
Email: ______

Est. Start Date: ______Est. Completion Date:______

Home Phone______Other Phone______

Check One Type of Modification:

___ Storm/Screen Door ___Fence ___Patio/Deck ___Frt. Porch Furniture ___ Planting/Shrubbery

___ Porch (concrete) ___ Lawn Art/Statues ___ Landscaping ___Exterior Painting ___Other

If other describe______

Describe location of item(s) on lot, with a drawing attached to this form or use a plot map for fences and such:




Materials and or additional descriptions:______


_____Brochures and or pictures with this form Contractor name if any______

I have read the instructions ______(initial)

Delivered to ACC Date______Signature of Owner______


Date Received ______By(ACC member name)______

____ Approved and valid until Date______

____ Conditional approval with explanation and /or conditions ______



____ Denial with resubmit option ______


____Denial with explanation______



ACC Member Date Rev. 7-30-15

Please read and follow these instructions carefully:

You must attach to the application a detailed description of improvements including picture(s) of improvement, specifications, brochure, site plan detailing location of improvements, size, color, materials, etc. (if applicable).

Complete one form per Change ( One request for a storm door and another for a fence.).

You can Email, mail or handdeliver to any Architectural Control Committee (ACC) member. The ACC Email address is . Please do not deliver before 10:00 AM or after 6:00 PM.

Gary Walters 5014 Ridgeline Lane, Indian Land, SC29707

Pam Higley 1199 Crown Vista Drive, Indian LandSC29707

Ed Lego 3095 Streamhaven Drive, Indian Land, SC29707

Gay Thornton 1190 Crown Vista, Indian Land, SC29707

Gordon Delph 3065 Streamhaven Drive, Indian Land, SC29707

Attach sufficient supporting documentation. The ACC reserves the right to request additional information and/or explanations before a decision on the application can be made.

Please allow up to 30 days for the approval process. We meet every two weeks.

ACC approval does not mean you do not need, or are not required to have a building permit or to meet county codes such as building, plumbing, electrical and so forth. Insurance, permits and codes are for your protection and may be required by law. So call your homeowners insurance agent and the Lancaster County Building Department for advice and assistance.

Final note: The Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) can be found by going to the Cobblestone website at SCCOBBLESTONE.COM then look for the blue ribbon (upper left), click on Bylaws and Covenants and then click read covenants. Most but not all of the information concerning CC&Rs for architectural control and the function of the Architectural Control Committee is found in Articles 7 and 13. Yes, it is ponderous and full of legalese; however, this is what we all have to work with.

Rev. 7-30-15