Rally by the Seaside
Sunday 21st – Saturday 27th September, 2014
NEWSLETTER NO. 3 – May, 2014
Hello everyone –
Our third Newsletter will bring you up to date with what is happening with this National Meet. The organisation is going very well and we thank our sponsors, supporters and club members for their generous backing, donations and hard work.
Included with this Newsletter are the Merchandise and Catering Order Forms with some other offers which will need to be filled out and returned with payment for your requirements. - Toni
RALLY ENTRY CLOSING DATE REMINDER – Rally entries will close at the end of this month, 31st May, 2014. Late entries may be accepted, but these may miss out on some of the Rally goodies as orders will be placed with our suppliers shortly after this date.
This will be the last National Meet communication to those who have NOT put in an Entry Form.
MAFCA participation. We have invited MAFCA President, Dan Foulk and his wife, Shelby, to the 23rd National Meet and they have graciously agreed to join us in Busselton. We look forward to having them with us and really hope they enjoy their stay. They will be staying on site, so plenty of opportunities to meet up with them.
Thank you to all of you who entered the National Meet by the end of April. These entrants will be included in the draw for this free dinner which will be made at the Welcome Dinner on Monday 22nd September.
Thank you to those who have already forwarded their photos and write up about their car to Rally Secretary, Toni Mahony. For those of you who are yet to send in a photo of the Model A entered in the National Meet, would you do so as soon as possible, please? Also, please do a small write up on the Model A’s history and/or your ownership of it to go with the photo. These are being made into a photo book for the rally.
There is still some accommodation left at the venue. This is in the categories of two bedroom/one bathroom villas and just a couple of three bedrooms, three bathrooms villas. Either of these would be ideal for sharing with friends or family. Get in touch with Toni immediately if interested.
GNOMESVILLE – Following the Mandatory Run on Wednesday, 24th September, there will be an option for the return journey to Busselton. This will take you to visit Gnomesville, a rather unique spot in the bush, where you will find hundreds of gnomes. If you wish to bring a gnome from your home town with you to place with all the others, feel free to do so. For further information about this place, check out www.gnomesville.com
LONGEST DRIVEN MODEL A – Please remember to take your mileage before you leave home – you may be a winner! There will be another prize for the person who has travelled to the Meet from the most distant spot in the country by the most direct route.
CLUB PARTICIPATION AWARD – Club Presidents/Secretaries – would you remember to supply me with your club membership please, so this Award can be figured out.
HUBLEYS – Don’t forget to spruce up the Hubley and pack it, so you can compete in the Hubley racing competition.
I think everyone who owns a Model A in Australia heard on the radio about the National Meet participants who were doing ‘shake down’ runs earlier in the year in preparation for their journey to W.A. in August-September. It sounded like fun to me!
All over W.A. it seems to have been raining recently. This augers well for those who are travelling ‘around the top’ to the National Meet as the wildflowers should be giving you a good showing as you travel south through the state.
The National Meet venue, Bayview Geographe Resort, (BGR) will be supplying some of the meals during the week, with the other evenings left free for entrants to either self cater in your villas or by patronising one of the local eating establishments. Catering orders will close 18TH JULY, 2014.
The following is a description of what will be catered by the BGR and a Catering Order Form is included with this newsletter for you to order what you would like.
Sunday Nibble and Natter – This will be held late afternoon, Sunday 21st September in the Hermitage Room. The bar will be open from 5.00pm for you to purchase drinks. Light finger food, tea and coffee will be provided. This is not intended to be a meal. There will be no charge for the food, tea and coffee to Rally participants, but, for catering purposes, please fill in on the Order Form how many of your party will be attending.
Lunches – those who require these will be provided with a packed lunch comprising rolls/sandwiches, fruit, cake, juice or similar. These will be provided by a local group of ladies at a cost of $12.50 per packed lunch. Please indicate how many you require each day on the Order Form and attach a note if special dietary requirements apply. Remember to bring your cooler bag to keep your lunch cool while you explore the area.
Monday Welcome Dinner – a two course, low key meal to welcome you all to the Meet. The price for this meal is $25.00 per person and your choices for this meal will be -
Main - Lamb shanks with mash and broccolini OR
Chicken schnitzel with chips and salad.
Dessert – Apple pie with cream OR
Lemon meringue.
