



TheBoard of TrusteeshasadoptedBoardPolicy 4025which statesthespecific philosophy fortheassociatedegreeandgeneraleducationandwhichsubscribestothe BoardofGovernorspolicy. Thispolicystatesthattheassociatedegreesymbolizesa successfulattempttoleadstudentsthroughpatternsoflearningexperiencesdesigned todevelopcertaincapabilities andinsightincluding:

1. Theabilityto thinkandcommunicateclearlyandeffectivelyorallyandinwriting;

2. Use mathematics;

3. Understandthemodesofinquiryofthemajordisciplines;

4. Be aware of other cultures and times;

5. Achieveinsightsgainedthroughexperienceinthinkingaboutethicalproblems;


6. Develop thecapacityfor self-understanding.

Theaccreditationprocess(StandardII.A.3.)looksforassurancethatthisThephilosophy andcriteriaforthe associatedegreeandgeneraleducation areclearly stated electronicallyand/or inprintintheGeneral Catalog.

Thecurriculumdevelopment processandInstitutionalProgramReview effortsassurethatthe programsoftheDistrict areconsistentwiththeinstitutional mission,purposes, demographics andeconomicsofthecommunity.

AccreditationStandard II.A.3-5identifiesthecriteriabelow andtheCollegestrategiesto addressthecriteria areprovidedbelow:

A. AssociateDegreeCriteria:

  1. All degree programs include focused study in at least one area of inquiry or in an established interdisciplinary core. (Standard II.A.4) The College has identified Major and Certificate programs which are described in the catalog. Also included are the required and support courses and the potential for employment for each program.
  1. Students completing vocational and occupational certificates and degrees demonstrate technical and professional competencies that meet employment and other applicable standards and are prepared for external licensure and certification. (Standard II.A.5 14) The College's VocationalDivisionsrely on Advisory Committees to provideinformationconcerningemployerneeds and employmentstandards. Divisionswithdegrees/certificatesmandatedbylaw governedbyaregulatory agency assiststudentstomeettherequired competencies. Facultyworkwithareaemployersandwithinstructors from transferinstitutionstoensurethatthecurriculumisuptodateandmeetsneeds ofemployers.

B. GeneralEducationCriteria: General education hascomprehensivelearning outcomes forstudentswhocompleteit, including the following (Accreditation Standard II.A.3.a-c)

1. An understanding of the basic content and methodology of the major areas of knowledge. These areas include the humanities and fine arts, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The College's review process for the courses placed in these general education areas ensures that they meet the criteria for providing the appropriate levels of student knowledge and understanding.

2. A capability to be a productive individual and life-long learner. Skills include oral and written communication, computer literacy, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis/logical thinking, and the ability to acquire knowledge through a variety of means. The College's requirements for graduation with an associate degree include competency in writing, reading and computation. Courses meeting these requirements are clearly delineated in the catalog.

3. A recognition of what it means to be an ethical human being and effective citizen.

Qualities include an appreciation of ethical principles, civil and interpersonal skills, respect for cultural diversity, historical and aesthetic sensitivity, and the willingness to assume civic, political and social responsibilities locally, nationally, and globally. Student learning outcomes in ethics, citizenship and diversity have been developed in courses across campus.

C. RequirementsforGraduation: Requirements, as listed in the catalog. , are attached.

D. General Education Courses and Associate Degree: Philosophy and Criteria

Development Process: Board Policy 4025 also gives the Superintendent/President the authority, along with Academic Senate involvement, to establish procedures to assure that courses used to meet requirements for the associate degree and general education meet the established standards.

The process for developing general education courses assures that courses and programs are consistent with the College's mission, purposes, demographics and economics of the District. This process is outlined extensively in AP 4020 (Program Development, Approval, and Modification) and AP 4022 (Curriculum/Course Development, Modification, and Approval) and includes the following:

1. Proposal of course/program within divisions;

2. Review of course/program by Division Curriculum Committees;

3. Submission of proposed course/program to District Curriculum Committee for further review, discussion, determination of placement in the general education pattern following general guidelines in Title 5;

4. Approval of proposed course/program by the District Curriculum Committee;

5. Submission to Academic Senate for review and approval; and, lastly

6. Submission to Board of Trustees for approval and submission to Chancellor's

Office if necessary.

E. General Education Courses: Philosophy and Criteria Review and Update Process: The following process will be used to review and update the general education philosophy and curriculum:

1. The General Education Committee, a sub-committee of the greater District Curriculum Committee, will implement a comprehensive review of general education philosophy and curriculum prior to the commencement of the College Accreditation Self Study preparation.

2. Input from ALL divisions will be provided to the District Curriculum Committee for their approval and/or action and subsequent approval by the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees in sufficient time to be included in the Self Study document.

F. Associate Degree: Philosophy and Criteria Review and Update Process: The following process will be used to review and update Associate Degree programs and/or curriculum:

1. Discussions regarding changes in the Associate Degree philosophy will be conducted by the General Education Committee and District Curriculum Committee as per E.1-2 above.

2. Divisions will conduct this review as part of their Program Review.

3. Curriculum and/or program revisions, if identified, will proceed through the

District Curriculum Committee procedures (identified in AP 4020 and AP 4022)

The philosophy and criteria regarding general education references Board Policy 4025 provisions that general education should lead to better self-understanding, including:

  • General education is designed to introduce students to the variety of means through which people comprehend the modern world.
  • General education introduces the content and methodology of the major areas of knowledge and provides an opportunity for students to develop intellectual skills, information technology facility, affective and creative capabilities, social attitudes, and an appreciation for cultural diversity.

Academic departments review and propose new courses and revisions to current courses, certificates, programs, and/or majors based on changing industry standards and practices, baccalaureate transfer requirements, newly added associate degree standards, and/or recommendations from the Chancellor’s Office. The Curriculum Committee evaluates the content of every new and revised course, certificate, program, or major submitted for consideration to determine that it meets the criteria and philosophy of general education and the associate degrees.

Reference: Title 5, Section 55061, General Education Framework (adopted February 2015), General Education Outcomes55062, 55063; Accreditation Standards II.A.3-5. May 12, 2009

Step 1 / Step 2 / Step 3 / Step 4 / Step 5 / Step 6
La Serna
Acad. Services / 2-19-15
Sen. Mgmt. / 3-2-15
30 Day Review / 4-9-15
Sen. Mgmt. / 4-22-15
Acad. Senate / n/a