Planning Meeting held in the Parish Council Chamber,
Station Road, Codsall on Wednesday 23rd November 2011 at 7.30 p.m.
Parish Councillors, R Etheridge (Chair), M Barrow, S Jenkinson, L Stovin, District & Parish Councillors, P Campbell, J Michell
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Holland, Forster, Ewart, Chapman, Fraser, Kenyon and Millar
11/00781/FUL Cllr Barrow – clients.
The Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on the 9th November 2011 were received, approval proposed by Cllr Jenkinson, seconded by Cllr Barrow and unanimously approved by the meeting and immediately signed by the Chairman.
Limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 15 minutes overall.
The following Planning Decisions from South Staffordshire Council were received and noted:
11/00716/COU Change of use from retail to part Italian restaurant part retail
17 Church Road, Codsall Approved
11/00727/FUL Two Storey side extension
39 Birches Park Road, Codsall Approved
11/00726/FUL Single-storey side extension to form garage
Bramber, Histons Hill, Codsall Refused
Appeal Decision
11/00224/FUL & 11/00225/CAC
27 Oaken Lanes Appeal Dismissed
Resolved that the following recommendations be made to South Staffordshire Council:
11/00781/FUL Erection of two bedroom bungalow
35 Station Road, Codsall
Councillor Megan Barrow took no part in discussion or decision
2 letters of objections received from residents.
The meeting unanimously recommended refusal on the following grounds:
· Site plan is inaccurate, not showing any building development adjacent
· Conflict with pattern of development
· Poor relationship with adjoining buildings
· Conflict with the character of the area
· Out of scale with surroundings
· Drive to narrow, not enough room for two vehicles to pass
· Difficult access for public service and emergency service vehicles
· Insufficient land area to satisfy local authority planning guidelines and garden requirements
· Removal of off road parking to original property no 35
11/00862/CO Change of use from retail to leisure and assembly D2 to create children’s soft play area and adventure centre and healthy eating café
17 Church Road, Codsall
Approval subject to the following:
Satisfactory reports on environmental aspects of proposed development.
Satisfactory health and safety regarding use by young children.
Satisfactory report from highways.
No objections from neighbours.
11/00858/FUL Two-storey side and single storey rear extensions following removal of existing single-storey garage
18 Landsdowne Avenue, Codsall
Approval subject to no objections from neighbours
11/00880/FUL Two storey side extension and porch
63 Oaken Park, Codsall
Approval subject to no objections from neighbours
TPO Application
AL/84/2011/TPO Silver Birch at front of property – Crown lift to clear garage roof
Silver Birch at rear of property reduce height by 33% and crown thin due to risk of damage to property
Medina House, Mill Lane, Codsall
No objections raised
7. Police
To receive presentation from Inspector Pat Shannaghan on Policing in Codsall
The Area Commander Inspector Pat Shannaghan addressed the meeting. He explained that as it is well reported the Police Authorities are having to reduce their budgets by approximately 20% over a 5-year period. Staffordshire Police Constable has determined that some of the savings can be made by the disposal of unwanted or unutilised buildings particularly where other facilities are available and can be shared with other authorities.
Codsall Police Station as previously reported falls into this category and the Police Authority have negotiated an agreement with South Staffordshire Council for use of unused parts of their building and this will continue to provide a 24-7 Police operation for our local community.
The CCTV monitoring facility which is controlled and run by South Staffordshire District Council currently operates from the Police Station, this will be moved to South Staffordshire Council Offices and will continue its existing operations. Inspector Shannaghan believes that the District Council have recently signed a new 3 year agreement for the operation of the system.
Inspector Shannaghan is anticipating that the move to District Council Offices will be encompassed within the next 5 weeks.
The premises will be sold in the short term there will be an immediate saving as capital expenditure for remedial work on the station is required for the police station to continue at its existing site. By leasing at the District Council Offices there will be an on going saving and will also help South Staffordshire Councils budget.
Inspector Shannaghan then answered questions from Councillors. Councillor Michell wondered if CCTV gave value for money. Inspector Shannaghan responded by saying that it was an invaluable asset not only as a deterrent but also as an assistant to crime detection but this was extremely difficult to value. The CCTV operation for South Staffordshire villages is funded by the District Council.
Councillor Etheridge wondered if there were adequate contingency arrangements following the loss of PCSO David Layton and the current light duties for PCSO Claire Clifton. Inspector Shannaghan assured members that contingency arrangements were in place, shift patterns have been adjusted to ensure adequate cover. There has been a big recruitment drive for Special Constables and these have now increased from 20 to 45 with many of these providing additional support to the villages during evenings and weekends.
Finally Inspector Shannaghan asked members to remind members of the public that with Christmas approaching please ensure goods and gifts are not left in view in cars are there are many opportunists thief’s throughout our area.
8. Staffordshire County Council
Local Transport Plan 2011 (Strategy)
To receive and respond to document by 16th December 2011
The Chairman and Clerk asked members to review this Strategy Document online and bring any concerns or suggested amendments to the meeting on the 14th of December when a Parish Council response can be considered and approved.
9. South Staffordshire Council
Codsall Public Car Park (Co-op)
To receive revised proposal Submitted to South Staffs Council from Co-op regarding parking restrictions in Public Car Park
Members received details of the proposal discussed with Mr Andrew Cresswell, Deputy Chief Executive of Mid Counties Co-op and Mr Stephen Winterflood, Chief Executive, South Staffordshire Council; the proposal agreed with Mr Cresswell is as follows:
· Nothing to be done for three months, but Mr Cresswell to be kept informed of developments in terms of the new Railway Station car park
· The time restriction be increased to 4 hours
· That a contribution be made by Mid Counties Co-op to the funding of the railway station car park
· Consideration to be given to permit holders but based on real need only
· That a joint press release be issued
Following a fairly lengthy discussion the members present unanimously agreed the following proposal tabled by Councillor Jenkinson and seconded by Councillor Barrow, namely:
That the members present are unhappy with the proposals as tabled, but will bring the proposal back to the full council meeting of the 14th of December for a formal response having consulted residents. The Clerk should write to Mr Winterflood accordingly.
Wednesday 14th December at 7.30 p.m.