Feb. 4, 2011
President Larry opened the meeting at 7 p.m.
Flag Salute by Andy Anderson
Prayer by Bruce McCord
Guests:Ill.. Sir Jay Smith & Lady Janet
Ill. Sir Bright Bowe
Ill. Sir Frank Sullivan
Asst. Rabban Buck Buchanan
High Priest & Profit Floyd Johnson & Lady Sue
Oriental Guide Andy Anderson & Lady Mary Lynn
Ambassador George Jones & Lady Pat
Ambassasor Bill Holm
Circus Chair Glenn Edgemon
1st. V.P. Jay White
2nd. V.P. Keith Deaton & Lady Marilyn
3rd. V.P. Paul tunnel & Lady Annie
and Larry’s Lady Kathy
Dinner was served by Russ Campbell
Sunshine:Joe Sproul had cataract surgery today. Ed Schubert’s Lady Betty passed away last week.
Old business:Recycle box outside combination lock is 1811. This month we turned in $77.00,thanks to Balcom & Moe, Auto Machine & Supply & Frontier Telephone
Robert Yossef is fixing the plaster upstairs and sealing the beams on the outside.
Remodeling of the upstairs is done except refinishing the floor
New shirts were presented. $40.00 each if you are interested contact Larry
DUES ARE DUE. New rosters were available to nobles that have paidtheir dues
New business: Blue Lodge #153 is having a yard sale in the next couple of months
Also Blue Lodge #153 is having an All Masonic Night in Feb.
Reports: Clowns: Chuck Hall reported CBSC is having a Kraut Feed on Feb. 19th to benefit CBSC
LOH: Dan Martin, meets 2nd Monday at 6p.m.
Shurtah: Gary Buck, no meeting scheduled
Country Fair Barbeque: Sherry Martin. Annual meeting Feb. 12th and CFBBQ will do the dinner for March meeting at CBSC
Committees:Golf: Ray Schulz, tournament will be held June 5th @ Canyon Lakes
Screening Clinic, Larry reported it will be held April 9th at Dr. Ahart’s office
Parades: Bruce McCord ElKatif will need driver’s license info for insurance purposes for any drivers of the shrine vehicles
Program:Keith Deaton told about Abraham Lincoln, things you did not read in the History books
Drawing:50/50 Ginny Buck and Bright Bowe
Membership: Red Rutherford
Frank Sullivan, Farrell Clontz, Jim Lathein & Marilyn all won prizes
Divan: Liaison, Buck Buchanan told of events coming up at ElKatif.
2/12 Valentine dinner Dance, Davenport Hotel
3/12 St. Pats Parade
5/14 Spring Ceremonial
Potentate Jay Smith thanked all who attended the Potentate’s Installation, told of coming trips.June 24 thru 26 trip to Hells Canyon and the Alaskan Cruise. Next meeting will the Official Visit
Meeting was closed at 8:45