.  -How are political parties organized in the US political system

a.  -Decentralization (National vs. State vs. Local)

11.  -How successful are political parties in carrying out their promises

12.  -Know the different party eras

a.  -Federalists

b.  -Jacksonian

c.  -New Deal Coalition

d.  -Divided Govt.

13.  -The impact of third parties on American politics and their limitations

a.  -Why they exist

b.  -Influences

14.  -Advantages and disadvantages of a responsible party government

15.  -Campaign Finance

a.  -FECA

b.  -Buckley

c.  -McCain-Feingold

d.  -Citizens United

e.  -Hard Money vs. Soft Money

16.  -Electoral College

17.  -PACs, SuperPACs, 527s

18.  -What roles do interest groups play in American politics

19.  -Understand pluralism/elitism/hyperpluralism

20.  -What factors make some interest groups more successful than others

21.  -What are the main strategies that interest groups use to try to shape policy

22.  -Know the various types of interest groups and their policy concerns

23.  -How well have Madison’s ideas for controlling the influence of interest groups worked

24.  -Be able to identify and describe lobbying

25.  -Legislation that regulate lobbyists

26.  -Be able to make the case for AND against lobbyists

27.  -What are the main strategies PACs use in order to influence policy makers

28.  -What are PACs and how are they different from lobbyists

29.  -Who has PACs (which type of companies, industries, etc.)


-Court Cases

-Additional Amendments

-12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th

-Vocabulary from all chapters

-Articles of the Constitution