College of Arts, Humanities and Law

Guidance Notes on the Post Approval (Resource Release) Process

  1. Heads of Department will be aware that the Head of College was given delegated budgetary authority with effect from 1 August 2010. Under the terms of this delegated authority, the overall pay costs for each College must remain within those agreed in College plans. This includes for this financial year the achievement of a7.7% vacancy savings target.It is therefore essential that a consistent process is followed by Departments when applying to fill posts.
  1. The form entitled ‘Request for Post Approval – Academic Departments and the Library’ should be used to submit a request to the Head of College (copy attached at Appendix A). This form can also be found on the HR website at and under ‘Post Approval Request’. If you have been using any previous versions of the the form please discard/delete these. With regard to this form, please ensure the following is completed:
  1. Details of the Post Requested
  2. Funding Details (cost centre)
  3. A brief justification for the post (maximum 1 side of A4)

A Job Summary Form should also be attached (except for academic posts).

Point 3 should also be prepared to support requests for pay to non-pay or non-pay to pay transfers, or for additional non-pay requests.

  1. Where a post is being refilled, it is particularly useful to know the name of the current or previous postholder so that we can accurately track funding for the post. This will help Ruth Daly, Management Accountant, with the requirement to complete a ‘College Report of Posts Approved’for the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Resources) on a monthly basis. The PVC (Resources) is particularly interested in the consideration the College gives to automatic replacement of posts to ensure efficiencies in the current economic climate are being realised where possible. Notes explaining decisions made are required in the monthly report.
  1. Once all the necessary documentation has been completed, it should be forwarded to Dawn Kempfor consideration by the College Business Group which ordinarily meets every Wednesday morning. Outside of this, requests are circulated electronically to members of the Group so that they can be dealt with as quickly as possible. In addition, in the absence of the Head of College, posts may be approved by the Director of College Administration in consultation with the HR Business Partner and Management Accountant.

On completion of this process, posts approvals are forwarded directly to Katherine Lamb, Recruitment Adviser, to action as appropriate. The department will also be notified at this point of the decision made.

Alternatively, for posts not included in the original College Plan, and any requests for non-pay to pay transfers, or requests for non-pay resource over and above that approved in the College plan are forwarded to Sally Hall for consideration by BRC. Again, departments will be notified that this has happened.

  1. Posts funded wholly by research grants continue to be authorised directly by

Research Finance and requests should be submitted to them using the relevant RSA form. These can be found on their website at

  1. Please note that where the proposal is to use posts in a way which is significantly different from the approved plan, for example in a way which affects another College, or changes the academic balance of the College, then the Head of College has to seek the approval of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Resources.

Common Issues Arising at CBG with Post Approvals/Resource Requests

The following is provided as a checklist of common issues that arise when posts are being considered. To ensure decisions are not delayed by CBG please ensure that these are addressed where applicable:

  1. Incomplete post approval form (cost code missing, FTE incomplete, effective dates missing, vice name missing etc). The form will be returned to you for completion in these cases.
  2. Business case does not give adequate detail concerning other arrangements that have been investigated to fulfil roles of the post. For example consideration of sharing workload between other staff, considerations of whether process changes over time have made post redundant.
  3. Funding arrangements have not been investigated and confirmed.
  4. Possible inter-College arrangements or solutions have not been investigated.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and every request is considered individually due to the changing funding environment and requirements of departments within the College.

Useful contacts

NameE-mailTelephone Extension No.

Mhairi Fitzpatrickmf128 3601

Anne Hallah297 2743

Ruth Dalyrsj10 2400

Jo Nortondek62677