COLONY NAME: ______Colony of Theta Tau
Note: All questions refer to the period January 1 through June 30 for the report due July 15 and July 1 through December 31 for the report due January 15.
I.Permanent Colony______
Mailing Address______
E-mail Address______
A.Elected officers. Include current address, telephone, and e-mail address.
(Use separate sheet if necessary or attach colony roster with officers identified.)
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
B.Appointed Officers
Rush Chair.
Prof. Dev. Chair.
Social Chair.
Pledge Chair.
Petition Chair.
1. Number of colony members who are Grad Students ____ Graduating Seniors ____
Other Seniors ____ Jr ____ So ____ Fr___ Total Student Membership ____.
B. Recruitment
1.Number of members initiated: ____
Length of their pledging period: ____ weeks.
2.Number of current pledges: ____
Their expected initiation date: ______
1.Number of student members not returning to your school after this term ____
2.List the names of any persons who no longer wish to be affiliated as colony members:
A.When and where are your regular meetings held?
B.Number of meetings _____
C.Frequency of meetings ______
D.Average percent attendance at meetings ______
E.Percent of meetings opened and closed with colony ritual ______
F.Does the Recording Secretary take minutes at meetings? ____
G.Are they read and approved at the following meeting? ____
H.Do the officers plan a meeting agenda? ____
A.List all local dues and fees that are charged to your members and pledges.
B.List the name(s) and amount(s) owed of any members indebted to the colony.
C.List income from other sources.
D.Total value of liquid assets $______
VI.Professional Development
A.How many P.D. speakers and tours has your colony sponsored? _____ Please list.
B.List and briefly describe any other P.D. events in which your colony has been involved.
C.Percent of members belonging to an honor society ______or technical society ______.
D.List members who are officers in above, including office and organization.
VII. Visitation
A. List visits to other chapters and colonies. Include date, number of members making the trip and the round trip distance.
B. Member miles ______. Use the following formula:
Trip(X)=Round trip distance x number of members going
Member miles=Trip(1) + Trip(2) + Trip(3) …
VIII. Social
A.How frequently does your colony have social events?
B. List types of social activities in which your colony participates.
Did your colony publish a newsletter? ____ If so, did distribution include all Theta Tau chapters, colonies, & national officers? ____ All of your student members & alumni? ____
A.Has your colony established a housing corporation? ____
If so, what is its legal name and who are the officers?
B. Does your colony have a system whereby each initiate is obligated to pay into a
headquarters fund? ____
1.If so, describe how it operates (include amounts and payment periods).
2. Current value of Headquarters Fund: $_____; additional sum pledged to date: $_____
C. Briefly describe any additional plans your colony has for obtaining a headquarters.
XI.Campus/Community Service
List all projects in which your colony has been involved, including % participation in each.
XII. Sports
List intramural sports in which your colony participated this term with % participation.
XIII. Reporting
During this term these forms have been submitted to the Central Office:
1.Pledge FormsYes ____No ____
2.Pledging Report and fee paymentYes ____No ____
3.Pledge Tests parts A & BYes ____No ____
4.Colony Initiation ReportYes ____No ____
5.Officer Election ReportYes ____No ____
6.Semiannual Dues Report and PaymentYes ____No ____
7. Membership Status Change FormYes ____No ____
XIV. List other accomplishments, comments, suggestions, or concerns on additional sheet(s).
Signatures: President ______
Recording Secretary ______Treasurer ______
Adviser ______Date ______
Please mail completed form to Theta Tau Central Office, 1011 San Jacinto, Suite 205, Austin, TX, 78701, email to , or fax to 512/472-4820.