January 6, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Topanga Community House
Take attendance
Red rover or note card game
Flag Ceremony
Emphasize next time a Den will be assigned before the meeting and asked to pick a ceremony out of Baloo’s Bugle (note the link to this publication is available on our Pack Website on the Links subpage under the “Parent Resources” menu, under the heading “General Scouting Websites”)
1.Welcome from Cubmaster Greg Nylen -- introduction by Brooks Walker
(a)Since we are doing our Pinewood Derby later in the year, the Core Value we will discuss tonight is Resourcefulness: using human resources and other resources to their fullest. Through participating in Cub Scout activities, boys will learn different ways to solve problems using various methods and means.
(b)Discuss new developments -- formation of Pack Committee, launch of new website, launch of ScoutTrack
(c)Discuss importance of involvement of Parents -- need for volunteers
(d)Discuss t-shirts and “B” uniforms, and importance of uniforms in general; discuss uniform inspections at upcoming meetings -- fun not painful! Prizes and awards at Blue & Gold Banquet for Dens that win most uniform inspections and have best attendance
(e)Rechartering -- reminder that any Scout who has not submitted a Youth application this year or in prior years needs to do so asap and Parents need to take care of dues
2.Introduction of members of our newly formed Pack Committee:
(a)Tom Foote, Committee Chair
(b)Paul Steinberg, Secretary/Treasurer
(c)Mary Ann Frericks, Outings Chair
(d)Andy Sheldon, Advancement Chair
(e)Vince Lombardo, Public Relations Chair
Finish with “round” of applause (clapping in circle) and “stamp of approval” (stomping on ground)
3.Presentation by Shawn Halbert, our District Commissioner and head of the West Los Angeles County Council’s Camping Department, regarding the various camping options, Scout Camps and programs available in our Council
Finish by giving him a big hand (holding out hand)
4.Presentation by Jim Sholty regarding the Raingutter Regatta
Note there are links to detailed tips for making Regatta boats on our website on the “Fun Activities” page in the section discussing the event
Finish with mosquito cheer (slapping all over)
5.Presentation on the value of Scouting by Gordon Nylen, former Scoutmaster of Troop 606 in Irvine
Finish with “do a good turn” cheer (stand, clap once, turn ¼ of the way around, clap again, etc.) and thank you call and response
6.Skit: The Ugliest Man in the World (Cubmaster and Pack Committee)
Ask Den Leaders to have each Den prepare a skit for the next Pack meeting
7.Audience Participation: The Great Cub Scout
(a)Leo Carillo reminder (January 14-16); need volunteers to cook; don’t need group cooking gear (will be supplied by Greg Nylen)
(b)Emerald Bay family camp (March 25-27)
(c)New President of the Community Club, Mark Nygard; booth at Topanga Days for (potentially, subject to Council approval) selling soda; need volunteers to help with that and help with float in parade
(d)Updates from each Den leader re upcoming Den meetings
9.Game: t-shirt relay -- also ask for volunteer to run games at future Pack meetings
1.New Bobcats -- Tigers are Pawsome cheer
2.Paul Steinberg for organizing the gift drive -- report from him on how it went -- guest applause -- all stand and say “WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE”
3.Tom Foote for taking the lead on website -- good job cheer -- half of audience yells “GOOD” when pointed at, other half yells “JOB” when pointed at
Cubmaster’s Minute
Importance of Parent involvement in advancement; Thomas Edison story emphasizing Resourcefulness
Retire colors/clean up room--leave no trace!
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LA 129285639v1 January 4, 2011