College Faculty Advisory Council [CFAC] Meeting
December 11, 2012
1:30 pm; 507 Erickson Hall
Members present: Don Heller (Dean of the College), Patrick Dickson (Chair of CFAC; CEPSE), Kristen Bieda (TE), Brendan Cantwell (EAD), Lynn Fendler (TE), Florian Kagerer (KIN), Michael Leahy (CEP), BetsAnn Smith (EAD), Dorinda Carter (TE)
Not present: Dan Gould (KIN)
Patrick Dickson, Chair of CFAC, called the meeting to order.
1:35 Approval of Minutes from 11/27 meeting
The chair of the CFAC discussed the new photos in the hallway on the 5th floor, taken by Tony Cepak. The photos feature scenes from Erickson and CoE events.
1. Dean’s announcements:
· Reminder about talks from visitors from Pearson Education on Wednesday, Dec. 12, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
· Issues brought up at fall budget meeting with the Provost:
o Currently running out of space in Erickson and at IM Circle for KIN. Considering possibility of adding 3-4 stories at Erickson on the one-story wing to the south. At IM Circle, considering renovation of old pool area
2. New Business
· Ideas for spring faculty meeting agenda
o Possible topics to be discussed: “State of the CoE”, CoE participation in the university-sponsored 60/50 symposium; discussion of results from program reviews; faculty searches; update on space issues
o Graduate College may invite Diane Ravitch to speak on campus in the spring
· Future joint meetings with the CFAC and other college-level committees
o In March/April, the chairs of the departmental FACs may be invited to talk about overlaps in the issues that have been raised in each department.
o Recommendation to have chair of C-RPTE come, as well as the chair of the College Curriculum Committee
o Issues with doctoral research methods course requirements
- Students experiencing difficulties in scheduling appropriate and required research methods courses
- Recommended that this be revisited by the CFAC in the spring.
Move to adjourn at 2:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristen Bieda