Schedule –3 (A)

Code of Conduct for the Nepal Red Cross Volunteers/Members

(Related to Article 49)

(To be placed on the back of the Application Form)

As a volunteer/member of the Nepal Red Cross I express my commitment of follows:

1.I will remember –“I am representing International Red Cross Movement.”

2.I will study, understand, follow and disseminate the following:

a)Fundamental Principles of International Red Cross Movement (Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality)

b)Ideals of Volunteer services of the Red Cross

c)Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols

d)Promote of Red Cross Emblem and work to stop its misuse.

3.I will be always aware to reduce human suffering, and respect every person.

4.Before taking decision on dualistic matters I will consult the Red Cross bodies keeping in view its ideals and principles.

5.I will willingly support as appealed by the Nepal Red Cross bodies keeping in view the ideals and principles.

6.I will take the responsibility of service work as per my ability, and carefully carry out such works with flexibility.

7.I will assist the Society to strengthen it being aware of its Constitution, mission, vision, and objectives and polices.

8.I will promote understanding with all including fellow volunteers/ members, establishing harmonious relationship.

9.I will fulfill my duties without any discrimination based on nationality, caste, gender, political opinion or religious belief.

10.I will protect the belief and self- respect of the people I serve,

11.I will advocate for the vulnerable people and will try to give them quality services in every possible way.

I express my commitment not to these acts:

1.I will not commit to anyone regarding the use of equipment/ properties of Nepal Red Cross without prior consent of the authorized body/ office-bearer or person

2. I will not misuse my position, emblem and property of the Nepal Red Cross for personal benefit.

3. I will not use the batch, identity card other articles with Red Cross emblem received as a member/volunteer of the Red Cross in any purpose other than in the works of Red Cross Movement and such humanitarian works.

4. I will not use Red Cross Membership/ Position/Post for the illegal benefit of others or myself through institutional transaction or sales,

5.I will not indulge into any acts including corruption that hampers the image of the Red Cross.

Name:……………….Signature: ……………..Date: ……………………