(Readiness & Warning - On your mark) / Level 2
(Deployment - Get Set)
(in addition toLevel 1 actions) / Level 3
(Implementation - GO)
(in addition to Stage 3 actions)
College of the Rockies(Courtesy of CarnegieMellonUniversity)
May 2009
Avian Influenza Response:
- Confirmed cases of human-to- human transmission of Pandemic flu [Canada / BC]
- Suspected case(s) on Campus or suspected/confirmed cases in East Kootenay Region / Cranbrook
- Confirmed case(s) on Campus [Only essential personnel required to report to campus].
Level 1
(Readiness & Warning - On your mark) / Level 2
(Deployment - Get Set)
(in addition toLevel 1 actions) / Level 3
(Implementation - GO)
(in addition toLevel 2 actions)
- Implement regular Emergency Operations Centre staff meetings
- Implement regular Emergency Planning Response Team Meetings re status of preparedness
- Monitor situation
- Contact Communications to coordinate email messages for students/staff
- Bring in Housing/Dining for quarantine planning.
- Gather updated Essential Personnel lists from responsible groups
- Schedule essential personnel for fit test & training on respiratory protection.
- Communicate with IHA re COTR Health Centre(s)
- Ensure that essential personnel (OFAAs, Health Centre, Facilities) have received N95 respirators and other necessary protective equipment, and training
- Prepare to activate Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and Planning & Response Team.
- Coordinate leadership role with the Planning & Response Team
- Implement methods of communications to alert staff/students when they should not come to campus
- Prepare to activate off-site EOC
- Respond to IHA requirements re activation of COTR Health Centre.
- Implement Communications Plan
- Activate off-site Emergency Operations Centre
- Update infection control liaisons re campus disease surveillance.
- Coordinate closure/ temporary closure of buildings with Facilities
- Coordinate temporary suspension of academic activities and implement academic plan
- Monitor situation and be prepared to gradually implement return to normal operations.
- Communicate with Cranbrook ESS, IHAand EOC regarding planning and surveillance.
- Communicate with college departments.
- Provide Team members and EOC with Pandemic Alert reports
- Update emergency action plan with Emergency Operations Management as situation evolves.
- Implement Communications Plan to issue communication(s) to campus community regarding status of disease spread, self protection and College response. (e-mail, website, town meetings)
- Notify Cranbrook ESS and Interior Health.
- Notify Student Affairs and Counselling.
- Notify Residence & Dining on number of potential contacts that may require isolation.
- Compose communications with Communications for the campus community regarding signs/symptoms, protocol for referral of suspected cases.
- Recommend temporary closure of building(s) and suspension of student and academic activities to EOC
- Respond to EOC directives re closure
- Implement Emergency Response Plans with or as directed by the EOC
- Respond to ESS / IHA closure of the College and/or campus(es)
- Ensure that each Operations Group function is covered.
- Update staff and students on a regular basis.
- Ensure that education and information, is disseminated.
- generic ‘flu and hand washing posters posted in all washrooms (Sept 06)
- generic ‘flu and hand washing information included in Student Handbook (Oct 06)
- Continue ongoing communications with external parties.
- Ensure that communications plan is operative re off-site EOC.
- Develop Website and be ready to “go live”.
- Write and record bulletins and updates on the College’s Reception Greeting & refer to COTR Website and email.
- Write scripts for phone tree as directed by the EOC. Activate phone tree as required.
- “Go Live” with Website; add information as required.
- Send email updates to all employees and students as directed by the EOC.
- Establish a Media Relations Centre, coordinate media releases and manage interviews.
- Communications Backup Personnel are put on standby.
- Continue all activities listed at Level 2 and escalate as directed by the EOC
1.Receive information from EOC
2.Work with Communications to review content of internal and external public information bulletins and announcements and provide student/staff with ongoing updates and information
3.Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S
4.Consider restricting movement on and off campus for activities/athletic events. / 1.Advise on response options.
