Coates Ta- Nehisi. “There is no post racial America”. The Atlantic.July/ August 2015

Coates article offers a detailed understanding of why racism is still established in America, ample with recent examples of racial events. Taking a serious and concerned approach to the reality of the prevalent racism in America, the article that Coates put together is painfully honest, grimy, and brutal in some instances. The point of his article is not to offer advice about racism in America. Throughout the course of the article itself one can discern that the true point of the article is to point out the obvious racism that is prevalent in America.

Coates makes firm affirmations such as “Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, and Freddie Gray keep happening because they have to keep happening. Our long history of viewing African Americans through the lens of criminal justice is a kind of programming that demands Freddie Gray keep happening.” He thenposes questions or bold statements that are followed by examples that further prove his point. Rather than an everyday article, this text is significant because of it’s the brutal honesty that many do not want to believe is true, and it’s trying approach that causes readers to want to research more.

Pieces of this article could easily be used in my objectives concerning the generational effect of systematic oppression. Many of the examples could be expanded on and recycled into my project. If some of this information provided in this text were to be expanded on it could assist me in identifying why the generational effect of systematic oppression is still around.

Step by step- I went to google. Then I typed in scholarly artilces about racism and systematic oppression. I saw the article and saw that the author was Te-nehisi Coates. I knew he was accreted. I read the article and added into my sources.

Yeltchev Anna. “ The effects of systematic oppression on the African American community.”Odyssey. May 4th 2015

Yeltchev’s article offers a detailed understanding of why there is systematic oppression still prevalent in America. Taking a solemn and semi emotional approach to the ways systematic oppression cripples the black community, the article that is stitched together by Yeltchev is factual, and that what actually what makes it so daunting. Throughout the course of the article one can see that there are two points of the article. The first is to point out the systematic oppression that is so often swept under the rug in America even though it is blatantly obvious. The second is to communicate to not only the black community, but also the community of the world that a change is absolutely necessary and needs to be made immediately.

Yeltchev uses the examples of black people who have recently died in America such as Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Freddie Gray to make a solid statement that hits home to many people predominantly in the black community. Her underlying message seems to interconnect the reality of how blacks in America are oppressed, with the petrifyingactuality that it is overlooked and will continue to be disregarded unless a change is made.

Content within this article could undoubtedly be used in my objectives concerning the generational effect of systematic oppression. Most of the content could be enlarged and recycled in new and different ways into my project. Even if I only used a fraction of the content to expand on, it will still help me in identifying why the generational effect of systematic oppression is still alive and well.

Step by step- I went to google. Typed in systematic oppression on a scholarly level. I scrolled down. Then say this article by Odyssey. I read it, and felt it could be useful. Then added it to my sources.

•1) Obama-era qualifier is also inherently flawed, because it assumes that the long struggle that commenced when the first enslaved African arrived on American soil centuries ago could somehow be resolved in an instant, by the mere presence of a man who is not a king. These two flaws, taken together, expose a kind of fear, not of having a “conversation about race” but of asking the right questions about racism.

•2) Black Americans made up 13% of the population but had only 2.7% of the country's wealth? That the median net worth for a white family was $134,000, but the median net worth for a Hispanic family was $14,000, and for a Black family it was $11,000? That the median wealth for a single white woman has been measured at $41,000, while for Hispanic women it was $140, and for Black women, $120?

•3) systematic oppression that is extremely prevalent in American society today seems to be almost fully directed towards the black community, only creating a wider gap between the government and them. Even though view on African-Americans have been slightly better since the first half of the century, there is a distinct outline of how the oppressors want to keep the oppressed destitute which has been undoubtedly shown since the United States' conception. For example, (important )-currently in the U.S. black poverty rates are the highest out of any race in the country with over a quarter barely surviving and in dire need of basic needs, compared to less than 10% of whites living below the poverty line.]So why is there such a giant gap between these groups???????-Firstly, the black community seems to unfortunately dominate many low-income housing markets, which in return, creates a path of cyclical poverty among that specific faction. With low-income communities comes along with a poor education system, not being able to foster growth and encouragement that many of these at-risk youth so fiercely need. A lot of them aren't given the right tools outside of their already broken homes to go out
