PER/GBS/MKUKUTA Main Working Group

Discussions on the MKUKUTA/MKUZA Review

9 July 2009

Key Summary of Discussions

Note by DPG Secretariat

The note summarizes key discussions points during the PER/GBS/MKUKUTA Main Working Group for the purpose of providing quick updates to DPG members on the MKUKUTA/MKUZA review. Formal minutes are prepared by the PER Secretariat.

PER/GBS/MKUKUTA Main Working Group was convened to discuss progress and way forward on the MKUKUTA/MKUZA review. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy PS of MoFEA, Mr. Musongole.

Overview of the Progress:

Cluster leads and/or co-leads provided broad overview of the progress made in each cluster. A summary table of the issues/studies was also circulated by the MKUKUTA Secretariat (an updated version will be circulated soon).

Through the cluster-level process of assessing requirements, scopes, and areas/elements for specific studies/issues, the number of issues to be assessed/analyzed has reduced to 30. Broadly, 21 ToRs had been finalized and submitted for endorsement at the PER/GBS/MKUKUTA Main WG. ToRs that had not been finalized include some of key areas of studies, including Growth and Distribution Issue, the Drivers of Growth, M&E Framework.

In addition to the original list of issues, the following issues/studies had been added to the list:

l  Review of Transport Sector Pro-Poor Interventions (noting that most of the info exists, but this is a synthesis) (led by MoID);

l  Mainstreaming Environment into MKUKUTA Process (led by UDSM/DOE)

l  Assessment of the impact of MKUKUTA implementation in education sector (led by MOVET)

l  Comprehensive review of the water sector monitoring framework (led by MOWI with own funding source)

With regard to the assessment in the education sector, the Main WG agreed that given the general nature of the proposed study, this can be incorporated into the overall assessment of the MKUKUTA.

Cluster WG 3 also noted that the DP proposed study on Governance Synthesis was not listed in the table. Its status remains unclear. With regard to the study on the M&E System, this study will be managed by the MKUKUTA TC, therefore, removed from the Cluster 3 list.

Key Discussions and Agreements:

·  Overall management of the process: Whilst a decentralized approach is used to consider scope, assure quality, and manage process of ToRs finalization, consideration of consultants, etc., a stronger central-level coordination and control over the process was noted to be essential so as to oversee that the process at sector/cluster level is progressing and that resources are utilized, ensuring accountability. MoFEA in this regard is given the mandate and authority to coordinate and ensure the timely implementation of the review. As discussed in the previous Main WG meeting, a small PS team will also give authority and guidance to the process.

·  It was also agreed that the MKUKUTA Secretariat will update the table of progress to include who is doing what, when certain outputs are expected. This will serve as a monitoring instrument of the process.

·  Procurement Process: DPs requested further clarity with regard to the procurement process, particularly with regard to who is driving the procurement process and how this will be done. GoT noted that the procurement process depends on the source of funding, however, the Government preference is to use the national procurement process. In some cases, the Government may also request DPs to assist recruiting consultants. Depending on the nature of a study, resources may be provided from the MOFEA, but the procurement process could be done at sector-level. There may also be a case where sector/cluster WGs would be the ones that consider the profile, qualification, and review proposals, CVs, whilst the procurement may be undertaken centrally.

·  MoFEA and PPRA had also discussed on the need for speedy procurement process. PPRA is committed to work closely to ensure speedy process, and may also allow fast-tracking of procurements. Further discussion between cluster leads, MKUKUTA Secretariat and PPRA on procurement options was noted to be useful.

·  Cluster WGs may reflect upon further on the options of procurement and resources sp as to be clear about an appropriate next step forward. However, a clear message to cluster and sector WGs is considered essential to give further guidance on procurement process and funding, including options of procurement and funding.

·  Financing of the studies: An estimated total cost required for studies is USD1,479,939, informed from those studies already costed and indicative budget for those studies that had not yet been costed. Resource available to date (from PER Basket, Govt own contribution, and MKUKUTA TA Facility) is USD900,000. This leaves a funding gap of USD579,939. Some studies are already funded at sector/thematic level (i.e. population dynamics), and those are not included in the total estimated cost.

·  Options for funding include: contribution to the basket fund (unearmarked) and earmarked funding to a particular study. To this end, the Government will request formally DP supports to finance the studies. To facilitate this process, the table of progress will further include estimated costs required for each study, and Government will request DPs to indicate resource envelope for both unearmarked and earmarked. The DPG Secretariat hosted at the UNDP was considered preferable to the Government as a channel of funding, as Government prefer dealing with one entity in terms of funding agreements, etc.. Some DPs may also wish to support a particular study, which would further be discussed at sector/thematic level for a such source of funding.

·  Earlier indications from DPs as to which studies they are ready to support will facilitate the process better, as the Government then be able to allocate their available resources to those that are not funded by a particular DP. Further prioritization was noted to be useful, however, it was raised that such prioritization had already been agreed in the Main WG meeting in May, where the members discussed on the priority AAA, BBB, and CCC. Therefore, those studies that are AAA with finalized ToRs can already go ahead for the procurement, whilst GoT and DPs will further work out funding issues for those other studies (i.e. BBB, CCC).

·  Communication: Improved communication will facilitate collaboration and speedy implementation of the review process. To this end, it was suggested that all the ToRs and any relevant documents are posted on the Poverty Monitoring website as well as the DPG website.

·  Ownership: Policy conclusions emerged from cluster should be vetted at higher-level government with a thorough analysis and consideration on the policy recommendations so as to ensure ownership over the policy directions at higher-level.

·  Zanzibar: It was the understanding of DPs that the study process of the MKUZA review will be undertaken separately, with separate ToRs for selected 13 issues for Zanzibar. The MoFEA indicated that whilst there may be specific studies for particular concerns of Zanzibar, many of the ToRs worked out through cluster WGs should be able to cover Zanzibar. Further clarity will be sought from the MKUZA Secretariat on this issue, as Zanzibar colleagues were unfortunately unable to attend the PER Main meeting.

Next Steps:

·  MKUKUTA Secretariat will update the table of progress by issue. This table will be a monitoring instrument for the MKUKUTA Secretariat as well as the PER/GBS/MKUKUTA Main WG to monitor the progress. This table will also includes an estimated cost for each study, and status of funding.

·  MoFEA will formally request DPs support, attaching such a table. This letter can be expected in early part of the week 13 July, and will also seek DPs to indicate the amount of financing availability and which studies they are interested to fund if such funding is earmarked. DPG Secretariat hosted at the UNDP is considered preferable for the Government as a channel of funding.

·  Cluster/Sector WGs will be instructed to go ahead with the process for those ToRs that are finalized and under category of priority AAA. To guide this process, further guidance would be forthcoming from the MoFEA after their discussions with PPRA, cluster/sector leads, etc. Cluster/sector WGs will continue finalizing ToRs and also further clarify the status of the funding and options for procurement, etc.

DPG Secretariat, 10 July 2009.