College Panhellenic Council
Election Info Packet
Each packet contains the position descriptions for each officer and an application for both executive board officers and the other additional officers.
We are only accepting electronic submissions of your application. We have sent your president and delegate a copy of the applications, as well as they are posted online at To submit the application electronically, please save the document and email the attachment to CPC Advisor, Cambria Teter, at
You must be nominated first for us to accept an application, so please have your sisters or Panhellenic friends nominate you at the November 10th CPC Meeting if you would like to run for a CPC position(s). You can be nominated for up to 3 positions.
Applications are due by November 10th at 4:30 p.m.
If you have ANY questions please feel free to email the CPC President, Misha Cothran at , or CPC Advisor, Cambria Teter, at .
Nominations: Tuesday, November 10th, 2015
Applications Due: Tuesday, November 10th, 2015
Elections: Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Transition Officers Only: December 1st, 2015
Qualifications for officers are as follows:
● Officers shall be in good standing with the University and their sororities at the time of their election or appointment.
●Officers shall be active members within their chapters by the end of January following the annual November elections.
●All officers must have attained a 2.5 GPA for the semester immediately preceding their election or appointment. A 2.5 semester & cumulative GPA must be maintained while holding office.
●Serve an annual term from November to November.
●All executive officers on College Panhellenic Council must be able to attend all College Panhellenic meetings for the year they are elected, and must resign from office if they have any conflicts (class, regular group meetings, etc.).
●During an officer’s term, if more than two meetings or events are missed from an unexcused absence the officer shall be subject to termination of her office. The officer is allowed four excused absences during her term and shall notify the Secretary at least 24 hours in advance. Excused absences include sickness, emergencies and exams.
The CPC Executive Board Officers consist of 13 positions:
●President, VP of Administration, VP of Finance, Secretary, VP of Recruitment, VP of Judicial and Risk REduction, VP of Scholarship. Assistant VP of Recruitment, Service/ Philanthropy Chair, RHA Representative, Special Events Chair, Assistant Special Events Chair.
●Attend all College Panhellenic-sponsored events. If you cannot attend you must have an excused absence reported to the Secretary 24 hours in advance.
●Be responsible for training and guiding the subsequent officers.
●Attend all weekly Executive Board meetings; the CPC President will determine the time of such meetings.
●Missing these meetings or events counts toward your total absences allowed, as stated above.
●The Executive Board officers shall have voting rights along with chapter delegates and presidents.
○The Executive Board officers shall have one collective vote.
●Attend all Executive Board Retreats.
●Attend Flannels & Flapjacks during Homecoming Week.
●Follow and uphold all Panhellenic standards and ethics.
The President shall provide overall leadership for the council. The specific tasks of the President are to:
●Attend all College Panhellenic and President’s meetings, providing a replacement and 24-hour advance notification to the College Panhellenic Secretary if unable to attend.
●Serve as the undergraduate spokesperson for the Northern Arizona University Sorority system, the CPC President will be asked to sit on additional committees for the university.
●Ensure that each member of the Executive Board is performing the duties of their offices.
●Administer weekly College Panhellenic Council meetings and be knowledgeable about parliamentary procedure.
●Have weekly meetings with the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and/or the College Panhellenic Advisor to keep him/her up to date on College Panhellenic Council issues.
●Address issues within the Greek community, which do not comply with Greek standards.
●Maintain positive working relationships with Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol (GAMMA), the Order of Omega, the United Greek Council, and the InterFraternity Council.
●Maintain positive working relationship with key University student organizations.
●Attend all College Panhellenic Council activities and assist with any projects.
●Ensure all financial matters are conducted ethically and within established procedures.
●Work with the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and the College Panhellenic Advisor to address the concerns of the Fraternity and Sorority Life system with the University.
●Maintain a complete, up-to-date President’s file that includes Northern Arizona University Bylaws, standing rules, the budget, the NPC Manual of Information and contact information of the NPC area advisor.
●Attend the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV) regional conference each year.
●Meet with Secretary bi-weekly.
The Vice-President of Administration shall assist the President with the administrative duties of running the College Panhellenic Council. The specific duties of this Vice President are to:
●Perform the duties of the President in her absence.
●Have direct supervision over all committee chairs.
