COLS Vol II—Cadet Guidance / 2013 /

Air Force JROTC

Cadet OfficerLeadershipSchool

of S.C.




COLS Information Sheet

COLS Parental approval slip

COLS/AFJROTC Physical Health Screening Questionnaire

Medical Release Form

Movie Release Form (up to PG-13)

Singapore Exchange Application and Information

Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission Release Form

Room Inspector Guidelines

Room Evaluation Form

Room Inspection Diagram #1—Bed Inspection

Room Inspection Diagram #2—Locker/Closet Arrangement

Room Inspection Diagram #3—Inspection Drawer Arrangement

Excellence/Discrepancy Report (Form 341)

Individual Cadet Evaluation Form

Personal Cadet Evaluation Form (By Flight Cadre)

Uniform Inspection Sheet

Drill Sequence

Drill Diagram

Drill Evaluation Form

Volleyball Rules

Volleyball rotation chart

Morning PT guidance

Representative COLS Schedule

PROVIDED SEPARATELY (will be provided at COLS, if not before)

Parade Procedures

Standardization/Evaluation Procedures and Philosophy

ICEP Reception and Hosting Plan

Field Day Procedures


1. Transport: Make sure you know your own transportation arrangements so you don’t get lost.

2.What Not To Bring: Don’t bring anything that you can’t bring to school such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products/materials, knives, or anything that could be remotely considered (or look like) a weapon. You will be expelled from COLS immediately and face school/district disciplinary actions.

NOTE: Electronic devices such as cell phones, IPODS, IPADS, other Tablet computers, computers, clock radios, CD players, etc., are prohibited at COLS. They must be turned in to the home unit instructor upon arrival (no later than 1245 on the first day of the encampment) if you used them on the trip to/from COLS.

3. Weekly Preparation for COLS: Attendees must run at least one timed mile (4 laps) on the school track each week supervised and documented by an ROTC leader or parent. Every cadet must run a mile every morning @ COLS. In addition, you WILL be required to take a specific COLS test prior to attending COLS and you must know basic drill to attend COLS. Finally, realize there is a run of about 2 miles on one day of COLS, so be ready!

4. General Items (Male and Female): One (1) Set of White Twin Bed Sheets, Pillow and Pillow Case;... Bath Robe & Shower Shoes;... Clipboard;... Notebook (take notes);... Pencil and Black Pen;... Laundry Bag;... Sneakers;... Swim Suit;... Gym Clothing (for morning PT and run);... White Athletic Socks;... Civilian Clothing (2 sets);... Shoe Polish;... Hangers for all shirts & trousers;... Combination Lock;... Solid Color Lightweight Blanket.

5. Personal Toilet Articles (Male and Female): Comb and/or Brush;... Soap/Dish;... Deodorant;... Toothbrush and Toothpaste;... 3 White Bath Towels (one must be for inspection drawer);... White Washcloth;... Shampoo.

6. Males Only: 5 T-shirts (white, no printing), Must have “U” or “V”- Neck;... 5 pairs of Black Socks;... 5 pairs of undershorts... 5 ea. Handkerchiefs;... Pocket Comb;... Razor & Blades (Electric OK);... Shaving Cream.

7. Females Only: Hose (must wear hose with uniform skirt);... 5 pairs of Black Socks;... Hair Dryer;... Underclothing (5 sets);... Baby Powder;... Shower Cap;... Curlers;... Other items as required.

8. Optional Items: Box Fan (24” or so);... Extension Cord;... Ben Gay;... Camera and Film;... Foot Powder;... Clothing Iron;... Band-Aids;... Aspirin;... Stamps and Stationary…a small exercise mat.

9. AF Uniform Miscellaneous Items: Flight Cap w/ insignia, Belt and Buckle, Ribbons (no medals), AF Oxford Shoes (no corfams for Basic cadets), 1 set of rank insignia (E-2 for “Basic cadets,” O-4 for “Cadre.”

10. AF Uniform Items On Loan from AFJROTC: 4 short-sleeved Shirts;.3 pairs of Trousers (slacks and/or skirts for females). No “over blouse” shirts for females (you are required to tuck in the shirt so bring shirts designed for that).

11. AFJROTC Utility Uniforms: This year, COLS will supply T-shirts and shorts for cadets as a utility uniform.

12. Caps: All cadets will be issued a navy blue baseball-type cap w/ embroidery on the front (to wear w/ utility uniform). Cadets will wear nametag on cap. Caps will have a flight/position designation and the nametag will be placed below it.

13. Deposit Required. Your instructor will inform you about the cost of COLS for cadets in your unit.

14. Other Expenses: You may wish to bring: $30.00 (approx) spending money or more if you want to purchase items from The Citadel Gift Shop. Your options to spend money are very limited at COLS given your lack of free time.

15. Passport: If you desire to be considered for the trip to Singapore in December 2013, you must bring a copy of your passport with a valid date of after July 2014 to COLS with you. See this volume and appendices for more instructions!

16. Other Forms: Make sure you have given your instructor all the forms required in the appendices of this Volume. Many of these forms must be signed by your parents/guardians.

