Proposed: D.E. C. September 25, 2016 NC

  1. The Commission shall be composed of five members in accordance with Article IX, Section 2 of the Department By-laws: two (2) for one-year (1 year) terms, and one each for two (2), three (3) and four (4) year terms. Each year the commander will appoint one (1) one (1) year members and one (1) four (4) year member. Preferably the members will have a Scouting background and represent the 5 BSA councils in Oregon. The Chairman of the Commission will be designated by the Department Commander. Revised 10/01/06
  1. The Committee shall encourage the Posts in the Department of Oregon to participate in the Boy Scout Program and in cooperation with the Scout Executives in each of the five (5) councils in Oregon, will provide the Posts with opportunities to participate. Revised 10/01/06
  1. The Committee shall make available to the Posts in the Department of Oregon any new programs initiated by the Boys Scouts of America.
  1. The Committee shall carry out such other duties as may be assigned it by the Department Commander, the Department Executive Committee, a Department Convention, orAmericanism Commission Chair.
  1. The Commission shall meet at the call of the Chairman. If, by prior information a quorum cannot be present at a called meeting, the Chairman shall contact each member by mail, or email and their replies to proposed actions and recommendations shall be the basis for actions and recommendations by the Chairman.
  1. Three members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Commission. Any action taken by less than a quorum shall be ratified at the next meeting of the Commission.
  1. The Committee Chair shall request in writing, to the Department Commander, the removal of a Commission member for failure to participate actively in the work of the Commission; a copy of such request shall be sent to the member concerned.
  1. The Chairman shall make a written report to the, Americanism Commission Chair, who will present to the Department Executive Committee, when called to do so, at the meetings of that Committee for the Commission.
  1. The Chairman shall submit a written report annually of the year’s activities of the Commission to the Americanism Chair who will present to the Department Commander as required by Article V, Section 7 of the Department Constitution.
  1. Changes in the Code of Procedure shall be made by a majority vote of the Committee members and submitted to the Commander and Department Executive Committee through the Americanism Chair for approval.
  1. The Chairman shall prepare and submit a budget for the year to the Permanent Finance Commission for approval by the Department Executive Committee.
  1. No expenditures in behalf of the Committee shall be made without prior notifications to and approval of the Chairman. Subject to funds available to the Committee, travel allowances will be made for attendance at called meetings on vouchers submitted to and approved by the Chairman.
  1. A notice of the called meetings, as well as a copy of the minutes of the meetings, shall be sent to the Department Commander for his/her information and to the Department Headquarters to be placed on file.
  1. The Committee shall meet prior to the convention held the last week of June to evaluate reports submitted by the Posts to determine which Posts shall receive the awards for the best scouting program. TheCommittee shall also meet as needed, prior to March 15th each year to evaluate Eagle Scout of the Year nominations.