Never Shall I Forget Poem Activity

In order to tie together our discussion of imagery, mood, tone and symbols, you will be creating your own “Never shall I forget” poem.

Step 1: Brainstorm

In his “Never Shall I Forget” poem, Elie incorporates almost all the senses. He truly creates a “snapshot” with his words and thereby evokes a very particular mood. To decide which memory would create the best snapshot, think of some unforgettable pictures you own as a starting point. Below, write down a list of five memories for each side.

Positive/Happy/Funny Negative/Sad/Frightening

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Step 2: Reflect/Rethink

Share your ideas with a partner to decide which memory might make the best poem. Circle the subject you choose. If you have a memory that is not connected to a photograph you own, add it to the list anyway and circle it.

Write the memory you chose here:______

Step 3: Brainstorming Details

With a vivid memory in mind, reflect on this memory and jot down as many memories as they can think of surrounding this occasion. Try your best to recall images such as smells, sounds, people who were there, the weather, feelings, time, and place. Write these details in the space below.

Step 4: Drafting Your Poem

Follow the template below to create a draft of your poem on a separate sheet of paper. You will staple this sheet on top of your final copy with your draft.

Never Shall I Forget Template:

• Each line begins, Never Shall I Forget, then includes

o Line or Stanza 1:Time and place(be specific)

o Line or Stanza 2:One powerful vivid image

o Line or Stanza 3:A person’s name or relationship+sensory image

o Line or Stanza 4: Interpretation or meaning of memory

o Line or Stanza 5: Weather Feature

o Line or Stanza 6: Powerful feeling or emotion

o Line or Stanza 7: New Attitude or what you learned as a result

o Line or Stanza 8: Statement of Hope

o Line or Stanza 9: Never shall I forget these things as long as I live

o Line or Stanza 10: Never.

Never Shall I Forget Sample Poem:

Never shall I forget that mighty oak in Illinois

Never shall I forget the searing pain when I fell, crashing to the ground.

Never shall I forget my mother rushing over to soothe my trembling body, cradling my limp wrist

Never shall I forget my five year old foolishness

Never shall I forget climbing higher and higher to do my handstand, like the trapeze artists in the circus

Never shall I forget my tears, pouring from my eyes, knowing I would never be in the circus.

Never shall I forget my wild imagination and curiosity.

Never shall I forget that I wasn’t invincible.

Never shall I forget these things as long as I live.


Answer these questions and keep in them mind as you write…

What mood are you trying to create in the reader?

What tone/attitude are you taking toward the experience?

What senses will you include?

Does your poem capture the moment like a snapshot?