Columbia Falls Youth Baseball 2016
We are super excited and gearing up for the upcoming 2016 baseball season!
The Columbia Falls Baseball Association is made up of volunteers who are passionate about bringing a fun and educational baseball experience to children 4 to 12 years of age. These young players compete in 4 different leagues according to age (T-Ball, Rookie, Minor & Major).
Columbia Falls Baseball provides opportunities to be involved in baseball activities starting in February with weekly Winter Workouts for the Minor and Major Leagues. April brings the regular season for all leagues and continues on thru the beginning of June. Finally, the All-Star League (a travel team picked on individual assessment through try-outs) begins in June and lasts through July.
Winter Workouts will be held on Mondays for the Minor League and Thursdays for the Majors.
The first Minor League Winter Workout will start on Monday, February 15th and Thursday, February 18th for the Major League. All Winter Workouts will last from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Glacier Gateway Gym. For all Minor / Major League players to participate in workouts, he / she must have a Waiver signed prior to his / her attending.
Minor / Major League Assessments will be held Sunday, March 13, 2016 at Glacier Gateway.
The Minor League assessments are from 1:00pm - 3:00pm and 3:30pm - 5:30pm for the Major League.
From this point, teams will be created and coaches assigned. Each Minor and Major League Coach is given 3 time slots a week to hold practices at the Sapa/Johnsrud Complex. T-Ball and Rookie Teams will hold practices at either Mosquito Flats or Hoerner Fields.
All games / practices for our T-Ball division will be played at either Mosquito Flats or Hoerner Fields. Rookie Division will be played at either Sapa / Johnsrud Complex or Hoerner. Minor League will be played at the Sapa / Johnsrud Complex, and Major League games will be played at either the Sapa / Johnsrud Fields or at the field complex in Whitefish.
This year Columbia Falls Baseball will once again be selling Worlds Finest Chocolates as our Fundraiser. An extra $20.00 has been added to this year's Registration Fee. Each player will receive 20 chocolate bars with their uniforms that can be sold or eaten. The choice is yours! You have the option to purchase more chocolates in case quantities on your registration form.
We are looking forward to another great baseball season. Let’s Play Ball!!!
Please mail to P.O. Box 699, Columbia Falls, MT 59912 by March 15, 2016
Make checks payable to: Columbia Falls Baseball Association
2016 Columbia Falls Baseball Player Registration Form
Player’s Full Name:
Mailing Address: City/State/Zip:
Physical Address (if different): City/State/Zip:
Player’s Date of Birth: M / F Age as of May 1, 2016:
Telephone (h): (w): (c): Preferred Contact #:
Parent / Guardian Name: Relationship to Player:
Email Address:
(* Email address provided will be used for notifications regarding Announcements / Schedules / Game Changes / Coaches / Etc. *)
Total Years of Baseball Experience: Shirt Size: (Please specify Youth or Adult)
Did your child play last year: Yes NoTeam Name:
Columbia Falls Baseball will have shirts similar to those given to Minor / Major League players in Adult sizes for $20.00.
If interested, please provide the following: Size (Adult) Total #
Parent / Guardian participation is required by the league for all 4 year olds. / 4 thru 6 / $65.00
Rookie / 7 thru 8 / $65.00
If you would like to have your 8-year participate in the Minor Division, he/she is required to attend Assessments and participate in Winter Workouts so that he/she can be evaluated. / 9 thru 10 / $80.00
Major / 11 thru 12 / $90.00
I am aware there is a risk of being injured as a result of participation in this sport. I will allow the above-named minor to participate in league-sponsored activities. I hold harmless and waive any and all liability on the part of Columbia Falls Baseball, the City of Columbia Falls, Columbia Falls School District, managers, coaches, staff, umpires, board members, and other volunteers. I authorize the officers, coaches, and other volunteers of Columbia Falls Baseball to transport as required the above-named minor to and from league sponsored activities. I, hereby, consent to all necessary medical treatment for the above-named minor until such time that parent/guardian can be reached.
Please be aware of the following allergies and/or problems:
Notify in Case of Emergency: Phone:
Name of Physician: Phone:
Parent/Legal Guardian Name: Date:
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:
T-Ball and Rookie Division players are all given a T-SHIRT and HAT to keep once the season has concluded.
Minor and Major Division players are issued LEAGUE OWNED pants and jerseys, which MUST be returned upon the last game of the regular season ending tournament. If the uniforms and/or equipment supplied are not returned upon the last game, the PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN will be RESPONSIBLE for a $60.00 replacement fee. Hats are for the players to keep.
Print Parent / Legal Guardian Name: Date:
Parent / Legal Guardian Signature:
The success of Columbia Falls Baseball is due to the thousands of volunteer hours spent every year. Volunteers are always needed. Please visit with your player’s coach for more information regarding the different ways you can volunteer. We are looking forward to a great season!
Columbia Falls Baseball Association is now required to process Background Checks on all potential volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering and have not completed a Background Check within the past three (3) years for CFBA, you MUST complete the following information. Thank You!
Volunteer Enrollment & Release for Background Check
Name: Email:
Phone #: Cell #:
Please circle any of the following areas you may be able to help with:
Coach Assistant Coach Umpire Team Parent Field Prep
To Whom It May Concern:
I have applied for a volunteer position with the Columbia Falls Baseball Association as a coach, assistant coach, umpire, or team parent. In connection with this application, I hereby authorize the Columbia Falls Baseball Association to obtain any records available, which refers to my criminal history.
I hereby authorize any person or agency which receives this release from the Columbia Falls Baseball Association to release any information concerning me that is maintained in said person(s) or agency(s) files including information of a confidential or privileged nature. I hereby release any person or agency, which releases such information to the Columbia Falls Baseball Association, and the State of Montana from any liability or damage that may result from furnishing the information requested.
Please provide any information concerning the below individual to the following address:
Columbia Falls Baseball Association
P.O. Box 699
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Applicant’s SignatureDate Signed
Full Name:
Other Names Used (including maiden name):
Address: City: Zip:
Place of Birth (City / County / State):
Date of Birth: Social Security #:
Driver’s License # / State:
Columbia Falls Baseball Association Use Only:
Application Reviewed By: Date:
Application Status: Accepted Rejected
Expiration / Renewal Date (3 years from approval date):
Player’s Name:
Player’s Age: Date of Birth:
Emergency Contact:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Consent to Medical Treatment and Waiver of Liability
I am aware there is risk of being injured as a result of participation in this sport. I will allow the above-named minor to participate in league-sponsored activities. I hold harmless and waive any and all liability on the part of Columbia Falls Baseball, the City of Columbia Falls, and Columbia Falls School District, managers, coaches, staff, umpires, board members and all other volunteers.
I hereby consent to all necessary medical treatment for the above-named minor until such time that a parent/guardian can be reached. Please be aware of the following allergies and/or problems:
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
Name of Physician Phone
Visit Our Website at: for up-to-date information / events / forms / schedules / etc.
Or email us at: