Colorado Early Childhood Workforce Survey

Frequently Asked Questions

Purpose of the Survey

What is the Colorado Early Childhood Workforce Survey?

The survey is a way to learn more about those working in the field of early childhood in Colorado. The survey contains questions related to participants’ education, role, compensation, and working environment. The goal of the survey is to learn more about the benefits and challenges working in early childhood settings in Colorado.

Why should I complete the survey?

Your voice and perspective is important. Responses from the survey will be used to develop the State’s next plan to support and promote the early childhood workforce. Additionally, results will be used to inform the development of pilots around early childhood workforce recruitment, retention, and compensation.

Why are you conducting the survey, and how will responses be used?

We recognize the critical role of the early childhood workforce – the teachers, directors, family child care professionals and others – that support families in Colorado and help young children thrive. Therefore, it is important that we are attracting and keeping talented professionals in early childhood in Colorado. We need to hear from those working in early childhood to better understand the challenges of working in early childhood settings.

We will use results from the survey to update the State’s Early Learning Professional Development System Plan and to create innovative strategies to address recruitment, retention, and compensation in the field.

Who should complete the survey?

The survey is for all working in the field of early childhood in Colorado. There are additional, more in-depth questions for directors/administrators, teachers, assistants, and family child care professionals. It is important to gather feedback from as many people as possible to best understand the experiences of the early childhood workforce throughout the State.

Who is conducting the survey?

The survey is being conducted by the University of Colorado, Denver and NORC at the University of Chicago as a part of the Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce in Colorado project- an innovative public-private partnership between Early Milestones Colorado, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), and the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS). Philanthropic partners include Gary Community Investments and the Buell Foundation.

Taking the Survey

How long will it take to complete the survey?

Depending upon your role, it should take between 15 – 30 minutes to complete the survey. We know this will take some time and thought to do, and we appreciate your willingness to contribute your ideas and thoughts.

How long will the survey be open?

The survey will be open until December 23, 2016.

How do I access the Survey?

To take the survey, please go to:

To return to a survey in progress, please go to:

Please remember not to register for the survey twice.

Data Privacy

Who will see my responses?

It is important that those taking the survey feel comfortable providing honest feedback and opinions. Your answers will be kept confidential. Your responses will only be shared publicly in aggregate form – in other words - as a part of a group. (Such as 15% of people agree that early childhood teachers are a key part of young children’s development.) Additionally, we only ask for your name if you would like to receive professional development credit or to enter the prize drawing. To do this, we send you to another survey to enter this information. This method prevents the linking of anyone’s survey responses with their names.

Will I be asked for my name?

You will be asked at the end of the survey if you would like to be entered in a drawing for prizes or would like to receive professional development credit for your time. If so, you will be asked to enter your name, email, and date you took the survey. This information is NOT connected to your survey responses and will only be used to send your Certificate of Completion of the survey or to contact you if you were selected for one of the survey prizes.

Incentives and Professional Development Credit

Are there incentives for participation?

The survey will take some time and thought to complete. As such, we will be providing 2 hours of professional development credit for survey completion. If you choose, you will also be entered into a drawing to win one of 10 $200 cash awards and one free admission to the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference.

How and when will I receive my certificate for completing the survey?

Please make sure to click on the link at the end of the survey to enter your information if you would like to receive professional development credit.Your certificate will be emailed to you using the email you have provided. It will be sent to you 2-3 weeks after completion of the survey.

How will my credit show up in PDIS?

After you receive your certificate, you can upload it in the Credential Section of the PDIS. More information for how to do this can be found here (page 25):

Who can I contact for more information about the survey?

For more information, please contact r contact Christi Chadwick at Early Milestones Colorado