Colorado State Board of Education


1 CCR 301-46

[Editor’s Notes follow the text of the rules at the end of this CCR Document.]



These rules were amended and combined with 1 CCR 301-54 Rules for the Administration of the ACT Assessment on a National Test Date to reflect the amendments of HB 15-1323. The statutory basis for these rules is found in §22-2-106(1)(a) and (c), C.R.S., State Board Duties; §22-2-107(1)(c), State Board Powers; and §22-7-1006.3 State assessments – administration – rules.

1.01 STATEMENT OF BASIS AND PURPOSE. The statutory basis for amendments to these rules adopted in 2016 is §22-7-1006.3, C.R.S. following the passage of H.B. 15-1323. H.B. 15-1323 made numerous amendments to the administration of state assessments, including the college entrance exam. Specifically, §22-7-1006.3(2)(c)(II), C.R.S. allows any student who shows a need to take the college entrance exam on a date on which the exam is administered throughout the country may take the exam on such a date, prior to the date established by the department pursuant to §22-7-1006.3(2)(c)(I), C.R.S. The Department shall pay all costs associated with a student taking the college entrance exam pursuant to §22-7-1006.3(2)(c)(II), C.R.S. In addition, the State Board is required to adopt rules pursuant to §22-7-1006.3(2)(d) to ensure that any requirements of the administrator of the college entrance exam, such as a secure environment, are met and to identify the level of need that a student must demonstrate to take the college entrance exam on a date on which the exam is administered throughout the country.

2.00 Definitions.

2.01 “Students” means public school 11th grade students eligible to take the college entrance exam.

2.02 “College entrance exam” means the assessment identified in Section 22-7-1006.3(2)(b), C.R.S.

2.03 “Department” means the Colorado Department of Education.

2.04 “Department-designated dates” means days scheduled by the Colorado Department of Education for the administration of the college entrance exam across Colorado.

2.05 “Legitimate instructional or curricular activities” means any activity of an educational nature with curricular or instructional value. This would include the need to take the college entrance exam on a national test day in order to comply with certain scholarship programs.

3.00 Students Eligible to Take the College Entrance Exam on a National Test Date.

3.01 Students eligible to take the college entrance exam on a nationally established test date shall take the exam according to all rules and policies established annually by the vendor of the college entrance exam.

3.02 Eligible students are students unable to take the college entrance exam on either of the Department-designated school dates due to conflicts with legitimate instructional, curricular, or other activities, as determined by the Department; or

3.03 Students who are unable to take the college entrance exam on either of the Department-designated school dates due to religious holidays; or

3.04 Students attending online schools full-time which are unable to establish secure testing sites.

3.05 On or before December 31st of each calendar year, the Department shall schedule a date by which each school must submit a number of students meeting the requirements to receive a voucher to take the college entrance exam on a national test date. At a local level, schools will maintain a roster of students who have met the requirements to take the college entrance exam on a national test date. This roster will include student name, student state identifier, district name, district state identifier, school name, school state identifier, birthdate and the justification for the need to take the college entrance exam on a national test date in place of the Department-designated dates. Rosters will be provided to the Department upon its request. Vendor-provided vouchers for payment for the college entrance exam will be issued for Department-approved students. Vouchers will be good for at least one national test date occurring prior to the Department-designated dates.

4.00 College Entrance Exam Administrator Requirements.

4.01 Administrative Requirements
Test administrators, test supervisors, and test proctors must:

4.01(1) Administer the college entrance exam using the correct testing materials;

4.01(2) Not allow students to select their own seats;

4.01(3) Follow scripts exactly. Prompting of correct responses to students is prohibited;

4.01(4) Remain alert and vigilant at all times during testing;

4.01(5) Not engage in activities that are not related to testing, such as eating or drinking, talking on phones (prohibited for all staff as well as students), using a computer, or grading papers;

4.01(6) Ensure that at least one staff member trained in the vendor administration and security procedures is in the testing room at all times;

4.01(7) Not copy or otherwise reproduce (e.g. take a picture of, copy by hand, type, text) any part of secure test materials including test stimuli, test items, and student responses or save any part of the assessments;

4.01(8) Not discuss, memorize, photocopy, scan, encode, email, take notes, text, blog, or communicate via other forms of social networking, or reproduce using any other methodology;

4.01(9) Ensure that students do not use calculators, phones, or prohibited aids during breaks;

4.01(10) Monitor test materials at all times; do not leave them unattended with students under any circumstances;

4.01(11) Guard against test materials being removed from the room;

4.01(12) Immediately report significant problems or events that interfere with specific testing procedures or that compromise test security, either before or on the test date; and

4.01(13) Participate in resolving in a timely manner any testing irregularities with the administrator of the college entrance exam and the Department.

4.02 Material Requirements

4.02(1) Test materials shipment must be checked and counted within 24 hours of delivery to make sure all items are accounted for. After the shipment has been validated, test materials must be re-packaged and cartons must be resealed for storage until the test date.

4.01(2) Materials must be stored in a secure, locked location with access to the storage area limited to no more than three authorized individuals.

4.02(3) School staff members who are relatives of students taking the college entrance exam must not have access to testing materials at any time.

4.02(4) Materials must be tracked via a documented chain of custody using a written check-out/check-in procedure.

4.02(5) Materials must not be copied or otherwise reproduced (e.g. taken a picture of, copied by hand, typed, texted) in whole or in part including test stimuli, test items, and student responses, nor may any part of the assessments be saved.

4.02(6) Materials must not be removed from the school.

4.02(7) Materials must not be stored at home/residence, in a vehicle or in a classroom.

4.02(8) Materials must be stored securely until pickup.

4.02(9) Answer documents and other testing materials must be returned to the vendor according to the procedures and deadlines established annually by the Department.

4.03 Visitor Requirements

4.03(1) Staff from the vendor or Department may visit schools the day of the test or the week preceding it. These visitors will have identification and a letter of authorization from the vendor or the Department. No other visitors are allowed in the testing rooms or access to testing materials.

4.03(2) If the media are present during a test, they must remain outside of the building. At no time may media have access to testing materials.


Editor’s Notes


Entire rule eff. 07/30/2010.

Code of Colorado Regulations 2