The Kite Runner (2003)

Khaled Hosseini

Discussion CircleInstructions

  • Using the questions provided as a guide, be prepared to lead a 30 minute discussion and solicit student responses to your assigned sections of the novel. Use creative ideas to engage the audience through activities, tasks, or other interactive components.
  • Plan responses based on the questions provided about culture and literary technique. These should be used as a guide for which to address the other questions. Brainstorm ideas within your group to present to the class.
  • The inner circle will be responsible for discussing the questions in depth, providing opportunities for everyone to speak, and participating through speaking and listening.
  • Make sure to include compelling audio-visual material to enhance your key points. Quotations from the novel are expected and MUST be visible to the class as part of your presentation.
  • The outer circle will be responsible for listening to the discussion, taking notes to improve their homework answers, and considering additional comments/ questions.

Colonel By Discussion Circle RubricName(s):______

Ontario Curriculum Specific Expectations / Level R
below 50% / - Level 1 +
50-52% 53-56% 57-59% / - Level 2 +
60-62% 63-66% 67-69% / - Level 3 +
70-72% 73-76% 77-79% / - Level 4 +
80-86% 87-94% 95-100%
Reading: Reading for Meaning
1.4 Make and explain inferences of increasing subtlety about texts, supporting their explanations with well-chosen stated and implied ideas from the texts
1.6 Analyse texts in terms of the ideas, issues, or themes they explore, examining how various aspects of the texts contribute to the presentation or development of these elements / · Inadequate knowledge of text
· No direct references to the primary text or supporting quotations / · Overly simplistic knowledge of text
· Justifies with limited direct evidence from the primary text / · Some basic understanding of text
· Justifies with superficial direct evidence from the primary text / · Considerable understanding of text
· Justifies with appropriate direct evidence (examples + quotations) from the primary text / · Very good to masterful understanding of text
· Justifies with thorough and persuasive direct evidence (examples + quotations) from the primary text
Reading: Reading for Meaning
1.5 Extend understanding of texts by making appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights
1.8 Identify and analyse the perspectives evident in texts, commenting on any questions they raise about beliefs, values, identify, and power / · No or very little analysis or appreciation of :
1) Relevance of time & place
2) Social & Cultural context
3) Issues with Culture
4) Authorial techniques / · Highly inadequate analysis and appreciation of :
1) Relevance of time + place
2) Social + Cultural context
3) Issues with Culture
4) Authorial techniques / · Limited or overly simplistic analysis and appreciation of :
1) Relevance of time + place
2) Social + Cultural context
3) Issues with Culture
4) Authorial techniques / · Effective analysis and appreciation of :
1) Relevance of time + place
2) Social + Cultural context
3) Issues with Culture
4) Authorial techniques / · Sophisticated and insightful analysis of :
1) Relevance of time + place
2) Social + Cultural context
3) Issues with Culture
4) Authorial techniques
Oral: Speaking to Communicate
2.3 Communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style effective for the purpose, subject matter, and audience
2.1 Communicate orally for a range of purposes, using language appropriate for the intended audience
2.5 Use a variety of vocal strategies, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume effectively
2.6 Use a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact effectively / · Content is not organized or structured
· Consistently inaudible
· Consistently inappropriate tone and/or diction
· Little evidence of non-verbal cues to engage audience / · Content is very poorly organized or structured
· Volume often too low
· Limited effort to use appropriate tone and/or diction
· Uses some non-verbal cues to engage audience / · Content organized and structured to a limited degree
· Volume sometimes too low
· Somewhat appropriate tone and diction for formal presentation and/or lacklustre engagement of audience
· Somewhat effective non-verbal cues to engage audience / · Content is effectively organized and structured
· Effective voice projection
· Uses enthusiastic and appropriately formal tone and diction
· Effectively uses non-verbal cues to engage audience / · Content is thoroughly organized and structured
· Highly effective voice projection
· Uses very enthusiastic tone and engaging diction to add emphasis
· Uses compelling non-verbal cues to highly effectively engage the audience
Oral: Speaking to Communicate
2.2 Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of
interpersonal speaking strategies and adapt them to suit
the purpose, situation, and audience
2.4 Use appropriate words, phrases, and terminology, and variety of stylistic devices to effectively communicate their meaning and engage their audience
2.7 Use a variety of audio-visual aids effectively to support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an audience / · No or inadequate interactive elements included
· No demonstration of interaction with audience
· No acknowledgement of audience’s involvement
· Missing visuals or visuals are not incorporated / · Overly simplistic interactive elements are included
· Demonstrates very limited interactions with audience
· Very limited acknowledgement of audience’s involvement
· Visuals are ineffective and superficially incorporated / · Some attempt to include interactive elements and engage audience
· Demonstrates somewhat limited interactions with audience
· Some acknowledgment of audience’s involvement
· Some effectiveness to visuals that are sparingly incorporated / · Effective plan followed to include interactive elements and engage audience
· Demonstrates reasonable interactions with audience
· Incorporates audience involvement into presentation appropriately through summary
· Considerably effective visuals are incorporated to enhance presentation / · Thoughtful and creative plan to compellingly engage audience
· Demonstrates enthusiastic and encouraging interactions with audience at all times
· Synthesizes presentation and audience involvement to aid understanding
· Sophisticated and engaging visuals are compellingly incorporated to enhance presentation