2.Essential personnel receive N95 respirators from EH&S
3. Evaluate information on institutional effects and set response priorities as appropriate.
4. Follow Emergency Planning & Response Team directives /
- Provide oversight for student, staff, & faculty family notifications if appropriate.
- Authorize temporary suspension of classes or closure.
1. Manager of Facilities, Asst. Manager and staff.
2. Cross train all staff where required.
3. Confirm Building Systems and Security services. / 1. Contractor will act as backup re Mechanical problems
BUILDING SYSTEMS (HVAC, Electrical, Intrusion, etc.)
- Identify that system is operational
- Ascertain availability of HVAC professional services
- Order and install filters for units 15 and 17 HVAC
- Perform PM on systems (especially Mechanical)
- December 06 –Facilities is checking power plant load and requirements to ensure that the continuation of Boiler and Circulating perimeter heating are available to prevent freezing in case of a power outage.
- Dec 06 -- Facilities is checking boiler size to recommend size required for a backup generator purchase re Residence building to prevent freeze-up in the event of a power outage..
- Facilities staff will test power transfer to generator systems
- Order and install additional filters for other units as required.
- Facilities staff will be put on standby to transfer power from existing to generator systems.
- Contractor to act as backup re Mechanical problems
1, The Cranbrook Campus Health wing has been identified for use as a IHA Triage and Treatment Centre, if required.
2. Identify areas for additional Triage/treatment requirements, IHA staff emergency quarters, or quarantine.
3. Map the building to correspond with triage/quarantine. / 1. Carry out training for staff:
a. on potential triage areas;
b. how to evacuate and seal areas (HVAC)
1, Ascertain delivery time for supplier(s) to top up supply levels of: hand towels, paper towels, soap, bottled water, generators, first aid supplies, disinfectants, mops, buckets, janitorial supplies / 1. Order required supplies. / 1. Sandor Rental: larger generators available out of Edmonton and can be on-site in approx 2 days if available
1. Ascertain availability of equipment. / 1. Train personnel in the use of appropriate PPE.
2. Ascertain availability and obtain required PPE;
- Ascertain availability of Security personnel should Level 1 become critical or increase to Level 2 or 3.
- Provide additional security training to facilities staff to perform internal controls (security).
- Identify other departments’ staff that may have training, be available or could be trained to assist.
- Identify federal contact person to authorize use of military back-up for security.
- Establish plan to control various aspects / areas of facilities and grounds perimeter, building access, protection/control of various supply areas within the building
- Map areas of building controlled by Master Keys (A, B, C. D).
- Assist Residence with Security Services
- Re-affirm accuracy of site maps
- Contact Security for available additional personnel
- Contact Federal authority to request approval in principle for use of military support for security purposes.
- Identify area for housing additional external support personnel.
- Identify area to be used for housing in preparation of Level 3 Total Quarantine.
- Review plans to control various aspects/areas of facilities and grounds
- Perimeter (lock doors and patrol)
- Within building (keep everything locked, control issue of keys.
- Residence: provide relief backup for security
Essential Services:
1. Continue normal operations.
2. Ensure that enough credit is available to purchase immediate needs if Accounts Payable is unavailable.
3. Set up “Kit Bag’ (containing essentials required for continuation of specific services) to be available for immediate transfer to Hot Site.
4. Three employees are cross trained on AP/CR / As Level 1
1. Continue payment of utilities (to ensure utilities available) and vendor accounts. / As Level 1
1. Transfer ‘Kit Bag’ to Hot Site
2. Implement ‘cash access’ procedures if required.
1. Continue regular AP/CR operations.
2. Set up Electronic Payment procedures for major accounts
3, Establish list of account numbers to effect payment without a copy of the paper invoice.
4. Ensure that Banking Institution(s) are capable of accepting Electronic Payment Process.
5. Set up Vendor Accounts for on-line payment.
6. Provide Bursar/Designate with list of Vendor Accounts set up for on-line payment. / 1. Implement Electronic Payment Process for major accounts.
