Collection Maintenance SubcommitteeMinutes
July 8, 20159:30 am
SCLS Headquarters
Present: Amy Gannaway (SCLS), Molly Warren (MAD), Jan Anderson (MAD), Dennis Reynolds (MAD), Sarah Hartman (MID), Linda Stuckey (MCF), Debbie Bird (SUN), Kate Odahowski (MAD), Recorder: Nichole Fromm (MAD).
- Call to order (9:30AM)
- Introduction of guests/visitors. Nichole is here to listen to the discussion of Teaching Company audio CD sets.
- Changes/additions to the agenda. None.
- Requests to address the Committee. None.
- Approval of previous meeting minutes: May 13, 2015. The committee approved the May meeting minutes by consensus.
- Discussion/Action items (9:35AM)
- DVD sets: event series vs. mini-series vs. TV series
- Jan reported that some production companies are “testing the waters” with some new semi-series (e.g. Killing Fields). The problem: IMDB calls these miniseries, but that’s not exactly the case. Jan would like more specific guidelines about whether these should be circulated together or separately. Patrons would like more time to watch (which splitting would help with). Debbie would like consistency; Sarah agrees splitting it up would be patron-friendly. No retro/splitting would be done. After discussion, Amy took the consensus of the room to be in favor of splitting up such sets. The CMC will recommend the policy change to the ILS Committee (next meeting in August); Molly and Linda will represent the CMC.
- Jan moved that the word “Together” be changed to “Separate”for Television fiction mini-series in the Videorecordings section ofthe Searching and Matching Policy; Linda seconded; it passed unanimously. This will go to the ILS Committee.
- BSEs for digitized Local materials
Now published:
- Cataloging of PAL DVDs and Blu-ray 3Ds
The ILS Committee feels that these materials are “new formats” and should be placed on generic records unless we formally decide to start cataloging them.
Jan suggested the CMC make a recommendation that the PAL DVDs be put on generic records, but that Blu-ray 3Ds be cataloged (this would be an exception to the rule – there are about 40 unique titles of Blu-ray 3Ds in LINKcat now, 10 below the usual threshold for cataloging a new format). There are no specific policies about PAL discs, but there aren’t that many. (Aside: PAL is a video format, like NTSC; it’s more common outside the US and often American DVD players can’t play it, which is frustrating to patrons if they’re not aware of the difference.)
Debbie moved that under Videorecordings, “All non-local DVDs, including Blu-ray DVDs.”be changed to “All non-local DVDs, including Blu-ray DVDs and Blu-ray 3D DVDs.”in the Levels of Cataloging Policy. Jan seconded. It passed unanimously. This will go to the ILS Committee.
Jan moved that “PAL videorecordings and software” be added under GEN in the Levels of Cataloging Policy.Dennis seconded. It passed unanimously. This will go to the ILS Committee.
- Review of Street Date Policy
Street dates for the same title may be different depending on the library’s vendor (e.g. Baker and Taylor, Amazon, Midwest Tapes). Also, the vendor does need to inform the library of the street date when the item ships. Does this policy need to be revised to reflect these additional issues?
The wording was discussed – it is currently: “Libraries will not circulate an item before the publisher’s official release date (street date) for said item.”
Debbie suggested that the policy is out of date and no longer necessary, that SCLS libraries understand the importance of not circulating items before the street date. SUN staff are meticulous about the policy and frustrated that other libraries are not. Molly is concerned that library staff has to sign a contract with the distributor that states that the library won’t violate the street date, and it’s important that this is honored throughout the system. Dates can change; dates can vary from vendor to vendor for the same item.
Linda moved to approve new wording for the Street Date policy: “Libraries will not circulate an item before their vendors’ supplied release date or street date.” Dennis seconded. It passed unanimously.This will go to the ILS Committee.
Dennis asked how this information would be disseminated. Amy said the usual channels will be used – a general email blast, new director training, ILS training, etc.
- Teaching Company CD sets
Should we treat the CD sets the same way we treat DVD sets?
The current linking manual has specific guidelines for Teaching Company DVDs – namely, to circulate new sets together instead of splitting because they’re usually published with only one booklet, but when adding items to existing bib records, to follow whatever pattern was established with the first copy/exact match.
Audio CD versions of the same courses are treated in various ways. Gifts of older titles add a level of complexity.
Amy proposed that the audio CD documentation in Section III of the Linking Manualbe updated to parallel the Teaching Company DVD documentation, whether or not the item is accompanied by one booklet or many booklets. Dennis and Amy suggested that the specific wording be discussed at the SCLS/MPL Catalogers’ meeting on 7/14.
- Low use collection codes/shelving locations
Shelving locations:
Collection codes:
- VRY [VIDEO REC YA]: none
Debbie moved to delete the following shelving locations: YAOV, TEOVML, OV1F, NR2F, and one collection code: VRY. Kate seconded. It passed unanimously.This will go to the ILS Committee.
- Survey: cataloging of phonics sets
The survey was sent out to cataloging and youth services staff.
Survey results were shared with the group.The majority of survey respondents prefer to circulate phonics sets together. Kate observed that the size of the item affects libraries’ preference and asked if size should inform the policy. Items may or may not circulate in their original packaging. Jan suggested that if phonics book sets are purchased as a set, they should circulate as a set; if purchased separately, they should circulate separately. If incomplete phonic book sets are received as gifts, the books can be added to a GEN record.Amy asked whether this is a policy or a matter of wording in the searching and matching part of the Linking Manual.Kate asked whether the wording would belong in the multipart section or the children’s section for the Fiction matching guidelines. Amy observed that this is specific to phonics book sets, not other sets of juvenile materials such as readers or board books, which might be purchased as sets.
Amy will work on new wording for the Linking Manual and will bring to the next CMC meeting.
- Generic Die Records
Still need to form workgroup.
Amy will work with Shawn B on this.
- Meeting adjourned at 10:44AM. Next meeting at SCLS Headquarters,September 9, 2015, at 9:30AM.