held at

The Parish Council Chambers, Station Road, Codsall.

On Wednesday 9th May 2012 at 8.00p.m.


District & Parish Councillors Cllr Ewart (Chair), Mrs P Campbell, J Michell, Parish Councillors Mrs M Barrow, R Etheridge (Late), Mrs E Forster, B Holland, Mrs C Millar, L Stovin


Apologies were received from Cllrs Chapman, Kenyon, Jenkinson, Marshall & Almond



Before the election took place the Chairman Matt Ewart informed the meeting that he has enjoyed his term as Chairman and thanked members for their support over the last twelve months and in particular the last few months which have been difficult and exceptional.

Cllr Lewis said he was grateful of Cllr Ewarts Chairmanship over the last twelve months which has been professional.


The outgoing Chairman Cllr Matt Ewart proposed the Vice Chair Cllr John Michell as the new Chairman; this was seconded by Cllr Stovin and unanimously approved by the meeting.

The incoming Chairman Cllr Michell immediately signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman, witnessed by the Clerk.

Chairman Cllr John Michell proposed vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman Councillor Ewart who had to preside over a very difficult term of office which had earned him the respect of the whole Council, this was heartily supported by all members.


Chairman Cllr Michell proposed that Councillor Holland be elected as a Vice Chair, this was supported by Cllr Campbell, but before taking a vote the Chairman asked if there were any other nominations for this office. No other nominations were forthcoming and a vote was taken and the meeting unanimously endorsed Cllr Holland as the new Vice-Chairman.


a.  Finance Committee

The existing members of the Finance Committee agreed to continue namely Cllrs Michell, Marshall, Stovin, Holland, Etheridge, Chapman, Ewart, Millar and Cllr Almond.

b.  Personnel Committee

It was agreed that the Personnel Committee would replace the Working Party Committee. All Councillors would be members, as proposed in the revised Standing Orders.

c.  Village Hall Management Committee Representative

Cllr Megan Barrow the existing representative agreed to continue together with Cllr Michell who is the existing representative for the District Council.

d.  Road Safety Committee

Existing members agreed to continue namely Cllrs Forster, Campbell, Michell, Etheridge, Marshall, Millar, Barrow, Chapman, Ewart and Stovin

e.  Leisure Garden Committee

It was agreed that this Committee would be amalgamated into the Open Spaces Committee, as the few Committee Members of the Leisure Garden were also on the Open Spaces Committee.

f.  Open Spaces Committee

The existing members agreed to continue: Cllrs Kenyon, Forster, Campbell Holland, Cllrs Etheridge, Jenkinson and Millar.

6.  NOMINATIONS AND APPROVAL for Signatories to Bank and other accounts the existing signatories agreed to continue namely Councillors Campbell, Forster, Etheridge, Ewart and Millar.

The Acting Clerk Mrs Maxine Baker as the responsible Finance Officer is also a Counter Signatory on the account with the current arrangements of any three of the above to sign for all disbursements from the bank account.


The minutes of 11th April 2012 were received; approval proposed by Cllr Campbell, seconded by Cllr Holland and unanimously approved by the meeting and immediately signed by the Chairman.


Police Report by County Councillor Robert Marshall was received and noted.

A report on policing for the period 12/04/12- 07/05/12 was received.


Burglary Dwelling 0

Empty properties are a concern; the Police advise that the owners keep a closer eye on empty properties and check regularly.

Burglary Other 4

3 of which were Civic Buildings.

Theft of and from a Vehicle 0

Operation Habit is ongoing where the Police check vehicles for any items on show and advice given to the vehicle owner.

Criminal Damage 1


The Police reiterated that ‘anyone found on a roof for no obvious good reason will be arrested on suspicion of burglary,’

Speeding remains an issue and this will remain being targeted by the Police. A drink and drugs campaign will soon start and will be ongoing, driving licences could be at risk.

Plain cars will be out in the area over the coming weeks and the officers concerned will not be targeting any one particular offence.


9.1  Annual Review of Standing Orders

Following discussion it was resolved that the proposed amendments to Standing Orders be approved and adopted.

9.2  Resolved to switch Parish Office Electricity Supplier from Npower to British Gas – Payments to be made by Direct Debit (presently by Cheque).

9.3  South Staffordshire District Council

Planning Training for Parish Councillors

Development Management Services will be running Training Sessions for 2/3 councillors per parish.

Wed 13 June - Cllrs Forster and Etheridge agreed to attend & Thurs 21 June - Cllrs Holland and Millar agreed to attend.

The sessions will cover Permitted Development changes and planning update following on from the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework in relation to Development Management.

9.4  E-on’s ‘Improvements to Street Lighting’ in Codsall.

Following a brief discussion it was agreed by the meeting that this item be deferred until the meeting on the 11th July where Cllr Marshall would have an uptodate review by County Council and Cllr Etheridge would research lighting at other similar semi rural villages outside of Staffordshire.


a.  A report on Council Finances for the year to 30th April 2012 were received. Approval proposed by Cllr Campbell, seconded by Cllr Stovin and unanimously agreed by the meeting.

b.  Payment Schedule to the 9th May 2012 was received, approval proposed by Cllr Campbell, seconded by Cllr Millar and unanimously approved by the meeting.


A written report from County Councillor Robert Marshall was received:

The Crime and Culture meeting discussed Domestic Burglary – especially the use of forensic marking, Antisocial behaviour – especially towards vulnerable people, Domestic Homicide Reviews (Basically this is a sudden death caused by someone else’s actions) of which we had 5 in Staffordshire last year (Newcastle (2), Stafford, Cheadle and Penkridge) and Troubled Families which has recently become a Government priority. On this last point, each of these families cost the country (on average) £75,000-00 every year….and of the 120,000 of these families that we have in the UK, 1400 of them are in Staffordshire (and another 800 of them are in Stoke).

The other Accountability session was on Public Health. The Key lines of enquiry were: Slips, trips and falls - what can we do to reduce the large number of these.

Free NHS Health Checks – Why is the uptake in Staffordshire so low – especially in the south;

Child obesity especially year 6 where the Staffordshire (and England) figure is about 19%.

Inoculations for over 65s – why is it below the national average;

Maternal smoking – what can we do about it over and above what we are doing already?

The Health and Wellbeing Board – how is it developing and when will its meetings be public.

Codsall Middle School has chosen its new Head-teacher.

The four Leisure centres in South Staffs are performing very well as a whole.

Finally a subject of interest that you may consider discussing in my absence. If a community (however small) wish to NOT have street lights on in their road, they can vote to have the lights dimmed or switched off altogether from a time of their choosing (within reason) We have not worked the details out totally, but it is very possible that SOME of the savings would be granted back to that village to be spent on a community project of some sort.


A report from the Village Hall Management Committee was received and noted.

Councillor Megan Barrow advised the meeting that it would be nice to see a few more Councillors at the events being arranged at the Village Hall.


District Councillor Pat Campbell informed the meeting that the Parish Summit was well attended. The discussion topics covered included Police Development and Planning for the Future. The Bowling Green came into the discussion, as did parking and low cost housing as being a priority identified in Codsall.


The Chairman was mindful that the Jubilee Celebration and the Big Lunch was fast approaching and that St Nicholas Church who are organising the event for the community of Codsall may require financial assistance in the forthcoming weeks. Cllr Michell therefore proposed to delegate expenditure upto £500 to the Clerk for the event. This was seconded by Cllr Millar and unanimously agreed by the meeting.


To raise any concerns with County Council Highways



13th June 2012.