2. Implement remote server access.
3. Ensure that cash is deposited in the bank. / 1. Complete Electronic Payments from home computer or phone.
2. Transfer mail delivery to hot site, if possible.
3. If no mail delivery, staff may receive and pay invoices electronically.
1. Develop list of COTR Visa Card numbers and security information, to be used for purchase of emergent goods and services.
2. Research /purchase Personal Protective Equipment for Cash Receipts staff (e.g., electric bill counter; protective hand covering?) as handling money may be high risk re transference
3. Ensure that Purchasing contact information has been scanned into the electronic Card Reader. / 1. Provide Bursar and Designate with all COTR Visa Card numbers and security information.
2. Implement remote server access. / 1. Purchase from home, via email, phone, etc.
- Work with IHA to ensure that standard precautions are in place.
- Inventory and ensure that personal protective equipment is available.
- Assess respiratory protection plan and resources.
- Train Health Centre personnel on risk and response, avian flu, etc. as required.
- Train and fit essential personnel for respiratory as required
- Notify ESS and EOC if suspected cases are encountered.
- Set up isolated exam room
- Standard precautions in place
- Follow IHA/ESS protocol for patient testing.
- Monitor Health Care workers symptoms.
- Establish policy on transporting individual to hospitals.
- Arrange for negative pressure machines as required.
- Arrange for additional medical waste pickups.
- Distribute N95 to essential personnel
- Isolate and monitor suspected cases.
- Identify contacts of suspected case
- With the assistance of COTR EOC and Communications Hotline, communicate with parents of suspected cases and explain procedure.
- Initiate prophylaxis of contacts based on strength of patient presentation.
- Update COTR EOC
- Establish phone triage lines
- COTR and IHA/ESS to Initiates pre-event counseling for essential personnel.
- Assist with notification of Emergency Coordinators
- Assist ESS w/Health Care Center
- Activate isolation room in HealthCenter (negative pressure??)
- Locate people contacted by patient.
- Arrange for screening of people who have had contact.
- Arrange with HR for counseling services
- Contact Coroner’s office if necessary
- Communicate surveillance data to EOC Arrange for monitoring/delivery of medications, goods and services to isolated cases
- Post entry door notifying patients with influenza profile and have traveled to or have been visited by persons from affected countries
Enact planning for quarantine:
- With IHA, identify potential rooms and/or buildings to be used for individuals quarantined;
- With IHA, ensure emergency response menu is planned for various degrees of need.
- With IHA, stockpile additional food stuffs and water.
- With IHA, ensure food delivery process is planned and delivery supplies are on hand.
- Enact emergency phone contact tree.
- Identify meal delivery need and method for quarantined individuals.
- Identify roles of essential staff: leadership, communications, food production, food delivery, maintenance and housekeeping.
- Essential personnel receive N95 masks
2. COTR Health Care staff to assist Health Care Centre where possible.
a. Counselling (EFAP)
b. Information
c Reporting
3. Staff Recruitment / 1. Payroll
2. Benefits
a. Counselling (EFAP)
b. Information / 1. Payroll
2. Benefits
a, Counselling (EFAP)
b. Information
1. Provide EOC with a list of emergency contact information for all College staff.
2. Review notification procedures for external payroll distributor and group benefits, and insurance providers.
3. Ensure that essential and backup personnel are fit tested and trained on respiratory protection.
4. Review status of pay and benefits training for essential and backup personnel.
5. Review IT notification requirements to ensure remote desktops are set up at hot site.
. / 1. Prepare to notify external payroll distributor and group benefits, and insurance providers
2. Schedule meetings with essential and backup personnel to review work, scheduling, and relocation protocols.
3. Implement stay-at-home protocols. / 1. Implement payroll/auto pay process from remote location.
2. Notify external payroll distributor and group benefits, insurance providers.
1. Review notification procedures for EFAP provider. / 1. Prepare to notify EFAP provider.
2. Increase promotion of EFAP services
3. Enhance access to EFAP services (including on- site or face to face counselling – following screening of clients symptoms. / 1. Notify EFAP provider.
