Job description

College:Life, Health and Physical Sciences

School:School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics

Location:Cockcroft Building

Job title:School Administration Manager

Post number:SM5001

Grade:Grade 7

Responsible to:Head of School

Responsible for:Administrative support staff

On a day to day basis the post holder will be responsible to the Head of School.

Main areas of

Responsibility:1.To be responsible for actively engaging with the school’s strategic planning and decision making processes, contributing effectively to the maintenance of core operations, developments and their implementation.

2.To manage a sustainable and effective administrative infrastructure to support learning and teaching, REaSE, quality assurance, student experience and related development activities within a large academic school.

3.To manage the delivery of administrative operations to support learning and teaching, REaSE, student experience, quality assurance and related development activities within the school, using judgment, problem solving, management and communication skills as appropriate.

4.In collaboration with the Head of School and school technical managers, to manage the school’s administration and planning processes relating to human resources, finance and budget management.

5.To be responsible for facilitating an effective and appropriate interface with college operations, central university departments, local partners, and professional bodies and national/international partner institutions.

Specific duties:1To be responsible for actively engaging with the school’s strategic planning and decision making processes, contributing effectively to the maintenance of core operations, developments and their implementation.

1.1 To be a full and active member of the School Management Group (SMG) to ensure that strategic and budgetary planning decisions are facilitated through the school’s administrative systems and structures. This will include taking the lead in advising on all operational matters that impact on academic delivery, the student learning experience and REASE and development activities, liaising with academic staff, college and central departments accordingly.

1.2To work with the Head of School and other members of the SMG on academic and resource planning, predicting future school administrative needs to ensure implementation of government, university and college policy and regulations by providing and analysing information and make recommendations to support academic delivery.

1.3To contribute to the administrative content of the production of the school’s Strategic Plan and annual operating statement. To review this statement regularly against deadlines to ensure that targets and priorities are being met efficiently and on time and recording these against success criteria.

1.4To work strategically with, and support members of the SMG and the college in their specific and delegated responsibilities regarding school management items and to manage specific projects accordingly.

1.5To keep up to date on university, college and external requirements related to financial and resource planning information and advise the School Management Group ensuring that the school meets these requirements.

1.6To co-ordinate and compile management information to support the Head of School, SMG,college and central colleagues in the preparation of annual reports, e.g. academic health, staff development, recruitment, admissions and retention, national student survey, staff survey and BUCC/REaSE reporting.

1.7To be a full member of the school board and to oversee the secretariat function for the board to ensure quality assurance standards are maintained an appropriate government and university policies are considered and implemented.

1.8To be responsiblefor liaising and working with colleagues across the college and central university departments (Academic Services, Strategic Planning, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing and Communications and Estates) on course development and quality assurance, student number planning, recruitment and admissions and enrolment, student records, research and social and economic engagement, budget preparation and monitoring, management and monitoring of staff and recruitment and accommodation for teaching and planning.

2.To manage a sustainable and effective administrative infrastructure to support learning and teaching, REaSE, quality assurance, student experience and related development activities within a large academic school.

2.1To be responsible for the management, maintenance and sustained development of the school’s administrative support functions and staff deployment to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the school’s academic portfolio and in liaison with the Head of School.

2.2 To ensure the strategic development of administrative support roles and functions so that they facilitate a resilient service that has the capability and capacity to meet the changing needs of the academic and student community, and the school, college and university, taking account of the changing balance of work and strategic plans, together with any known transformations likely to impact on change and growth.

2.3To resolve complex problems which arise in relation to the administration and the administrative support for the school.

2.4To lead and manage the recruitment of administrative staff to the school, in liaison with the human resources department. This includes the production of job/role descriptors, the management of interview events, including chairing interview panels on behalf of the Head of School as required.

2.5To support the technical manager in relation to HR matters, e.g. recruitment and selection, poor performance, attendance, harassment, discipline and grievance.

2.6To be responsible for managing the induction of new staff and related university processes/procedures and to monitor progress of newly appointed administrative staff and ensuring compliance with UKBA regulations.

2.7To determine and deliver staff development for the school’s administrative staff through the staff development review process, taking account of school/college/university objectives and individual staff needs and conducting interim reviews as necessary.

2.8To be responsible, in liaison with Head of School and the human resources department for managing staffing issues e.g. poor performance, attendance, harassment and discipline and grievance.

