Section / : Thank you to select one of three sections of EWASH & TI Journal
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Publication type: / : Thank you to select one of three types of proposed publication by EWASH & TI Journal
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Title of the article in English [Taille 18 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - Left Alignment]
French version of the title [Fonte size 16 pt-Police Calibri - single spaced- Left Alignment]
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 and Fourth Author1
[Font size 11 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - justified alignment]
City, State, Country
City, State, Country
City, State, Country
[Font size 10 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - justified alignment]
[In Anglais) Include at least 5 keywords and a maximum of 8 words. They should not repeat the title of the manuscript.
[Font size 10 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - justified alignment] / AbstractEach manuscript must include an abstract in English and should contain at least 100 and at most 300 words. It should be concise and factual. It should have a structured form. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. References should be avoided in the abstract. Do not use abbreviations, special characters, math and formulae in your abstract. [Font size 11 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - justified alignment]
[In French] Veuillez fournir au moins 5 mots-clés et un maximum de 8 mots. Les mots-clés ne doivent pas répéter les termes du titre.
[Font size 10 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - justified alignment] / RésuméChaque manuscrit doit comporter obligatoirement un résumé en français et doit contenir entre 100 et 300 mots. Il doit être concis et factuel. Il doit avoir une forme structurée. Le résumé devrait indiquer brièvement les objectifs, les principaux résultats et les principales conclusions. Un résumé doit pouvoir présenter le travail de recherche indépendamment de l'article. Les références doivent être évitées dans le résumé. Ne pas utiliser d'abréviations, des caractères spéciaux, et des formules mathématiques dans le résumé. [Font size 11 pt - Police Calibri - single spaced - justified alignment]
  1. Introduction [Calibri, 12pt, Left alignment]

The text should be Calibril, 10pt, justified, 1.5 cm margins on side, 1.5 cm margin on top, 1.5 cm at bottom. Please use this template with this header and footer page [1].

  1. Materials and methods[Calibri, 12pt, Left alignment]

The text should be Calibril 10pt, justified, 1.5 cm margins on side, 1.5 cm margin on top, 1.5 cm at bottom. Please use this template with this header and footer page. The authors should gives in this section of the report a detailed account of the procedure that was followed in completing the experiment(s) discussed in the report.

  1. Results and discussion [Calibri, 12pt, Left alignment]

The text should be Calibril 10pt, justified, 1.5 cm margins on side, 1.5 cm margin on top, 1.5 cm at bottom. Please use this template with this header and footer page. In this part, the authors should explain the presented work in details and gives theoretical discussions [2], |3], [4]. The results may be presented as tables, figures and schemes. The authors must ensure that all tables (Tab. 1), figures (Fig. 1), schemes (Scheme 1) and Equation (Eq. 1) are cited in the text in numerical order.

Tableau 1 : Example of a table [Calibri, 10pt, Left alignment]

Rubrique 1 / Rubrique 2 / Rubrique 3
Rubrique 6 / Mot / Mot
Rubrique 7 / Mot / Mot
Rubrique 8 / Mot / Mot

Source: [Calibri, 8pt, Left alignment, unnumbered]

Figure 1 illustrates the cover of the EWASH & IT. Journal.

Figure 1 : EWASH & TI Journal

Source: [Calibri, 8pt, Left alignment, unnumbered]

  1. Conclusions[Calibri, 12pt, Left alignment]

The text should be Calibril 10pt, justified, 1.5 cm margins on side, 1.5 cm margin on top, 1.5 cm at bottom. Please use this template with this header and footer page. The conclusions section should come in this section at the end of the presented work, before the acknowledgements.

Acknowledgements[Calibri, 12pt, Left alignment, unnumbered]

The text should be Calibril 10pt, justified, 1.5 cm margins on side, 1.5 cm margin on top, 1.5 cm at bottom. Please use this template with this header and footer page. The acknowledgements come at the end of an article after the conclusions and before the notes and references. This unnumbered section is used to identify people who have aided the authors in accomplishing the work presented and to acknowledge sources of funding. The text should be Calibril 10pt, justified.

References and notes[Calibri, 12pt, Left alignment, unnumbered]

[1]A. Name1, A. Name2, “ Title of work”. Journal Title, vol. X, no. Y, pp. ZZZ–ZZZ, YEAR.

[2]A. Name 3, Ph.D. Dissertation, University name, year.

[3]A. Name1, A. Name2, “ Title of work”. Journal Title, vol. X, no. Y, pp. ZZZ–ZZZ, YEAR.

[4]A. Name 3, Ph.D. Dissertation, University name, year.

The text should be Calibril 10pt, justified. You can use [Zotero] a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, and cite your research sources. Please follow also this link : ………………

Good Luck!

Bonne chance !