●Coordinate the committee assignments
●The Vice President of Administration shall provide overall leadership for the Junior College Panhellenic Council. (Junior College Panhellenic Council will be run from October to April each year)
●Have overall responsibility for the operation of Junior College Panhellenic Council.
●Coordinate all regular and special meetings of the Junior College Panhellenic Council.
●Provide knowledge and understanding of the goals, ideals and purposes set forth by the College Panhellenic Council.
The Vice President of Finance shall serve as the financial manager of the College Panhellenic Council. The specific tasks of the College Panhellenic Vice President of Finance are to:
●Supervise the finances of the Northern Arizona University College Panhellenic Council.
●Prepare and distribute each officer’s budget at the beginning of each semester and keep each officer informed on the status of her budget.
●Make and maintain a semester budget for the College Panhellenic Council with advisement from the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and/or College Panhellenic Advisor.
●Receive all payments due to the College Panhellenic Council, impose fines, collect dues, and give necessary reimbursements.
●Maintain up-to-date financial records and give a financial report at the end of each semester.
The College Panhellenic Secretary shall update and maintain College Panhellenic records. The specific tasks of the Secretary are to:
●Keep attendance for the College Panhellenic Council and College Panhellenic Executive Board meetings.
●Keep detailed minutes of College Panhellenic and Executive Board meetings and distribute College Panhellenic meeting minutes within 72 hours of the meeting to each chapter, the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Fraternity & Sorority Life Graduate Assistant.
●Create and maintain a telephone list that includes members of the College Panhellenic Council, InterFraternity Council, United Greek Council and each individual Chapter’s President and Delegate.
●Create and maintain a list of chapter meeting times and dates.
●Maintain historical documents, event information, and take pictures. Create a digit or handmade scrapbook of the CPC year.
The Vice President of Recruitment shall establish the College Panhellenic Recruitment program. The specific tasks of the Recruitment chair are to:
●Maintain positive relations with the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, through attending weekly meetings with the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and/or College Panhellenic Advisor beginning in the spring semester.
●Serve as the liaison between the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life and all sorority chapters for recruitment matters.
●Maintain organized up-to-date, accurate files and a Recruitment timeline.
●Participate along with the Assistant Vice President of Recruitment, College Panhellenic Advisor and Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life in the process of selecting Recruitment Counselors.
●Organize and implement Formal Recruitment.
●Assist all sorority chapters with implementing Continuous Open Recruitment (COR).
●Create the fall recruitment brochure, in cooperation with the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and/or College Panhellenic Advisor.
●Assist in the training of Recruitment Counselors.
●Maintain an accurate, up-to-date record of recruitment schedules, rules and regulations, and distribute them to the appropriate sorority officer.
●Maintain current Potential New Member statistics, including the numbers of who begins recruitment, the number attending recruitment parties, reasons why Potential New Members drop out of recruitment, and the number of women accepting bids.
●Schedule and attend all recruitment advisor and recruitment meetings.
●The Vice President of Recruitment must be available to easily communicate with the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and the College Panhellenic Advisor during the summer months.
The Vice President of Judicial & Risk Reduction shall encourage the understanding and implementation of effective risk management policies and procedures. The specific tasks of the Vice President of Judicial are to:
●Stay current on organizational sanctions.
●Serve as the College Panhellenic Council liaison to the National Panhellenic Conference standards.
●Serve as a member of the Formal Recruitment Team & as a Recruitment Counselor.
●Create and implement events that help promote risk reduction.
●Present Judicial procedures once a semester.
The Vice President of Scholarship shall encourage high academic achievement among the members of the NAU College Panhellenic Council and provide specific programs to ensure academic success. The specific tasks of the Vice President of Scholarship are to:
●Keep record of the current academic status of each chapter.
●Reward good scholastics, the best GPA and chapter members who achieve above a 3.5 average with an awards ceremony.
●Support the Greek community to improve the overall Greek GPA.
●Ensure that the timing of major campus sorority events does not interfere with heavy academic times, such as midterms, reading week, or finals week.
●Verify with the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life to ensure that all College Panhellenic officers maintain the required 2.5 GPA each semester.
●Shall serve as the chair of the Scholarship Committee throughout their term in office.
