a) Staff may belong to any Trade Union or staff association of their choice.

b) The University management and the recognised Trade Unions acknowledge the need for an open and ordered system of collective bargaining. Both parties believe in the principle of resolving employee relations, problems and issues by consultation, negotiation and, where possible, agreement. For practical purposes this can only be conducted by representatives of the employers and employees meeting together in a joint forum.

The University recognises the following Trade Unions: UNISON; UCU, (University & College Union); Unite. They are recognised as the sole bargaining agents for consultation and negotiation on terms and conditions of employment for the following staff groups:

(i) UNISON- Professional, Technical, Administrative, and Support staff who are covered by grades A to J.
(ii) UCU - Academic staff who are covered by grades up to and including J.
(iii) Unite - Professional, Technical, Administrative and Support staff who are covered by grades A to J.

The University provides accredited Trade Union representatives with facilities, including paid time off from work, to carry out their trade union duties on behalf of members and undergo employee relations training.

a) The University and the recognised Trade Unions meet for formal consultation and negotiation purposes in a two tier committee structure.
(i) The main committee, which meets monthly is called the University Joint Union Consultative Committee (JUCC). This is where the University management and representatives of the three recognised Trade Unions meet together.
(ii) Certain matters for consultation, negotiation and agreement are more appropriately dealt with at formal committee meetings between University management and the individual (recognised) Trade Unions. These committees, which may meet quarterly, and whose business is not automatically referred to the JUCC, are called: Joint Consultative Committee (UNISON); Joint Consultative Committee (UCU); Joint Consultative Committee (Unite).

b) The formal consultative committee structure is not intended to replace or supersede the normal daily relationship between local managers, staff and their representatives. Whilst one of the major functions of the consultative committees is to consider issues affecting all staff in the groups this does not preclude the right of a member of a Trade Union to individual representation by their Trade Union on personal matters. Issues are not brought to the consultative committees unless they have proved incapable of resolution by informal means. The consultative committees do not consider individual discipline, grievance, grade/salary issues.

c) The University has agreed a collective disputes procedure, in consultation with the recognised Trade Unions. The purpose of the disputes procedure is to provide a framework acceptable to University management and the recognised Trade Unions in which collective disputes can be resolved.

Author: Human Resources
Last amended: 22 May 2008
Agreed: JUCC 2 July 2008
Last date for review: July 2011