2.9In liaison with the Head of School, to prepare up-to-date further particulars, requests to fill vacancies (PD8s) and supporting statements/rationales for academic staff vacancies and liaise with the human resources department to agree recruitment schedules.

2.10To plan for, draft and present all re-grading proposals for administrative staff in the school, liaising with the Head of School as appropriate.

2.11To determine and monitor dates for interim and final induction reports for all new school staff in accordance with the university’s induction guidelines, liaising with the relevant line manger to ensure necessary paperwork is completed and signed and returned to HR in accordance with relevant timescales.

2.12To maintain a critical overview of the school’s administrative systems ensuring their effectiveness, and manage the development or implementation of new systems in consultation with end users.

3.To manage the delivery of administrative operations to support learning and teaching, REaSE, student experience, quality assurance and related development activities within the school using judgment, problem solving, management and communication skills as appropriate.

3.1To manage the administration of the school’s academic activity including: student recruitment, enrolment and student induction, maintaining student academic records using CAMS, the quality assurance process and the co-ordination of staff and student timetables (academic and administrative) using CMIS.

3.2To keep abreast of developments (external and internal to the university) that affect the quality management and assurance operations of the school in liaison with academic services and to manage and support the senior administrator responsible for quality assurance processes and systems in the school.

3.3To be responsible for the administrative processes in relation to quality assurance in the school including the management of administrative support at school level in respect of course validation, periodic reviews, external audit and accreditation process and to oversee the interface between the school administration, and academic services in relation to quality assurance, enhancement andacademic standards.

3.4To ensure the school committees e.g. school board;school curriculum and assessment committees; course and divisional boards;student staff consultative committees or course boards; and industrial liaison committees are serviced appropriately and to manage the compilation of reports to school and college committees as necessary.

3.5To manage, in liaison with the Head of School and appropriate academic staff, the effective operations of the school’s examination boards. This includes confirming the constitution and membership of examination boards, the timetabling of the boards in liaison with academic services and the management of external examiners appointments.

3.6To manage the administration and maintenance of student records, preparations for assessment, examination and examination boards using CAMS, admissions using SITS/Application Tracker and preparations for open days, welcome weeks and enrolment and in accordance with university guidance and regulations.

3.7To ensure students are provided with mechanisms for support and guidance on school and university processes and to assist academic staff, personal tutors and student support and welfare tutors together with administrative staff to support student specific needs.

3.8To manage the school’s presence on student central and SharePoint, liaising with colleagues within the school, college office and central departments.

3.9To keep up-to-date with e-learning developments and provide academic staff with suitable access to electronic systems and organise support and training as required including the use of studentcentral and SharePoint.

3.10To manage and oversee the annual production, publication and distribution of course handbooks and school timetables, calendars and schedules.

3.11To manage and ensure the accurate and consistent information flow between the school, the student support tutors, university departments and external agencies such a professional bodies, British Council and Embassies, international partner institutions with regard to all international student issues (admissions, enrolment, accommodation in host families, travel arrangements for international students, examinations, examination boards and awards ceremonies).

3.12To manage administrative systems and reporting procedures in relation to international student monitoring as required by the UK Border Agency and the university.

3.13To manage the timetabling for the school teaching and learning and assessment and school organisation, ensuring appropriate liaison with the school administrative staff and the assistant and deputy heads of school, teaching and central services staff regarding resources, timetable planning, production of reports and statistics and the full utilisation of the timetabling package (CMIS).

3.14To manage operations and procedures to support REaSE within the school and to manage the administrative interface with the Doctoral College.

3.15To manage school information including the management of administrative, research and personnel records, ensuring production, storage, retention dissemination and publication is in compliance with university, school and legislative regulations e.g. Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act.

3.16To provide or co-ordinate training as necessary (and sometimes one-to-one bespoke training) in all school administrative operational systems and processes.

3.17To oversee the marketing and publicity requirements for the school, including arrangements for the school marketing and recruitment group and ensuring effective liaison between school and centralmarketing team and compliance with quality assurance and corporate requirements.

3.18To manage the school open day operations, ensuring effective liaison between administrative and academic staff, the co-ordination of student ambassadors and liaison with marketing colleagues.

4In collaboration with the Head of School to manage the school’s administration and planning processes relating to personnel, finance and budget management.

Human Resources:

4.1To facilitate the production of annual staffing plans in liaison with the human resources department and college colleagues to support the SMG.

4.2To manage and analyse data on current and future staffing needs (teaching, administrative and technical) and provide the Head of School/SMG with management information relating to staffing, staff/student ratios, staff contract/contact hours, TRAC and HESES returns to government agencies as required.

