Member Complaint Policy

  1. Objective

The objective of this policy is to formalise the process to be followed on receipt of a complaint against a “subscription paying member” of the IoDSAwhen such member has not acted in accordance with the IoDSA Code of Conduct (for members).

  1. Receipt of a complaint

The complaint must be hand delivered to the offices of the IoDSA and marked for the attention of the CEO. The complaint may also be emailed to the CEO.

The complaint must include the following documentation, namely:

  1. a completed IoDSA Complaint form (Annexure A hereto)
  2. asworn affidavitduly commissioned which is to set out thespecifics of the complaint in detail and with all supporting documents attached to the affidavit.

The IoDSA’s offices are situated at:

144 Katherine Street

Grayston Ridge Office Park

1st Floor, Block B



  1. Membership verification

Upon receipt of the complaint against a member of the IoDSA, the CEO will determine whether the membership fees have been paid for the current year by such member.

If the member is not up to date with their membership, the IoDSA has no authority or jurisdiction over the matter and is rendered unable to address the complaintwith the member and this will be communicated to the complainant and the matter will be considered closed.

In the event that the member is an active member and all membership payments are up to date – valid membership exists and the IoDSA has authority to address the complaint further.

  1. Review of documentation

The Executive Committee (which includes the CEO) reviews the complaint documentation submitted and determines whether sufficient supporting documentation has been received and whether the complaint bares merit for further investigation.

If the Executive Committee determine not to proceed with the complaint, written communication of such outcome will be articulated to the complainant with written reasons for such determination.

  1. Contacting the member

If the Executive Committee determinesthat sufficient supporting documentation has been received and the IoDSA have determined that the complaint warrants further investigation, the member will be contacted by the Executive Committee in writing to request a written response, with any supporting documentation, to the complaint.

The Complaint Formprovides the complainant’spermission and authorityfor his/heraffidavit to be circulated to the member in order to allow the member an opportunity to respond to the complaint.

Once the member’s response and supporting documentation are received by the IoDSA, the Executive Committee will evaluate this information in conjunction with the original complaint.

Should the matter warrant further investigation, both parties may be requested to provide the necessary oral evidence.

If the Executive Committee decide that the member has acted in contravention of the IoDSA Code of Conduct, the matter will be escalated to the Board who are mandated and authorised to make the final decision.

  1. Decision

Should the Board decide that the member has acted in contravention to the IoDSA Code of Conduct, the member’s membership will be revoked with immediate effect. Both parties will be informed in writing of the outcome determined by the Board.


Complaint Form


Please complete, sign and return to the CEO of the IoDSA together with your ORIGINAL affidavit and supporting documents.

I, the undersigned,

Full name of complainant: ______

Postal address: ______


Physical address:______


Telephone number (Home): ______

Telephone number (Office): ______

Telephone number (Cell): ______

E-mail address: ______

In my personal/official capacity as complainant in the matter. (Please attach a resolution if you act on behalf of a company or organization, giving you the necessary agency to act on its behalf).

I hereby request the Executive Committee of the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA) to institute a formal investigation into:

Full name: ______

Membership number (if known): ______

Director of which company: ______

Please include a written affidavit in your own words that details the breach in the IoDSA Code of Conduct.

I confirm that I am aware of the contents of the IoDSA Code of Conduct and understand that my written affidavit will be shared with the member against whom the complaint is lodged. The successful investigation of my complaint and the continuation of any action that may arise from the investigation are entirely dependent on my sustained cooperation in this matter. I therefore undertake to give the IoDSA my full cooperation in this matter, which specifically includes making myself available to provide evidence should it be requested.I further undertake to pay all expenses and legal costs that the IoDSA may have to incur with regard to the investigation of my complaint and any action that may arise from such investigation at the request of the IoDSA, should I refuse to cooperate and/or neglect to meet my undertaking, as set out above.

I confirm that my complaint against the IoDSA member is not older than 1 years from date of signature hereof.

SIGNED at ______on the ______day of ______20___.

