Lesson Plan: 1

Teacher(s): Ross Subject:Math Grade(s): 3-5 Grade band: 3-5 Setting: DFP small group classroom Unit: fractions
Number of Students:
Lesson Objective:Students will be able to divide a whole number into equal shares.
Least support / Moderate support / Most support
Given a visual or object model, divide a whole number by a fraction. / Given a visual or object model, divide a whole number by 1/4 or 1/2. / Given a set of objects, divide the set into half and count the pieces.
Connections to GBEs
NF 5.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)
Essence: Add and subtract fractions
E1: Add or subtract fractions with like denominators.
E2: Given a visual or object model, add or subtract fractions with like denominators.
E3: Given an object model with one fraction displayed, add a fraction with a like denominator.
Give Me Half by Stuart J. Murphy
SmartBoard or Computer to watch BrainPop Jr.
Fraction Pizza Fun
Whole-y Cow Fractions are Fun by TarynSouders
Fraction name game template
Chester's Cakes and Pies worksheet
foam fraction puzzles
  1. Pizza fractions/ cutting to share.
To begin the lesson, read Give Me Half at the carpet. Use ELMO to project pages. Discuss what we already know about fractions. Make KWL chart on smart board. Watch Brainpopjr. Parts of a whole
Head back to kidney table.
Use the whole, half and quarter pieces from fraction pizza fun. Show the class what we call a
whole. Introduce hand gesture for “whole”
and continue to use in throughout lesson.
Show the class the whole pizza. “cut it in half” ask if it is enough for each student to get a slice (4 students). Break it in 4s now, see if students find that they can now each have a slice. /
  1. Teacher facilitation 1: fraction names (consonants and vowels) demonstration
Review vocabulary. Read whole-y cow fractions are fun as a group. Watch brainpop parts of a whole. Go over denominator and numerator. Come up with gestures for numerator (on top!) and denominator (way down low!).
Play fraction names. Use class names for name activity. Complete as a class. Use Ross first. Write name in recording sheet (activity attached) Count the number of letters. Record how many of the letters are consonants and how many are vowels. Turn it into a fraction.
  1. Student application 1: fraction names activity using various sight words
Review vocabulary. Read whole-y cow fractions are fun as a group. Watch brainpop parts of a whole. Go over denominator and numerator. Come up with gestures for numerator (on top!) and denominator (way down low!).
Play fraction sight words. Use 4 weekly sight words for activity. Student should try to complete independently. Write word in recording sheet (activity attached) Count the number of letters. Record how many of the letters are consonants and how many are vowels. Turn it into a fraction. /
  1. Teacher facilitation 2: cutting to share
Read Give me half again. Introduce the fraction songs!!
Give students foam fraction puzzles. Ask them to cut the foam puzzles to share with their friends. (at this point, only give out 4/4, 8/8, 16/16)
  1. Student application 2: play dough and foam fractions cutting to share.
Give students another opportunity to watch the fraction song videos. Students will be making playdough pizza and cutting the pizza to share with the class. Give out plastic knives.
Use chester’s cakes and pies for grade (attached)
Students will divide bucket object (m&m’s, flowers from pattern unit, etc) into equal groups by placing them onto teacher determined colored mats. When students begin lesson 1, they may need only 2 mats in order to divide objects into equal groups. Adjust number of mats in order to raise expectations as the lesson goes on.
Key Vocabulary:
Numerator / Group
Denominator / Divide
Non-verbal communication / Motor planning and Fine-motor difficulties
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) brainstorm:
How will instructional content and materials be presented to the students (the “what” of learning)? / Actions/ Expression
How are the students able to interact with the materials and demonstrate knowledge (the “how” of learning)? / Engagement
What interests and engages students in the learning process
(the“why” of learning)?
Bright colors to keep students focused / Materials presented via smart board for student interaction / The students love to be rewarded with positive praise
Tangible objects (actual m&m’s rather than picture of m&ms) / Students will manipulate tangibles / Making it possible for all my students to be successful creates self motivation through confidence
Students will work as groups to lead activities
Teaching Strategies:
Modeling / Brainstorming
Graduated guidance / Scaffolding
Think aloud / Read aloud
Assessments: / Response mode:
Teacher checklist / VOC
Observation / Verbal
Completion of activities/ Chester Cakes and Pies / Gestures
Possible accommodations to use with this lesson:
Picture representation
Smart board manipulation of assignments
Closing Activity:
Review vocabulary with the class and summarize student application 2 by asking the class to explain how they determined the number of groups and how they figured out how many to put in each.

ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education