4.3To lead the interaction with human resources department regarding the accuracy of staffing information and changes ensuring the maintenance of data for personnel and budget purposes.

4.4To oversee and co-ordinate the recruitment process for the employment of all categories of staff including permanent and hourly paid lecturers, student ambassadors and casual staff as necessary.

4.5To support the Head of School in managing the academic staff development review process across the school and related expenditure, as well as the formal recording of holiday and sickness absence and performance/or promotion related issues.


4.6To work with the collegemanagement accountant and the Head of School and to prepare the annual budget centre plans, establish an accurate recurrent cost base, planning future needs and costing projections and strategic investment plans, income generation as advised by the SMG.

4.7To be responsible for the monitoring and interpretation of monthly eFIN reports as appropriate, liaising with the collegemanagement accountant to advise the Head of School on likely variances, the impact on in-year budgets and end of year projections.

4.8To be responsible for working within the university’s personnel and financial policies, regulations and guidelines and advising the school’s community accordingly as necessary.

5To be responsible for facilitating an effective and appropriate interface with college operations, central university departments, local partners, and professional bodies and national/international partner institutions.

5.1To be the first point of contact for central university departments in all operational matters, which includes membership on university working groups/departmental meetings or committees as required.

5.2To be the school’s key contact for local and international partner colleges’ business, professional bodies and other institutions as required, and to represent the school at appropriate meetings, as and when required.

5.3To advise SMG on establishing and communicating clear guidelines on roles and responsibilities and ensuring that these are communicated to all staff.

5.4To ensure effective links and communications are maintained across the college, the doctoral college and all central departments and represent the school on working groups as required.

5.5To ensure that an accurate and consistent information flow and interaction is maintained between the school and the college and other university departments concerning all relevant issues. This includes membership of college/university working groups or committees.

Selection criteria:The criteria below indicate the qualities that are needed to do the job well. Candidates for the post will be selected according to the extent to which they satisfy them, and the evidence of potential for developing the rest further. Most of the criteria must normally be met in order to qualify for selection.

Essential Criteria:

Knowledge/qualifications: a degree or other evidence of a high level of analytical, communication and problem-solving ability; proven knowledge and experience of administrative infrastructure management in a complex and large institution; evidence of staff management and team leadership;

knowledge and experience of how to maintain and develop effective administrative systems; familiarity with a number of word processing, spreadsheet and database packages and the ability to use student information retrieval systems; knowledge and experience of financial management; competent report writing skills.

•Communication: highly developed interpersonal skills; able to communicate information in a persuasive way orally and in writing to staff and students; diplomacy and negotiating skills, with the ability to be assertive without being aggressive; able to write clear and concise reports; produce and deliver professional presentations; well-developed listening skills.

•Management of others: has credibility and influence; has assisted with developing policy, plans and agreed service levels; can recruit, develop and motivate staff who can meet objectives; ensure equality of opportunity; has experience of managing poor performance effectively.

•Management of resources: demonstrates strategic understanding of financial planning and budget control; has a record of contributing to the annual resource planning process and overseeing allocated resources.

•Analysis, creativity & problem-solving: considers various perspectives and the overall picture; has the ability to think and plan at a strategic level; shows considerable initiative and judgment to resolve complex problems and seeks innovative solutions and with the minimum of supervision; can produce cogent and analytical reports/synopses to a high standard; has ability to analyse data.

•Organisation: develops effective work systems; the ability to prioritise effectively judging the relative importance of conflicting demands and planning actions to meet agreed deadlines; able to handle complexity and have an ability to maintain high standards while working quickly with a minimum of supervision.

•Teamwork: flexible, co-operative, helpful; respects ideas and expertise of others; appreciates own strengths and weaknesses; the ability to take action appropriate to the job without being prompted.

•Sensitivity: listens well and understands the needs of others, and is sensitive to the differing needs of different situations.

•Self-motivation: has a record of successful performance at an appropriate level of responsibility; provides leadership and the confidence to deliver objectives on own initiative; committed to continuous self-development, results focused; sets and meets objectives on own initiative; keeps abreast of developments within the HE sector and relevant academic disciplines.

•Response to change: prepares and plans self and others for change; adaptable; interested in learning and investigation; proactive and keeps abreast of developments.

•Technical skill: highly developed keyboard skills, knowledge and experience spreadsheet applications and databases.