Collaborative Unit Plan

The Committee and the Association have agreed to adopt a collaborative unit plan, in the form

attached hereto as Exhibit B, which plan has replaced all other plans in use in the School. Exhibit B is the Collaborative Unit Plan template which specifies all information to be submitted. The Committee agrees that no additional information will be requested that is not specified on Exhibit A and B in conjunction with a Collaborative Unit Plan submittal.Thisplan shall be utilized by all teachers and instructors in the school. The Committee has agreed that the Administration will provide training in the use of the Collaborative Unit Plan to all new hires

vocational and academic.

Collaborative Unit Plan

1)The Collaborative Unit Plan is still considered a work in progress and will be mutually

reviewed at the end of each year and/or after state, federal or other curriculum requirements


2)FOR NEW TEACHERS: the equivalent of two (2) hours shall be devoted to an orientation

workshop during the mentoring program to explain/model the Collaborative Unit Plan to

new teachers This workshop shall be given by a trained professional of the Collaborative

Unit Plan.Veteran teachers may take part in these sessions. Within the first two months of

school for non-evaluative purposes, any new teacher is encouraged to submit a CUP for

feedback from their evaluator.By October 1st new teachers shall submit one or more CUPs for non-evaluative feedback to evaluating supervisors. Beginning November 1st all new teachers and those teachers teaching a course for the first time should submit unit plans like all teachers.

3)FOR ALL TEACHERS Within the first week of school, the equivalent of one (1) PLC

meeting time of three hours shall be devoted to the continuation of developing the

Collaborative Unit Plan.This session shall be used strictly for working on the Collaborative

Unit Plan and allow for common planning time within or between departments and shops.

4)Additional time (half days, faculty meeting, department meetings, etc.) shall be scheduled to

help with the development of the Collaborative Unit Plan and common planning time may

be scheduled upon request and agreement between evaluator and teacher.

5)There shall be one page minimum and no page maximum for the Collaborative Unit Plan,

plus the attachment of the unit assessment as stated on the agreed upon template.

Assessments and rubrics shall be submitted prior to being administered to students for new

teachers and for teachers teaching a course for the first time. The Collaborative Unit Plan

shall be for between two and six weeks of instructional time.

6)In the “Knowledge” Section: State Frameworks Standards, both numbers and verbiage, will be provided in this section of the Unit Plan. Technical and academic teachers, other than English and Math, may use numbers only to indicate the Common Core Literacy Standards to be addressed as part of their content. English and Math teachers, whose content standards are the Common Core, will include the numbers and verbiage for those standards in this section of the Unit Plan.

At the request of the Association, ten content area frameworkstandards per Unit Plan can be used as a guideline for an acceptable number of standards to be included. It is the belief of the Administrative Team that it is the quality and appropriateness of the standards that is important. This quality is reflected in the alignment of learning activities and assessment to the chosen standards, and the alignment of the chosen standards to the scope and sequence of the year’s course. A simple quantity of standards within a Unit Plan does not speak to quality or appropriateness.Evaluating Supervisorswill continue to interact with teachers around the quality and appropriateness of standards and Unit Plans in an effort to continually improve student learning.

7)Timeline for products:

a)When a teacher instructs more than 4 different courses in any one year, he or she will

only be required to submit a Collaborative Unit Plan for a maximum of four courses.

If the teacher instructs courses that do not already have a Collaborative Unit Plan, the

development and submission of a Collaborative Unit Plan for those courses takes

priority over any course with an existing completed Collaborative Unit Plan, in any

given year.

b)Timelines regarding the length of Unit implementation are flexible. It is understood

that teachers may/shall modify timeline and content expectations during instruction in

order to meet the needs of their students.