Minutes of an Extra-Ordinary meeting of Combe Martin Parish Council

held at Seacott, Cross Street on Monday, 1 September, 2014 at 11.32am.

Present: / Councillors / Nigel Brettle (In the Chair) / John Lovering
Julia Clark / Helen Mallinder
Wendy Druce / Jill Sidebottom
Trevor Kibble / Paul White
In Attendance: / Parish Clerk
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Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Graeme Coombs, Yvette Gubb and Celia Withers.
83/14 / Exclusion of Public and Press and restriction of documents
a RESOLVED that, under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items as they involve the likely disclosure of sensitive and confidential information, and the items contain exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12a Part 1.
b That all reports and documents relating to the items be confirmed as ‘Not for publication’.
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Lease of Village Hall

Members considered the responses received from the Village Hall Community Group to Council’s previous letter and RESOLVED to respond as follows:
1 This Council has no objections to the VHCG disposing of unwanted items, on condition that the VHCG checks with CMPC that this is acceptable, before doing so. With regard to the Village banners, these were made by a large number of volunteers in Combe Martin. A great deal of work went into the banners, which represent various village groups and are an important part of the village’s heritage. The banners mean a lot to many people and the VHCG is asked to respect this by putting the banners back in their original places, for which they were made.
2 CMPC agrees to three quotes only being obtained for works in excess of £600, works under £600 only needing one quote. CMPC is happy to
reimburse the cost of materials which are being used by volunteers to carry out works on the Village Hall from the CMPC Village Hall bank account, on provision of receipts.
4 This draws the VHCG’s attention to the fact that the parking spaces at the rear of the Village Hall have rights of access at all times and there an obligation on the managers of the Village Hall to ensure that the access route to these parking spaces is kept free of parked vehicles or any other obstruction, and that hirers are aware of this.
5 The Parish Council noticeboard is located at the Village Hall as it is visible to a greater number of people, and more easily accessible than at the Community Centre, which is especially important for displaying statutory notices. CMPC will be responsible for the noticeboard.
7 Any monies received by the Village Hall Community Group will have been provided to contribute to the running of Combe Martin Village Hall. If the VHCG is wound up, any residue monies should be used for that purpose, and transferred to the next group that takes on the running of Combe Martin Village Hall. If there is a gap between the winding up and the commencement of the next group, the monies should be held in a ring-fenced bank account for that purpose by the owner of the Village Hall.
8 The public liability is covered by CMPC’s insurance policy.
9 The Honours Board is an historic record of the Village, and is of interest to many villagers and visitors, who use it for research. As such, it needs to remain in the Village Hall in the same location as it is. The board does not need any maintenance other than the normal due care and attention applicable to the rest of the building.
The responsibility to insure the board lies with the Parish Council, and it will be necessary to install a second board at some time, as the present one is full. The proposed location at the top of the stairs is too vulnerable to damage and is difficult for people to use.
11 CMPC respects the VHCG’s wish to keep some areas of the Village Hall locked.
All CMPC’s keys are Controlled Keys. In the event of an emergency CMPC will need access at very short notice to the front doors, the back door, toilet facilities and kitchen facilities, possibly for some period of time. Please advise the name of the nominated key holder with 24 hour contact details.
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Leasing of Parade building

It was noted that the additional information requested by the planning authority had been hand delivered on 28 August, 2014.
1 ask the builder who carried out the works at the Parade to give a quotation to repair the interior ceilings including installing the ceiling in the extension,
2 ask Mr Young to provide one quotation to install basic wiring in the extension before the ceiling is installed, and a second quotation to install a basic amount of wiring.
3 obtain an update on the lease from the solicitor.
4 Cllr Nigel Brettle will speak to the prospective tenant about the works and externals.

The meeting closed at 12.37pm.

