Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)

Centennial Angus Place

August 2017


Document Control


Project Name / Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Date / August 2017
Owners / Angus Place Environment & Community Coordinator
Client / Mine Manager


ORIGINATORS / N.Gardiner / Environment and Community Officer / Date 24/8/12
REVIEWED / D Roberts / Environment and Community Coordinator / Date 31/08/17
APPROVED / T.O’Brien / Mine Manager / Date 4/4/16


Version # / Date / Description / By / Name
0 / 24/08/12 / Development of PIRMP in accordance with the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act). / N. Gardiner / J. Le Roux
1 / 13/03/13 / Plan utilised during LDP003 wall failure-Fix Wallet contact number for LCC.
Update Fire and Rescue Number to 1300729579.
Review of Duty Card 1.
Annual Review following audit/test on 26/02/2013. / N. Gardiner / J. Le Roux
2 / 23/08/2013 / Tested- Centennial Western Region Simulation.
Notification of Regulatory Authorities Response Procedure developed.
Annual Review following test on 08/05/2013. / N. Gardiner / B. Nicholls
3 / 05/11/2013 / Incorporated Ventilation Facility.
PIRMP updated following test on 30/09/2013. / N. Gardiner / B. Nicholls
4 / 10/01/2014 / Update Plans and Contact details.
Reference Mod 3.
Annual Review following test on 10/01/2014. / N. Gardiner / B. Nicholls
5 / 16/04/2015 / Testing of PIRMP following activation of the PIRMP on 16/03/2015.
Information and reporting procedure updated. / E. Mudford / T.O’Brien
6 / 04/04/2016 / Review following activation of PIRMP on 29 March 2016 following ferric chloride spill at B940. / T Hollis / T.O’Brien
7 / 31/08/2017 / Test and Review. / D Roberts / T. O’Brien


Version # / Date / Name / Position
1 / 11/03/13 / J. Le Roux
N. Gardiner / Mine Manager
Environment and Community Coordinator
4 / 17/09/2014 / B. Nicholls
N. Gardiner
E.Mudford / Mine Manager
Environment and Community Coordinator
Environment and Community Officer
5 / 16/04/15 / T.O’Brien
E.Mudford / Mine Manager
Group Manager Environment
Environment and Community Officer
6 / 04/04/2016 / T.O’Brien
T Hollis / Mine Manager
Environment and Community Coordinator


Version # / Name / Department / Title / Date of Issue
0 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 24/08/12
1 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 13/03/13
2 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 23/08/14
3 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 05/11/2013
4 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 10/01/2014
5 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 17/04/2015
6 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 05/04/2016
7 / Staff / Angus Place Colliery / PIRMP / 15/12/17



1.1Background to Angus Place Colliery

1.2Key Aspects of the Plan

2.0Legislative Requirements

2.1Structure of PIRMP

2.2Definition of a Pollution Incident

2.3Immediate Notification of Pollution Incident

3.0Preventative Measures

3.1Description and Likelihood of Hazards and Pre-emptive Actions

3.2Inventory of Potential Pollutants

3.3Inventory of Safety Equipment

3.4Surface and Site Services Plan

4.0Identifying a pollution incident

4.1Internal Identification

4.2Complaints Procedure

4.3Duty Cards and Reporting Forms

5.0Minimising Harm to Persons on the Premises

6.0actions to be taken before, during or immediately after a pollution incident

6.1Actions to Prevent a Pollution Incident

6.2Actions During a Pollution Incident

6.3Actions Following a Pollution Incident

7.0Contact details

7.1Details for those Managing the Response

7.2Details for those assisting with the Response

7.3Details for Appropriate Relevant Authorities

7.4Details for Surrounding Receptors and Community

8.0staff training

9.0availability and Testing of PIRMP


Table 1Requirement to Prepare PIRMP

Table 2Inventory of Chemicals at Angus Place

Table 3Inventory of Safety Equipment

Table 4Angus Place Primary Contact Details

Table 5Springvale and ALS Contact Details

Table 6ARA Contact Details for ARA’s

Table 7Surrounding Receptors and Community

Table 8Testing of the Plan History


FIGURE 1 - Plan No. 6811 Angus Place Modification Locality Plan

FIGURE 2 - Plan No. AP6802-A – Aerial Photo of Angus Place Colliery Workings and Location of Licensed Discharge Points

FIGURE 3 - PlanNo. AP6276 – Angus Place Colliery Surface and Site Services Plan

FIGURE 4 - Plan No. APE-WAE(2) – Angus Place Ventilation Facility


APPENDIX 1 –Environmental Pollution Incident Response Risk Assessment for Angus Place

APPENDIX 2 – Emergency Duty Card (T001)

APPENDIX 3-Standard Response Procedure (SWP200 T338)- Notification of Regulatory Authorities

APPENDIX 4 – Standard Work Procedure (SWP0100 T004) – Community Complaints and Requests for Information

APPENDIX 5 – Related Controlled Documents


1.1Background to Angus Place Colliery

Angus Place Colliery (Angus Place) is an underground coal mining operation located approximately 5 kilometres north of the village of Lidsdale, 8 kilometres northeast of the township of Wallerawang and approximately 15 kilometres northwest of the city of Lithgow in the Blue Mountains region of NSW. It is bordered by Springvale Colliery to the south, Ivanhoe Colliery to the northwest and the Wolgan Valley and Newnes Plateau to the north and east respectively. The locality of Angus Place is shown on Figure 1.