Friday Night – Presentation Dinner – a three course meal. The price for this meal is $59.00 per person and your choices for this meal will be –
Entrée – Bruschetta with Feta Cheese and Balsamic Reduction OR
Salt and Pepper Squid Salad.
Main - Sirloin of Beef with Roasted Chats (potatoes), Vegetable Stack and Red Wine Jus OR
Chicken Breast stuffed with Peaches, Cream, Cheese and Chicken Mousse, with a Pistachio Crust, Chat Potatoes, Broccolini and Cumberland Sauce OR
Vegetarian Choice – Vegetable Stack, Eggplant, Capsicum, Field Mushroom, Zucchini and Feta with Balsamic Glaze and Pesto.
Dessert – German Apple Crumb Cake, served with Cream OR
Pavlova with Fresh Fruit Salad, Passionfruit Coulis and Fresh Cream.
Saturday, 27th September Farewell BBQ Breakfast – catered breakfast on the lawns. Please advise on the Catering form how many of your party will be attending for catering purposes.
We have on offer a polo shirt, a wind and rain resistant jacket and a cap displaying the National Meet logo. Each of these is described on the order form in some detail. The sizes are as the manufacturer has advised us. Please be careful with what you order as no exchanges will be available.
The shirts will have a pocket on the left hand side with the National Meet logo on the right hand side of the shirt.
WA Model A Restorers Club lapel badges will be available for sale at the Meet and are not on the order form.
Also on the Merchandise Form is the OTHER OFFERS section where you may order your Major Raffle Tickets for the Tear Drop Caravan and Pre-Meet order for Calendars and the Wine Bus Tour. Details of these are below.
We will be running a Major raffle before and during the National Meet and Weekly and Daily raffles during the Meet. The draw for the Major and Weekly raffle prizes will take place at the Presentation Night of the National Meet. The Daily raffles will be drawn each afternoon. The Weekly and Daily raffles will be reserved for rally participants only and we are receiving an amazing amount of quality donations for these for which we thank our members and sponsors. The Weekly raffle includes a magnificent quilt, silver hand-made jewellery, a gold nugget, and a cross stitched picture of a Model A, amongst other items of value. Donations of any kind are most welcome, please contact Toni.
Major Raffle – this will be launched in July, 2014 to the public, with the draw at the Presentation Night in September. First Prize is a Tear Drop Caravan – just the ideal thing for towing behind your Model A. This charming vehicle is being made by MARC WA member, Horace Misko, with assistance from fellow member Ian Paisley and has been fitted out with the basic requirements. Fuel cards will make up the minor prizes for this raffle. The ticket price is $2.00 each. Tickets will also be available at the Meet, presuming they haven’t all been sold.
×× The nearly completed 1st Prize.
The caravan can be fitted with Model A wheels.
Included are a new queen size mattress, bedding, pillows and various kitchen items.
Tickets for National Meet participants for this raffle may be pre ordered ahead of the launch time by using the Merchandising Order Form included in this newsletter.
The Model A Restorers Club of WA will be producing a quality 15 month Model A Calendar which will be on sale at the Meet for $20.00 each. The calendar runs from October, 2014.
You may pre-order your calendar using the Merchandising Form included with this newsletter.
It is proposed to run bus tours to a selection of wineries and other places of interest, such as the silk factory, chocolate factory, etc. on two days during the Meet, depending on demand. As you may be ‘sampling’ as you go, this is a good opportunity to visit such establishments without the possibility of being picked up by the local constabulary. The cost is approximately $24.00 depending on the number of participants and would take around 5-6 hours to complete. Lunch could be taken with you or you may buy at one of the excellent eateries along the way.
Please indicate your interest on the Merchandising Form included with this newsletter.
Merchandise and Other Offer orders will close 18TH JULY, 2014.
PAYMENT - Please check your Merchandise, Other Offers and Catering Order amounts. Return these Order Forms with payment to Toni Mahony, 157 The Strand, Bedford, W.A., 6052, by either Cheque/Money Order (made out to Model A Restorers Club – National Meet 2014), or by email to with bank transfer of funds by the due date to ensure delivery. Please identify yourself on the bank transfer by name or rally number.
Bank details - BSB 306-988, Account No. 007685-7, Model A Restorers Club - National Meet 2014.
ALL ENQUIRIES – Toni Mahony, 157 The Strand, Bedford, W.A. 6052.
(08) 92717630 – 0438 290448.