Dr Andy Schofield

Outreach Coordinator

College of Life Science and Medicine

School of Medical Sciences

University of Aberdeen



AB25 2ZD

22 June 2011

Dear Dr Schofield

Ellon Academy S5 pupil visit – Monday 6th June

On the above date a small group of 20 senior pupils and one teacher from Ellon Academy, spent 3 hours with Dr David Turk and members of the Self Laboratory Team under his supervision, at the School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen

Dr Turk provided some hands-on research experience for our pupils, and they all took part in a real psychology experiment. At the end of the session the pupils were then given their group results.

The experiment they participated in was one currently being undertaken by Dr. Turk’s laboratory group. It involved our pupils completing two tasks. One - the completion of a short questionnaire, and the other, to undertake a computer-generated experiment in which they had to sort grocery items into baskets on the basis of a colour cue.

In addition to allowing them to participate in this study, he agreed to provide them with some other demonstrations and hands-on opportunities to engage in psychological experiments with one another.

I believe these were in a similar vein to his research programme. Our pupils also got the opportunity to try out experiments on each other.

Since their visit, our pupils completed an evaluation exercise. The results are extremely positive and encouraging. Many of the group would like to explore psychology further – comments included:

  • Doing psychology in school during their sixth year.
  • Considering psychology as a career option.
  • Looking at university courses that offered combinations that include psychology.

I am extremely grateful to Dr Turk and the team who supported and worked with our pupils on the 6th June.

Clearly his hard work and preparation before hand was a success, and our pupils got a lot of enjoyment from their participation in his experiments.

The fact that some of them now want to take this further in their education is credited to Dr Turk and his colleagues.


Helen O’Brien

(Teacher and Organiser of the S5 Induction Programme).