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______(Name of Cadet) ______School


To The Cadet and Parent/Guardian: Please complete this form and return it to your JROTC unit instructor. We must have your information on file at the summer leadership school. Instructors will bring this form, along with the medical certification, medical release form and movie release to The Citadel. Return this completed questionnaire to your SASI or ASI (or USCG/NCC instructor), and advise them if you responded “no” to any of the questions below.

Any NO response will result in the inability of your child to participate in the Cadet Officer Leadership School.


1. Do you grant permission for your child to attend COLS?YES – NO

2. Do you understand that your child will be expected to participate in many challenging activities at COLS, some of which may be physically stressful? YES – NO

3. Do you understand that your child will be treated equally without regard to race/religion/ethnic origin and that nondiscrimination is the policy of the school? YES – NO

4. Do you understand that your child will be housed in relatively austere conditions that limit personal privacy (barracks rooms, communal showers, etc.)? YES – NO

5. Do you understand that your home unit instructor (or in the case of a time-constrained situation some other instructor or chaperone) may have to make decisions for your child’s welfare? YES – NO

6. Do you understand that we will make reasonable attempts to contact you in the event of a problem, but that the communication may occur after care is provided to the child? YES – NO

7. Do you understand that your child will not be allowed to contact you from Tuesday afternoon through Friday evening unless that communication is facilitated by an instructor or chaperone and that your child may NOT keep his/her cell phone for personal calls while at the encampment? YES – NO

8. Do you understand that your child will be expected to comply with the rules of the encampment and that violation of the rules may merit elimination of the child? YES -- NO

9. Do you understand that, upon elimination, you will be responsible for all bills and fees incurred due to removal of your child from the encampment? YES – NO

10. Do you understand that, upon elimination, we will expect you to remove your child from the encampment in an expeditious amount of time to preclude these fees? YES -- NO

I give permission for my child to participate in COLS. Use this contact information to contact me in the event that proves necessary. NCC issues will be handled according to ICEP rules.


(Printed Name of Parent/Guardian)(Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)


(Telephone number(s)) Attachment A2



To The Cadet and Parent/Guardian: It is mandatory to complete this screening form prior to participating in the Cadet OfficerLeadershipSchool. Return this completed questionnaire to your Instructor, and advise them if you responded “yes” to any of the questions below.

Any YES response requires clearance from a competent medical authority prior to participation in any physical activity. Must be cleared prior to arriving for COLS. (CIRCLE YES OR NO)

1. Has there been any significant change to your health in the past 6 months?YES - NO

2. Are you currently on a medical profile exempting you from PT activities?YES - NO

3. Has a physician ever indicated you have heart disease, heart or breathing troubles?YES - NO

a. Do you suffer from pains in your chest, especially with physical activity?YES - NO

b. Do you feel faint or have dizzy spells during or after physical activity?YES - NO

c. Do you have shortness of breath related to asthma or any other conditionYES - NO

which exercise could aggravate?

4. Have you experienced a significant weight change in the past 6 months?YES - NO

a. If “Yes”, indicate the estimated amount gained or lost: ___ lbs.

5. Have you ever been diagnosed or displayed symptoms of heat stress?YES - NO

6. Do you take any dietary, herbal or nutritional supplements, which contain any of the

following substances: Ephedra/Ephedrine, Guarana, Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine? YES - NO

  1. If “Yes,” please list:______

7. Do you have any other medical issues that may cause a safety concern during YES - NO

physical exercise?

a. If “Yes,” please :______


(Signature of Cadet) (Date)

I give permission for my child to participate in the physical activities conducted during COLS. These activities include running, push-ups, sit-ups, volleyball, marching, and other stretching and warm-up exercises.


(Printed Name of Parent/Guardian)(Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)

The Privacy Act of 1974 applies. The sole purpose of this form is to gather information to be used for screening a candidate for participation as an AFJROTC cadet in the AFJROTC Physical Training (PT) Program. This form is for internal use only. Disclosure is voluntary; however, failure to disclose will result in the inability to participate in the Cadet OfficerLeadershipSchool.


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(Print Cadet’s Last Name, Then First) (SSAN #) (State and Unit #) (Name of School)


MEDICAL CERTIFICATION. I certify that my child, named above, is physically qualified to participate in a one-week AFJROTC Cadet Officer Leadership School (COLS) at The Citadel. I understand that all cadets will be required to participate in all physical activities each day to include: running a timed mile, doing push-ups and sit-ups, standing and marching for several hours each day, as well as participating in volleyball and other sports. If at any time a cadet cannot participate in all phases of LeadershipSchool, the cadet will be sent home.

2. MEDICAL SITUATION. My child has the following medical situation:

A: Blood Type: (Optional)…….……

B: Currently on Medicine: (circle) Yes/No- If Yes, What?......

C: Recent/ Current Medical Problems? (circle) Yes/No-If Yes, What?......

