Human Anatomy & Physiology Syllabus
Ms. Butts at Clarke County High School
Human Anatomy and Physiology is a laboratory-based course that investigates the structure and function of the humanbody. Topics covered will include the basic organization of the body; biochemical composition; and major body systemsalong with the impact of diseases on certain systems. Students will engage in many topics and competencies related totruly understanding the structure and function of the human body. Working from the topics of basic anatomicalterminology to the biochemical composition of the human body, all the way into great detail of each of the majorsystems of the body, students will learn through reading materials, study guides, unit worksheets, group work, projects,and labs. Students will be responsible for proper use of lab equipment, labreports, and projects assigned throughout each unit. One of the goals of this course is to prepare students with the skillsnecessary to be successful in future science classes in college.
•Students will be able to describe how the human body is studied including the use of specific terminology.
•Students will understand the functions of each organ system and how structure related to function.
•Students will develop the skills of scientific inquiry while learning concepts in the classroom, lab, and field.
•Students will understand how biological and social concepts related to the content apply to their everyday livesand develop an increased knowledge of these concepts.
GradingPolicy/Standards / Class Materials- Tests/Quizzes/Projects (50%)
- Notebook/Diary/Articles (30%)
- LabActvities/Reports (10%)
- Participation (10%)
-Three ring biology binder (2 or 3 inch)-organized as indicated with all previous and current assignments inside
-Color pencils
-Lined paper & pens
-3 rolls of paper towels
-Hand Sanitizer
Students are expected to arrive each day on time and ready for instruction. You are expected to act responsibly andcontribute to an orderly learning environment. You are expected to follow and adhere to all behavior guidelines outlinedin the school handbook and discussed in class.
ABSENCES/TARDIES: CANNOT BE AFFORDED. Numerous ongoing projects/lab activities are planned in this class and absences will jeopardize your success. It is your responsibility to find out about missing work. ASK a classmate or the teacher before or after class. Do not interrupt class time. The school attendance/tardy policiesarestrictlyenforced in my classroom.
Submissions to the Disease Diary are due monthly by the 15th of each month and must be typed (12 Font Times NewRoman). Each submission should contain a graphic of some aspect of the disease as well as an outline description of thespecific characteristics, causes, signs & symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for the disease. All sources should be citedin the correct format for print and internet. Please include the references for any graphics and information you include. If you find aparticularly useful source site, please indicate this so it can be added to the reference sites list.
Submissions of Anatomy in the News are due on the 25th of each month and must be typed (12 Font Times NewRoman). Find a newspaper, magazine, or internet article on some aspect of ANATOMY. Write a two paragraph summaryof the news article that includes the following information: Who, What, Where, When, Why it is related to ANATOMY.Cite the source: Title of Article, author, date, and URL or Title of Article, author, date, and newspaper or magazine.
Lectures and activities will emphasize topics related to human anatomy and physiology. Students will be required toparticipate in lectures and all activities. Students are required to read journals and medical articles, both online and inprint format. Reflections will be used frequently in class. Class time will be used to reinforce concepts throughdiscussion, labs and research. Tests will include all materials discussed or assigned both in and out of class. Tests may also include materiallearned in previous chapters. Format may include multiple choice, matching, short answer, and discussion. Problemsolving will be emphasized and questions will require critical thinking.
Quizzes are an integral part of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Quizzes are given to reinforce information received inclass and to make sure that students are reviewing the information between each class meeting. If notes are takenduring a class meeting you should EXPECT a quiz the next class meeting.
Throughout the year, students will complete several projects both individual and collaboratively. Some projects will becompleted during the class and some will be completed entirely at home.
Dear parents/legal guardians
I welcome you and your son/daughter in my classroom. Please read this syllabus with your child, sign it and return it. If you have concerns or questions, PLEASE contact me through the school (phone or email). Students please bring this syllabus signed and show it to me for credit. This syllabus must remain in your Biology binder at all times.
Student’s name ______Date ______Block _____
I have read the course syllabus and agree to pledge all my support and cooperation in urging my son/daughter to comply with the above requirements, rules, and policies.
Guardian Name ______Email: ______
Guardian Signature______Phone: ______