Miss Hewitt Class Majorca Literacy medium term planning forSpring 2016

Spoken language, Listening and Attention Communication Focused objectives / Text/ word level focus Engaging with , responding & understanding texts and language- Reading / Physical/ mark making and
writing focus
Non Fiction 1
Letters Captions and labels / Moons-
To learn new vocabulary and use words when communicating alongside gestures
To name characters & objects from familiar stories
To label everyday objects and develop functional language through Attention Autism sessions
Stars–Toname and label characters from a familiar story independently
To say a short caption about a picture with support & prompts
Can answer who, what and where questions
about a story/ character
Can say and sequence a caption about a picture independently
To use prepositions in his speech
All will work on developing functional language through Attention Autism sessions & through Speech & language tasks / Moons– handles books carefully
Can match letter sounds
Can label familiar characters/ objects with some support
Repeats words or phrases from familiar stories
Stars– Can follow a visual task instructions
Can label characters and objects
Can read simple CVC words & match to the correct picture
Rockets– Can blend sounds to read CVC/ CVCC words to label objects and pictures
Can read CVC captions independentlyand CVCC captions with some support / All children to work on developing their fine motor control and pencil grip through a range of activities.
Moons– to develop finger movement and control through a range of sensory tasks. Use pens and one handed tools to trace over shapes and letters to develop mark making.
Can make marks within a given outline & develop letter formation
Stars– To develop pencil grip and control
Can create purposeful marks e.g circles, lines, dots...
To develop letter formation through a range of tasks
To begin to label CVC pictures with support
Rockets– To write labels for CVC pictures independently & CVCC with some support
To say a caption about a picture and write it independently
To compose a simple letter linked to the Three bears with support & prompts
Fiction 1 Stories with Familiar settings / Moons- Can sit and listen to stories with more concentration and less adult support
Can answer simple what & who questions with a picture/ object cue with support & prompts
Develop functional language through Attention Autism sessions
Stars- Can listen to stories with increasing concentration
can anticipate key events & phrases in familiar rhymes & stories
Can answer what, who & where questions with less support
To begin to engage in role play and use repetitive language
Rockets- Can answer who, what & where questions with more independence
Can predict what might happen next
Can use puppets & props to engage in role play
Can recall key information about a story
Can use pre positions in his speech independently
All will work on developing functional language through Attention Autism sessions & through Speech & language tasks / Moons- Can recognise, name and label characters from the story
Can answer simple questions about the story with support
Can learn some new language linked to stories & use in speech
Stars- Can name characters and use some simple describing words with support and prompts
Can sequence pictures in the correct order to retell a story with less prompts and support.
Can say words/ short phrases about a picture
Rockets- Can name main characters and identify key information from the story
Can use some describing words to talk about a character/ setting from the story
Can sequence pictures in the correct order to retell the story independently Can say a caption/ phrases about each one & try to write key words about a picture / All children to work on developing their fine motor control and pencil grip through a range of activities.
Moons– to develop pencil grip and control
To write initial letter of their name with less support
To develop formation and sizing of other letters with support
To use one handed tools to develop fine motor control
Stars– To develop letter formation and sizing of letters
To write CVC words about a picture with more independence
To sequence a short caption/ sentence about a picture/ character with support
Rockets– To write a caption/ simple sentence about a picture
To leave a finger space in between words when writing
To write within the lines
Non fiction 2 Instructions / Moons– To follow simple visual & verbal instruction with support
To develop listening skills
Stars– To be able to follow simple visual and verbal instructions with more independence
To develop listening skills
Rockets– To follow visual & verbal instructions independently
To begin to understand and use language linked to instructions- first, last…
To talk about what they are doing and say a verbal instruction for each step
All will work on developing functional language through Attention Autism sessions & through Speech & language tasks / Moons– can match and recognise their name with less prompts
Can recognise and name some equipment resources needed for an activity
Can begin to sequence at least 3 photographs to sequence instructions to show what hey did.
Stars– Can read & record CVC words more independently
Can begin to sequence picture/ photo instructions in the right order to show what they did
Rockets– Can read CVC , CVCC and key words independently
Can say a simple instruction to match to each photo to sequence picture instructions independently.
Can match each instruction to each image with minimal support / All children to work on developing their fine motor control and pencil grip through a range of activities. Reinforce dough disco movements.
