Santa Susana Performing Arts Boosters

SSPAB is a non-profit volunteer organization

Supporting the Performing Arts at Santa Susana High School

2018 Graduating Senior Performing Arts Scholarship

Application Form

DUE DATE – Wednesday, April 11, 2018 by 3pm in the SSHS College and Career Center


Must be a paid family SSHS Boosters member byMarch 1, 2018

Last NameFirst NameMiddle Name

Street AddressCity/State Zip CodePhone

Check the category of onePerforming Arts scholarship you are applying for  Instrumental  Vocal  Stagecraft  Dance  Theatre

Please submit a separate application for each performing arts scholarship you applying for, even though some of the materials will be the same for each application.

List names of colleges/universities, community colleges, or vocational schools to which you have applied and/or been accepted, and the college major you are anticipating to pursue or your post high school plans:


Do you give permission for your name to be used in press releases concerning any scholarship awarded?  Yes No

SIGNATURE of Applicant (Required)Date

SIGNATURE of Parent/Guardian (if Applicant is under 18)Date

Printed Name of Parent/Guardian/Student Booster Member(must be a SSHS Booster Member by March 1, 2018)

Please see other side for eligibility requirements and additional information

SSPAB 3570 Cochran Street, Simi Valley, CA 93063

Msg. Phone SSHS (805) 520-6800

501©(3) Non-Profit Tax ID 77-0458044

Santa Susana Performing Arts Boosters

SSPAB is a non-profit volunteer organizationsupporting the Performing Arts at Santa Susana High School.

2018 Graduating Senior Performing Arts Scholarship information


Each department will award a minimum of $500 in scholarships with each recipient receiving a minimum of a $250.00 award. Santa Susana Performing Arts Boosters will award cash scholarships ONLY to qualifying graduating seniors within the performing arts departments at Santa Susana High School. The purpose of this scholarship opportunity is to acknowledge the achievements of seniors for outstanding involvement or service at school and in the community, as well as to provide an incentive for students to continue their education or pursue a career in the performing arts. Please be advised that submission of an application DOES NOT guarantee an award/scholarship.


Applicant must meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered for a Santa Susana Performing Arts Boosters Scholarship(s):

  • Senior at Santa Susana High School and has attended SSHS for at least two (2) years.
  • In the process of enrolling in or have been accepted to a junior college, four-year university or vocational school, or post high school plans related to the performing arts industry.
  • Must have been enrolled in the department (in which you are applying for a scholarship) for a minimum of two (2) years
  • Overall GPA of no less than 2.5 and no less than a 3.5 cumulative GPA in the performing arts department for which the application is submitted.
  • Must be a paid family Santa Susana Performing Arts Boosters Member as of March 1, 2018.

Application requirements:

Must include all five items listed below inside a sealed envelope. Please submit a separate application for each performing arts scholarship you are applying for, even though some of the materials will be the same for each application.

On the outside of each envelope, write your name, “SSPAB Scholarship,” and the Performing Arts Scholarship for which you are applying. Example: Jane Doe, SSPAB Scholarship – Dance

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. COPY of your SSHS “Unofficial” Transcript (NOT printed off Aeries)
  3. Two (2) letters of recommendation with contact information: From non-relative adults directly involved in your Performing Arts endeavors for each category you are applying for a scholarship. (Example of non-relative adult could be: An SSHS academic or performing arts teacher or administrator, an outside of school director, vocal coach, etc.)
  4. Resume:Do not submit an audition resume with headshot. Your resume should include the following: 1. Description of your senior project. 2. Volunteer work, internships (paid & unpaid) and work experience (list all that apply) and include your duties/responsibilities 3. Any academic and/or performing arts/talent honors, awards, special contributions/accomplishments you’ve received (including leads/solos/etc.) 4. Extra training (in or outside of school) such as workshops, seminars, classes, etc. 5. Leadership positions in school clubs (include duties/responsibilities, such as what you do to assist PA teacher and/or mentor other students) and/or all memberships in school clubs, i.e., ASB, Thespian Club, Key Club, International Club, etc.
  5. Essay: (no more than two pages) detailing your qualifications and future plans. Please pay attention to grammar, punctuation and spelling. It is highly recommended that you have an English teacher or parent review.


All completed applications received by the due date will be reviewed by the SSPAB Scholarship Committee. Selected scholarship recipients will be announced and awards will be given at the SSHS Senior Awards Ceremony.