D. Allergic to Medicine? (circle) Yes/No-If Yes, What?......

E. Physical Restrictions? (circle) Yes/No-If Yes, What?......

3. ESTIMATE FOR CITADEL CLINIC USE: Visit ($25.00), X-Ray ($30.00), Lab Test ($15.00), Medication (@ Citadel's Cost).

4. MEDICAL ATTENTION PERMISSION. I grant permission for the JROTC Instructors to obtain any required medical attention for my child in the event I can't be reached.


A. I, the parent or legal guardian of the AFJROTC/USCG/NCC Cadet named above do hereby certify that I have authorized my child to attend the COLS special camp to be held on the campus of "The Citadel" the Military College of South Carolina.

B. I further certify that I release The Citadel from any liability for injuries which my child might sustain while participating in all activities which will take place on The Citadel campus or other Citadel property as a part of the program developed; by the AFJROTC faculty and staff. My child is covered under medical insurance with the ______company. Policy # ______. Medical/accident insurance provided by COLS is a first payer policy that has limited coverage and requires prompt attention to paperwork and filing deadlines.

C. I further certify that my child is fully covered for health and accident insurance under such policies as I currently have in place or will obtain specifically for the period of this camp, and that I will fully reimburse The Citadel for any costs which might be incurred in the provisions of medical care for my child while participating in the special camp.

6. Citadel Recognition And Assumption of Risk Agreement. I, the undersigned parent/ legal guardian of above named cadet, authorize said child’s full participation in COLS, including related camp activities. It is my understanding that participation in the activities that make up COLS is not without some inherent risk of injury. As such, in consideration of my child’s participation in COLS I covenant not to sue the camp program, The Citadel, The State of South Carolina, their officers, servants, agents, or employees and release, waive, and discharge said parties from any liability, claims, demands, action, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by my child, whether caused by the negligence of the releasees, or otherwise while participating in such activity, or while in, or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted. I acknowledge that COLS is not operated or controlled by The Citadel.

7. Cadet Agreement. I also agree to follow all instructions and procedures in order to maintain a maximum level of safety.

8. AFJROTC/Home School Release. For and on behalf, my personal representative, heirs, and assignees, I hereby release and discharge the Department of Defenseand its Military Departments, the Department of Homeland Security and the US Coast Guard, my School District, my High School, their agents, servants, or employees from any and all claims for property damages and/or personal injury or death resulting from participation in this camp.

9. Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Officer Leadership School of S.C. Release. For and on behalf, my personal representative, heirs, and assignees, I hereby release and discharge the Board of Directors of the Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Officer Leadership School of S.C., and their agents, servants, or employees from any and all claims for property damages and/or personal injury or death resulting from participation in this camp.

10. AUTHENTICATION. Signed this …… of ………………………………..,…...

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Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian (Signature of Cadet)

………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..

Printed Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (Printed Name of Emergency Contact)

…………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………..

Address (Include City & Zip Code) (Area Code & Home Phone of Emergency Contact

H:……………………………… W:………..…………………. …………………………………………………..

1. Parent (Area Code) & Home Phone, Work Phone (Area Code & Work Phone of Emergency Contact)

Comments: (note: these do not alter the agreements stated and agreed to above) ______


………………………………………………… ……..……………… ……………………………..

(Print Cadet’s Last Name, Then First) (State and Unit #) (Name of High School)

PURPOSE: To obtain permission to show your son or daughter a PG-13 movie at COLS. This is a traditional aspect of COLS. However, we have been limited in the selection of movies with COLS appropriate themes about leadership, military life, international affairs, etc., because we have not had parental permission. Essentially, this had led to “cartoon night” and, while that may have merit, we believe we could better serve the students by showing a movie that has lessons that are more appropriate to a leadership training venue. This form allows us to obtain that permission.

RESTRICTIONS: At COLS, we will only show movies with a PG-13 rating or less. In extreme cases (CD/DVD failure, etc.), we may substitute another movie but only up to the PG -13 rating.

The following is the description of what PG-13 means:

DEFINITION OF A PG-13 MOVIE. Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. This signifies that the film rated may be inappropriate for pre-teens. Parents should be especially careful about letting their younger children attend. Rough or persistent violence is absent; sexually-oriented nudity is generally absent; some scenes of drug use may be seen; one use of the harsher sexually derived words may be heard.


Title: Apollo 13 or October Sky (both are space exploration films)

Rating: PG

Rating Reason: Rated PG for crude humor and mild language.

Distributor: Universal Studios

INSTRUCTIONAL CONTROLS: This movie session is in a group setting. Typically all students attend, and members of the instructional staff are present. At no time are students left unsupervised, and the restrictions on behavior are enforced. Students are expected to remain quiet and watch the movie, and failure to comply may result in dismissal from COLS and failure to graduate.

ALTERNATIVES: Should you not grant permission, the student will sit quietly in the alcove of the auditorium for the duration of the movie at which time he/she will rejoin the rest of the students. He/she will be instructed to bring a book to read. Please send a book along with personal possessions to COLS in this case.




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Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian (Signature of Cadet)

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Printed Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (Printed Name of Cadet)


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