“The sport federation’s mission can only be accomplished successfully if all individuals involved in the sport (including athletes, parents, coaches, officials and administrators) share a common vision and understanding of their role to create and maintain a positive learning environment. However, it is the actions of each individual that, ultimately contribute to or undermine the existence of a positive sport environment.”
Excerpt adapted from Skate Canada Official’s Code of Ethics.
Ethical principle
/Official’s commitment
“As an official, I commit myself to …” / Expectations towards other participants(coaches, athletes, spectators, administrators, etc.)
“ In return, I expect others to …”
Y / Respect of individuals — Nothing will be tolerated which represents a risk for the health or safety, be it physical or mental, of a human being.
Courtesy /
- Communicate in a respectful manner with other participants
- Approach me in a respectful manner at all times, even when in disagreement with my decision
- Show discretion with all information of a confidential nature
- Abstain from any form of harassment towards me or other participants
Security /
- Protect the integrity of the competition and the safety of the participants
- Not tolerate any behaviour from other participants that would compromise the integrity of the competition or the safety of participants
Y / Respect of rules — Only the athletes’ performance will dictate the outcome of the competition.
Competence /
- Know the rules applicable to the competition in progress
- Try to better know the rules and their interpretation
- Be open to constructive criticism and always seek to improve my abilities as an official
- Recognize my abilities to interpret and apply the rules
- Share my knowledge of the rules and their interpretation with the other participants in order to promote the growth of my sport
- Be receptive to my instructions, my advice and my explanations with regards to the rules
Fair Play /
- Apply the rules with objectivity and impartiality, in a fair manner, with sound judgement
- Respect the rules and refuse to win by cheating
- Show honesty in my relationships with other participants and declare any potential conflict of interest
- Respect my decisions and not question my integrity
Authority /
- Fulfill my functions within the limits of my authority and abilities
- Intervene within the limits of their authority during the competition and file a report to the proper authorities about any situation they judge unacceptable
Submitted and adopted by the participants at the Congrès québécois du sport 2007 and by the Committee for the development of officials Version dated 15-05-07