●Plan and implement events to recognize the NPC Month of the Scholar (February).
The Assistant Vice President of Recruitment shall be the assistant to the elected Vice President of Recruitment. She must have been through Formal Recruitment on the sorority side at least once. The specific tasks of the Assistant Vice President of Recruitment are to:
●Perform the duties of the Vice President of Recruitment in her absence.
●Participate, along with the Vice President of Recruitment, President,
College Panhellenic Advisor and the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life in the process of selecting Recruitment Counselors.
●Have responsibility of training and supervision of Recruitment Counselors.
●Have working knowledge of National and College Panhellenic recruitment rules and guidelines.
●Assist the Vice President of Recruitment in planning Continuous Open Bidding events.
●The Vice President of Recruitment must be available to easily communicate with the President, Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life, and the College Panhellenic Advisor during the summer months.
●Maintain the NAU CPC Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
●Be in charge of licensing and apparel each semester.
The Service / Philanthropy Chair shall be an informational resource for community service projects and promote relations among the Flagstaff and University communities and the entire Greek system. The specific tasks of the Service / Philanthropy Chair are to:
●Coordinate all service and philanthropy events for the College Panhellenic Council.
●Oversee the Service / Philanthropy Committee consisting of volunteers from each chapter in conjunction with the IFC/UGC Representatives.
●Schedule events with Hope Cottage each semester.
●Deliver any donations for Hope Cottage in person along with the Executive Board.
●The Service / Philanthropy Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and planning all forms of service or philanthropic events dealing with the College Panhellenic Council.
●The Service / Philanthropy Committee shall meet on a regular basis throughout the academic year to plan Fraternity & Sorority Life wide service and philanthropy events.
●Ideally there will be an equal representation of all chapters in the Service / Philanthropy Committee.
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) Representative shall act as a liaison between the College Panhellenic Council and RHA. The specific tasks of the RHA Representative are to:
●Represent the College Panhellenic Council’s point of view at all RHA meetings.
●Act as a liaison among the Mountain View Hall Residence Hall Director, Graduate Assistant Residence Hall Director and all sorority housing mangers.
●Attend all RHA meetings.
●The RHA Representative will give updates about RHA and other Residence Hall events at the College Panhellenic Council meetings.
●The Special Events Chair shall oversee and coordinate the Special Events Committee in conjunction with the IFC Special Events Chair.
●This position requires attendance at all Greek Programming Board meetings (dates & times set per semester), Homecoming meetings, and present for all Greek Programming Board initiatives including St. Jude Letter Writing Campaign “Dear Jude,” Greek Week events, and Senior Prom.
●The Special Events Assistant will be present at all Panhellenic Special Events/Greek Programming Board Initiatives, and she will sit on the Panhellenic Exec Board. The idea is that in assisting the Special Events Chairwoman, the assistant will learn the process of Panhellenic events and will be a qualified person to take over that position at the end of her term, but is available to apply for other positions as well.
●The Special Events Assistant must be able to attend Greek Programming Board meetings (dates & times set per semester), Homecoming meetings, and present for all Greek Programming Board initiatives like Greek Week events and Senior Prom.
College Panhellenic Council
Executive Board Candidate Application
Name: Email:
Chapter: Major:
Year in School: Cumulative GPA:
Are you willing to commit to a one year term of office? (Nov. ’15-’16)
Circle One.
Yes No
No, why?
Position (s) Running For (3 maximum):
To be an eligible candidate you must be nominated at the College Panhellenic Council meeting on November 10th.
- Why do you want a position on the College Panhellenic Council Executive Board?
- Do you have any previous leadership experience that has prepared you for an Executive Board position?
- Give an example of a time when you’ve shown leadership? How did you lead others in that situation?
- What are you already involved with in your chapter? Fraternity & Sorority Life? NAU?
- How do you work under pressure? How well do you juggle a busy schedule as a member of a sorority, being a student and other campus involvements?
- What personal characteristics do you possess that will make you a unique addition to the College Panhellenic Council Executive Board?
- What are some goals or aspirations you have for the position (s) you are applying for?
- If elected into an Executive Board position, how will you make positive contributions within Fraternity & Sorority Life and the overall NAU community in your role?