Coddenham Churchyard Management Group (CMG)


7:30pm Monday 2nd March 2015

The Pink House, Coddenham

Meeting Notes and Actions


David McDonnell (DM) (Chair), Margaret Baker (MB), Colin Hardy (CH), Brenda Hudson (BH), David Hudson (DH), Neil Baillie (NB), John Allen (JA), John Peecock (JP) Madge Pelling (MP)


Ann Gudgin (AG)

Notes of Previous Meeting 15/9/14

These were agreed.

Matters Arising/Action Updates

Hollies near Church House boundary – decision not to replant these at present, as interfered with strimming this area. Keep under review.

Clearing shed – DM now has key. PCC wished to retain chairs stored therein as useful for seating outside church, having runners rather than legs, which tend to sink into ground. Various mowers etc need checking as to whether worth repairing. Action: DM, JP, CH and NB to review this equipment.

Other matters arising were subject of substantive Agenda items.

New CMG Members

DM welcomed John Peecock and Madge Pelling to their first meeting as members.

He had contacted other neighbours of Churchyard (CY), but Mr and Mrs Goodchild, although interested and supportive, had regretfully declined membership due to other commitments. Replies had not been received from others as yet.

Parking etc

Parking now a much less contentious issue, although occasional inappropriate use continued. After some initial problems, small parking signs placed in CY had worked. Once grass in ‘non-parking’ areas had grown long, people had avoided driving on these. Parish Council supported continued use of small signs, but on longer posts to make them more visible. DM had recently replaced these.

State of Main Path

Path from North gate to church porch potholed and increasingly muddy, partly due to vehicle use. Path from porch to West gate becoming overgrown with grass etc. Former needs remedial action in near future, latter less of an issue. JP estimated North path required c4 tons gravel/shingle at approx. £35/ton. West path would need more, possibly 5 tons. Could be spread by voluntary labour (cheaper) or contractors. Potholes needed attention as gravel only would not permanently fill them.

Actions: CH to raise with Parish Council. DM to discuss with Ian Thompson and seek advice on best way forward.

JP and JA noted footpath from North gate to East kissing gate becoming muddy due to increased foot traffic. Action: All to monitor as weather improves.

Repairs to South Wall of Churchyard

NB said section of this wall leaning precariously into his garden, and several flints missing in other sections. Lean of wall caused partly by roots of large holly close to it. This needed removal, then wall rebuilt or reinforced with buttress. JP pointed out removal of holly needed MSDC agreement, as in a conservation area, and work on wall required Listed Building Consent, also from MSDC. Temporary timber reinforcement to make wall safe was acceptable. NB hoped eventually to incorporate wall into back wall of a new garage, which would definitely need Listed Building Consent. Actions: CH to raise at next Parish Council meeting. DM and JP to informally consult David Mitchell at MSDC Planning Dept before proceeding further.

NB also updated meeting on other work he had undertaken on South side of CY (see update sheet circulated at meeting). DM thanked him for his hard work.


JP said mole hills now a real problem in area of Memorial Garden. Despite raking, area increasingly muddy and unsightly and memorial slabs becoming dislodged.Mowing and maintenance becoming problematic. Group agreed that, whereas a few mole hills here and there in CY were welcome, remedial action was needed.

Action: JP to explore most effective way of resolving problem, including trapping if necessary.

Suffolk Wildlife Trust CY Info Sheets

CH showed examples produced and funded by SWT for other CYs. They were A4 size, in colour and double-sided. He had met Leonie Washington from SWT, who were willing in principle to collaborate on publishing some for Coddenham CY. Meeting supported taking this further. Sheets could be available in Church and/or (eg) shop and complement existing Village Nature Trail leaflets. Action: CH to invite Leonie to meet in Coddenham and discuss. MP and BH also to attend.

DM noted partial funding, if needed, might be available from the Lady Catherine Gardemau Educational Foundation.

Grass and Weed Control

CH noted that County Council contractors did a more satisfactory job in 2014 when cutting grass. However, although the CMGhad agreed that, when contractors next due, SCC should be contacted to specify time and date of cut, so CMG rep could attend to ensure it is done properly, this had not happened, and the cut had been earlier than anticipated. This had not in itself done any harm, but had caused some confusion. CH had raised the co-ordination proposal with the Parish Council but pressure of business had precluded proper discussion and it had not happened. Agreeing dates in advance and cutting the CY, Mill Hill and Broom Hill at same time made monitoring easier and should save the PC money. Action: CH to raise again at next PC, re process for this. Parish Clerk could possibly arrange.

Ideal was to cut CY twice a year, but finance and availability meant this had never been achieved. If only cut once, should be late July/early August, after wild flowers had died back.

CMG discussed need to explain to those villagers who did not like ‘untidiness’ of CY why this was. CH had placed item in 6VN last summer and group agreed to repeat this in May, to highlight when wildflowers at their peak, and July/Aug, when they had gone over and cutting was imminent.

Action: CH to submit articles to 6VN.

Nature Trail Leaflets

Still plenty available. DM kept dispenser in church porch filled up and people were obviously using them. Minor updating required but this could be left until a reprint needed. BH said the Trail marker posts needed repainting.

Action: BH and DH would repaint posts in coming weeks

Parish Council Update (CH)

See above re grass cutting etc

PCC Update

MB said repairs to dislodged tower louvre are in hand and that it is safe. Options for a new tower flag and easier means of raising/lowering it being explored. Flower Festival scheduled for Sat 13 and Sun 14 June, with concert by Ian Galbraith and friends on the Sat evening. This was an opportunity to place a few notices in CY, highlighting interesting flora to visitors. List of Incumbents to be updated by Bernard Baker. New wrought-iron noticeboard in CY was welcomed as a useful and attractive addition.

Any Other Business

JP noted low branch on yew tree over West path was obstructing exit of vehicles (eg hearses) via West gate and needed cutting back.Action: JP and DM to raise with David Mitchell, MSDC, when meet.

JA and JP said beech hedge along CY boundary with Church House drive now too high in parts and needs taking down to more uniform level. May require contractors with staging, due to height and softness of adjoining ground on CY side. Unclear who is actually responsible for this boundary.Action: CH to raise with PC.

JP said there seemed to be a significant increase in number of dogs in village. Some walkers let them off leads in CY, and did not clear up mess. Alternatively, some cleared it up, but put it in CY recycling bin, which was unsuitable and unpleasant. CMG noted this was an increasing problem throughout village and surrounding paths. The PC had asked dog owners to act responsibly but some did not.

Action: all to monitor and pass details of any offences witnessed to local police. CH would discuss with local SNT officers.

Date of Next Meeting

7:30 pm, Monday 29 June 2015 at The Pink House.