
Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 12:00pm to 2:00pm

RM110 HAPS Bldg, Denton


  • In Attendance:

Karen Bishop DFC Project Director
Jim Gossage Teen Court Coordinator
Susan Runnels Human Services Council
Heidi Rochon MD Coalition of Families
Laura Patrick CCHD
Lisa Wallace Community Member / Sgt. Ron Dixon CCSD
Kia McKinney CCHD Addictions
Bill Allen BOE
Sharon Phalman Extension Office
Peter Taillie Mid-Shore Mediation
Alwinta Lake Mid-Shore Mediation
Sue Simmons Recreation and Parks


Jim Gossage made a motion to approve the December 10, 2008 minutes as written, Peter Taillie seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion was carried.


Social Hosting Ordinance Committee Report

Susan reported a draft survey was completed and passed around copies for review. There were suggestions for changes to some questions. Those changes will be made. Bill Allen made a motion to accept the survey with the changes, Jim Gossage seconded the motion and it was carried. Susan put together a list of documents for the draft packet to be presented to town offices and the commissioners during the CMCA presentation. The survey will be revised and sent to Karen.

Action Plan Review

Karen reviewed the action plan with the group and said she is pleased with the progress that has been made already on accomplishing tasks. Karen and Bill reported they met with SHOP students and received many good suggestions and comments. SHOP students felt the target of social marketing should be middle students as well as high school students. Karen said an attorney pro-bono is still needed to review the draft Social Hosting Ordinance. Karen was very pleased to announce she and Sue Simmons met with Judge Everngam referencing the alcohol EDU program for 18-20 yr olds cited for possession of alcohol, the Judge has agreed to implement the program through the court. Health Department approval was given for the program to be run out of the prevention office.



Karen said she still needs members to join this committee and help with the membership campaign.

Fundraising Event

Susan reported she is meeting with FVFC members Thursday 2/19 to explain the partnership of the Coalition and the Fire Company for the Trivia Night. If approved by the FVFC the next fundraiser date will be set for April with time for community notice.


Karen said she still had plenty of the magnets for distribution. Susan suggested giving them out to anyone who fills out a survey.


Karen reported one ad has been completed.


Social Marketing Campaign

Karen reported that a SHOP training was held for students from NCHS and CRHS in conjunction with BOE (Bill Allen) and 4H/Cooperative Extension (Sharon Pahlman and Navonne Owen). The all-day session was used to initiate the planning of a social marketing campaign (funded by a EDUL [Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws]grant through the Prevention Office) The students designed a T-Shirt and created a ‘tag line’ for the campaign - “Get Like Me… Be Alcohol Free”. Radio Ads will be done, as well as billboards and other media and work on the campaign will continue.

Shock Trauma Presentation

Kia said a presentation would be held March 19th at the Addictions Office & the 20th at NCHS by Nurses from the Shock Trauma Center to present to parents the dangers of alcohol and teenagers and walk them through how parents are affected through the Shock Trauma experience from an underage drinking and driving vehicle accident.

Karen reported that there will be an attempt to combine the SHOP students’ social marketing effort with this event by having them do a presentation at these events.

Jim Gossage made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:10, Lisa Wallace seconded the motion and it was carried.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009 – 12:00-2:00p – HAPS Bldg Rm. 110, Denton