Terms and Conditions for the application of Adventure Boot Camp’s
rear window car decal
The applicant’s car must be in good condition and free of any dents or damages.
Adventure Boot Camp (ABC) will pay the applicant for every full month that the ABC logo is on the applicant’s car, provided that the logo has not been damaged or torn off. This payment will be made in the week of 12 – 16 December 2013 as per the payment structure – R1000 per year / R83.33 per month. To receive the payment, the applicant must come with the car to the ABC office to verify that the logo is still on the car and in good condition. The payment will then be made by EFT to the applicant.
The free 5 day per week camp is valid for three years from the date of the signing of this contract and can be used for any of our locations and time slots, providing that the camp is not full. Redemption of camp is accepted after 12 months of having the decal applied.
Logos will be put on the applicant’s car by ABC staff at their office in Woodstock. The applicant should come on a non-rainy day and inform the ABC office in advance on 021447 2746 or email to arrange for an appointment.
If the applicant sells the car or wants the logos off, he/she must come to the ABC office for them to be removed. ABC will pay for all the full months that the logos were on the car at the time of removal of the logos and by EFT. If the logos were on the car for less than 6 months, ABC will deduct the first 3 months to cover the cost of the printing of the logo.
The applicant must carry a few ABC brochures in the car to hand out to anyone that may ask about ABC. The applicant understands that by participating in this campaign they essentially become an ABC ambassador and will act with the company’s best interests in mind at all times.
Should the branding be damaged in any way, it is understood that ABC will be notified immediately and the branding replaced at ABC’s cost (provided the applicant has taken good care of the branding). The applicant will ensure that this happens no more than one week within the logos being damaged.