- Academic Grading Scale – A minimum grade of “C” is required to progress to the next course.
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 75-79%
II. Theory Grading
A. Two tests @ 60 points each 120 points
Comprehensive Final Exam 110 points
B. Pop quizzes and/or Homework Assignments 5 points
C. ATI Test 3 points
D. Elementary School Health Teaching Project 10 points
E. Medication Administration Test C/NC
F. Denver II Assessment C/NC
G. Clinic Writeups C/NC
H. Critical Thinking Clinical Journal C/NC
I. Competency Testing – IV Medication Administration C/NC
J. Homework Assignments C/NC
K. Simulation Competency C/NC
TOTAL POINTS 248 points
In order to achieve a passing grade in N221 a student must have a minimum of 75% on the three tests (see “A”.) If this criteria is met the written papers, the ATI test, and the pop quizzes, will be averaged in to determine the overall grade for N221. If the student has not achieved an average of 75% on the three tests listed under “A”, the student will not progress to N222 or N231 and must repeat N221.
Failure to complete any of the above assignments for N221 will result in a grade of “Incomplete” for the course. All clinical papers are due to the clinical instructor one week after the clinical experience. For papers that are worth points, one point will be deducted for each working day that the paper is late. A pattern of turning in papers late will result in a grade of “NO PASS” on the clinical evaluation form in the section dealing with professional role.
III. Clinical Lab Grading
Clinical performance is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 96% of all starred criteria must be passed and 100% of those which are double-starred. In addition, all students must pass the section entitled “Clinical Nursing Competencies Measured in All Aspects of Care” and the skills evaluation. A student who receives a NO PASS as a final clinical grade will not be permitted to progress to N222 or N231. They will also no longer be allowed to attend theory class or take the final exam.
All students will participate in the performance based competency assessment day as part of their clinical experience. If a student is ill for this event, makeup will take place in open lab.
IV. Testing
A 5% penalty will be assessed to any student taking a test in this course late or early. The test makeup must be completed within one week of the test date. The student is responsible for notifying the faculty that they will be taking the test at another time and for rescheduling. Medication administration tests are given per the policy outlined in the student handbook.
V. Other
N225: Students are required to attend weekly skills lab. Students must call the nursing office if they will be absent to arrange for makeup. For further details, consult the skills lab section of student handbook.
N817 (Open Lab): Students are required to attend lab hours in order to receive course credit. Students must sign in in order to receive credit for the hours attended. N808 is a required course. In order to proceed to the next nursing course, students must receive credit (pass) in N808.
Disability Policy Statement: If you have a documented disability and need accommodations for this class, please see me as soon as possible or contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) for assistance. The DRC is located in Bldg. 10, Room 120. (650) 574-6438; Fax (650) 574-6434.
Academic Integrity: Refer to the Student Conduct section of the Student Handbook on p. 17 of the College Catalog. Among the following actions which are prohibited and may lead to appropriate disciplinary action is “9. Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information to the College and its officials.” Refer also to the Academic Integrity Policy in the Nursing Student Handbook.
Attendance: Refer to the Academic Policies section of the College Catalog. “In all cases it is the instructor’s prerogative to determine when absences are excessive.”
Office Hours and instructor emails: Refer to individual door cards for your instructor.