Moons– Can develop hand eye co ordination through a range of tasks
Makes marks within a given outline to develop letter formation
Stars– To develop pencil grip and control
To develop letter formation & sizing through a range of tasks
To label CVC pictures independently
Rockets– To write a caption/ simple sentence about a picture
To leave a finger space in between words when writing
To begin to write simple instructions with support
Fiction - Stories with repetitive phrases and repeating patterns / Moons- Can join a familiar story using some repetitive language with prompts
Can answer some simple questions with picture cues/ support where needed.
Stars- Can join in repeated refrains & anticipate key events & phrases in rhymes & stories with more independence
Can answer what, who & where questions with less support
Rockets- can answer a range of questions
Can act out some parts of the story using repetitive language independently
Can predict what might happen next
Can use language from texts to talk about a picture
All will work on developing functional language through Attention Autism sessions & through Speech & language tasks / Moons- Can recognise and name characters from the story
Can answer simple questions about the story with support and learn new words.
Can recognise their own name more consistently
Stars- Can read some key words linked to the story with support
Can name characters and begin to use some simple describing words with support and prompts
Can sequence pictures to retell the story with support
Rockets- Can use some describing words to talk about a character from the story
Can sequence pictures independently to retell the story
Can say a short phrase/ sentence about each picture to retell story / All children to work on developing their fine motor control and pencil grip through a range of activities. Reinforce dough disco movements.
Moons–Develop use of scissors and other one handed tools
Can put own marks in or alongside a picture
To develop formation of initial letter of their name KB to reinforce other letters
Stars– Develop pencil control and grip
Develop formation and sizing of their letters
To begin to copy letters/ words linked to story task with support
to sequence/ record a short caption about a picture
Rockets– To talk about a picture to reinforce speaking in a short sentence & record with less support
Can write a simple sentence independently about a picture
Can leave finger spaces independently
Can stay in between the lines with less support
Fiction Traditional Tales / Moons- Can sit and listen to stories with more concentration and less adult support
Can answer what, who & where questions with a picture/ object cue with support & prompts
Stars- Can listen to stories with increasing concentration
can anticipate key events & phrases in familiar rhymes & stories
Can answer what, who & where questions with support
To begin to engage in role play and use repetitive language with less prompts
Rockets- Can answer who, what & where questions
Can predict what might happen next
Can use puppets & props to engage in role playcan recall key information about a story
Can take the lead to retell the story during small world/ role play activities
All will work on developing functional language through Attention Autism sessions & through Speech & language tasks / Moons- Can recognise, name and label characters from the story independently
Can answer simple questions about the story with less visual support
Can learn some new words linked to stories & use in speech
To match letter sounds with support
Stars- Can name characters and use some simple describing words with support and prompts
To reinforce CVC / simple key words
Can sequence pictures in the correct order to retell a story more independently and say a short caption about each picture
Rockets- Can use some describing words to talk about a character/ settings from the story
Can sequence pictures in the correct order to retell the story independently and say a caption/ sentence about each one
To read keys words about a picture / All children to work on developing their fine motor control and pencil grip through a range of activities.
Moons– to develop pencil grip and control
To write initial letter of their name with less support KB to write a range of letters
Stars– To develop letter formation and sizing of letters
To write CVC words about a picture independently
To sequence a short caption/ sentence about a picture/ character
To talk about a picture to reinforce speaking in a short sentence & record with less support
Can write a simple sentence independently about a picture
Can leave finger spaces independently
Can stay in between the lines with less support
Phonics focus- On the whole children will work at an individual pace targeting specific sounds. These sessions will take place during literacy sessions and also in additional sessions. / Moons- Focus
Toexperience and develop awareness of sounds made with instruments, and a range of everyday objects
Reinforce letters/sounds s a t p i n
KB to focus on all ph2 sounds to consolidate known sounds and introduce new.
Can explore the different sounds we can make with our voices
Can explore sounds in our environment
Can match and identify sounds in phase 2 / Stars Focus
To develop oral blending and segmenting sounds in words and hear the differences between them
Can begin to articulate sounds/words more clearly
To learn to say a discrete phoneme, recognise it and some children will attempt to write the letter that represents that phoneme
To segment and blend phase 2 sounds to read some simple words independently
To introduce some ph3 sounds / Rockets
Can begin to articulate sounds/words more clearly
To recap on phase 2 sounds and work on reinforcing phase 3 sounds
To segment and blend phase 2 sounds to read CVC/ CVCCwords independently & more consistently
To begin to blend & segment phases 3 sounds
To sound out words when writing linked to phonics sessions