2. EFAP Telephone or online counselling for employees who are symptomatic or in quarantine;
3. EFAP trauma response in the event that an employee dies;
4. EFAP 24-hour telephone consultation for managers/ supervisors
1.Review status of HR Pandemic information kits, forms and other related materials and continue to update the Pandemic website. (incl. information re access to medical, extended and survivor benefits, counselling support, work at home/return to work policies), / 1. Working closely with the EOC, implement employee awareness sessions
2. Make information kits available
3. Ensure that the Website has the latest employee directives, pay, benefits, counselling support. / 1. Provide Website updates re information.
1. As may be required.
Review status and location of current competitions. / Prepare to suspend all recruitment. / Suspend all recruitment.
- Staffing: Jonathan Butt, Doug Wheeler, Steve Bonham, Susan Fleming, Jordan Osiowy
- Training: all IT staff to be trained in any special applications to be used by designated users.
- Staffing:
- Jonathan Butt
- Doug Wheeler, Steve Bonham
2. Close access to computers (labs, LRC, public areas).
1.Assess supplemental telecomm./computing hardware/software needs:
- Student Services / Registration
- Health Centre
- Communications
- Human Resources
- Telecommunications
- Finance
3.Develop plan for adding volunteers to pubic email addresses.
4.Develop plan for distributing telephone calls to homes or phone banks.
5. Check Staff Image for Library Laptops. /
- Purchase/contract for supplemental telecommunications/ computing hardware/ software needs
- Add additional phone lines to EOC, quarantine areas, and functional groups.
- Ensure that off-site EOC communications are immediately operable.
- Recall and cancel all loans of Library laptops
- Re-image laptops to staff configuration (Image may need to be updated)
- Install WAP in designated room at Off-site location (e.g., Gold Creek)
- Transport and configure printers to Off Site location
- Sign out laptops to designated staff.
- Run a full backup on all services.
- Gather equipment for Media center
- Publish messages from Communications and EOC on a periodic basis on COTRs web’s front page.
- Assist with email message distribution
- Set up podium and microphones for media center if required.
- Provide guidance for forwarding phones and setting up “bounce messages.”
- Collect cheque printer.
- Collect Payroll computers
- Transfer MSP Certificate info.
- Move 4250 Printer from Electrical Building to GC Admin Building.
1, Run configuration on spare WAP
2. Work with communications re: development of info posters re: cleaning.
Note cleaning implemented some time ago:
- Daily cleaning of public use computers (keyboard and mouse) in LRC and Student Access Centre.
- Cleaning of Computers in Labs: instructors were given paper towel and spray bottle to provide cleaning requestors with damp towel.
- Staff have access to ‘wipes’ through reception / 1. Stock pile cleaning supplies (provided by
2. Increase cleaning schedules re: keyboards and mouse.
- Provide packages of wipes to each lab and several to public areas;
- Put up posters re: cleaning keyboards and mouse
- Waive fees for late return of laptops
1. Instruction will continue as normal / 1. Instruction may continue in an electronic or on/line format
2. Instructors will be advised of
3. Instructors shall not attend the college or classes due to illness.
4. Instructors shall report personal illness to their Department Head? Staff reporting line? / 1. IHA regulations will apply for employees who report to college sites
2. Classes may be suspended at the direction of the EOC.
1. Students experiencing flu symptoms will be directed to stay away from College sites. / 1. Students that cannot attend classes due to being infected, isolated or quarantined longer than two weeks may request to be withdrawn from the course/program without penalty.
2. Students that do not attend due to concern for health (fear of risk of infection at the college) shall follow COTR regular procedures on withdrawal.
3. Electronic communications/instruction may be available. / 1. Classes will be suspended while the college is closed;
2. Regular information updates will be broadcast.
- If servers and support are available, online classes will continue.
- Only programs/courses that are currently on-line will continue.
- Materials normally used in face-to-face courses may be made available
- The College may activate alternate computer site access where available.