Detroit Yacht Club



(313) 824-1200

27th Annual Father’s Day Car Show

Sunday June 19, 2011 Time: 10:00 – 3:00 Arrival is requested by 9:30 AM.
Registration Form
Please return the form by June 15th so we can include your vehicle information in the show booklet.

Participation this year is expected to be excellent. The Show is growing in popularity so having the registration form in advance is essential to plan spacing. We can still accommodate late entries, but the form is very helpful, especially to insure that the information is printed in the booklet.

Owner(s) __________________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________ City ______________ State/Zip _____________________

Phone Days __________________ Cell _________________ E-Mail _________________________

Number of others(s) attending with you _____

The DYC will provide one (1) complementary Brunch ticket for each car that exhibits. Please note: You must call the DYC in advance to reserve your seating time for Brunch and to purchase additional tickets.

Manufacturer __________________ Make ______________ Model_____________ Year __________

Body Style ___________________ Color ________________ Engine Type _____ Cu In/CC______

Special Features of the vehicle / Items of interest for the booklet / Why the vehicle is special to you:





(If you exhibited in a prior year do you want the same information listed for the booklet: Yes__ No__.)

Is space needed to park a tow vehicle & trailer at the DYC? Yes ___ No ___

Please return completed forms to: Bill Heller

301 Lakeshore Rd.

Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

Phone: 734.634.2700