Angus Place has been in operation since 1979 and is operated by Centennial Angus Place Pty Ltd, a joint venture company owned in equal share between the Centennial Coal Company Ltd and SK Kores of Korea. Coal extraction utilising the longwall method of mining is currently undertaken within Mining Lease (ML) 1424 and Consolidated Coal Lease (CCL) 704. Project Approval (PA 06_0021) was granted by the former NSW Department of Planning (now known as the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DP&I)) in September 2006 for continuation of mining.

The main components of the site are an underground longwall mine and associated development units, supporting surface infrastructure, a coal stockpile area (identified as Kerosene Vale) and a haul road to Wallerawang power station. A second haul road to Mount Piper power station is owned by Coal Link Pty Ltd and operated by Angus Place. Angus Place currently operates 7 days a week, 24 hours per day, and has approval to extract up to 4 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of run of mine (ROM) coal from the Lithgow Seam. Mined coal is conveyed to the surface from a stackout/reclaim stockpile, which is equipped with underground feeders, enabling coal to be loaded onto the reclaim conveyor. Coal is then conveyed to the coal handling plant where it is crushed and sized, prior to delivery to the truck loading hoppers by conveyor. Angus Place holds coal supply contracts with Delta Electricity, therefore loaded trucks transport the coal to Mount Piper or Wallerawang power stations via private haul roads.

PA 06_0021 has been modified on three occasions. Modification 1 (Mod 1) was approved on 29 August 2011 and allowed for the development and extraction of two additional longwall panels (Longwalls 910 and 900W), increasing the coal production limit from 3.5Mtpa to 4Mtpa and modifications for the improvement of the dirty water management system at the pit top. PA 06_0021 Modification 2 (Mod 2) was approved in April 2013 and allowed for the development of underground roadways, and the construction and operation of a Ventilation Facility (APC-VS2) and supporting infrastructure (see Figure 2).PA 06_0021 Modification 2 (Mod 3) was approved in December 2013 and allowed for the change in Longwall 980 and 900W length at a mining height of 3.425m. Angus Place has an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL 467), which covers the premises. The EPL outlines specific conditions for environmental monitoring and reporting.

Figures have been prepared as per the requirements of the Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Guidelines. Figure 1outlines Angus Place and its surrounding environment.Figure 2is an aerial view of the site and shows the location of licensed discharge points. Figure 3 is the Surface and Site Services Plan showing chemical storage areas, refuelling area(s) and location of safety equipment such as spill kits and fire extinguishers. Figure 4 shows the as built and indicative site layout of the ventilation phase which is currently being constructed.

1.2Key Aspects of the Plan

This plan covers the key actions to prevent a pollution incident and manage a pollution incident if one occurs (during and after a pollution incident). The plan does not have procedures for the treatment of injured persons or the remediation of the environment following a pollution incident.

The plan has been prepared for managing the impact to human health (employees and nearby neighbours) and the environment (onsite and offsite).

In the event that a pollution incident results in the requirement to evacuate the site, actions will be completed in accordance with the site Emergency Management System. All staff are informed on the location of muster locations through site inductions, signage and ongoing training.

2.0Legislative Requirements

The specific requirements for Pollution Incident Response Management Plans (PIRMP) are set out in Part 5.7A of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) and the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009 (POEO(G) Regulation). In summary, this provision requires the following:

  • All holders of environment protection licences must prepare a pollution incident response management plan (section 153A, POEO Act).
  • The plan must include the information detailed in the POEO Act (section 153C) and be in the form required by the POEO(G) Regulation (clause 98B).
  • Licensees must keep the plan at the premises to which the environment protection licence relates or, in the case of trackable waste transporters and mobile plant, where the relevant activity takes place (section 153D, POEO Act).
  • Licensees must test the plan in accordance with the POEO(G) Regulation (clause 98E).
  • If a pollution incident occurs in the course of an activity so that material harm to the environment is caused or threatened, licensees must immediately implement the plan (section 153F, POEO Act).

Holders of an existing Environment Protection Licence will need to prepare and be able to implement a PIRMP by 1stSeptember 2012.

2.1Structure of PIRMP

Table 1 outlines the structure of the PIRMP, as per the requirements of the POEO Act and POEO (G) Regulation.

Table 1Requirement to Prepare PIRMP

Clause Number / Requirement / Section in Plan
153C(a) / the procedures to be followed by the holder of the relevant environment protection licence, or the occupier of the relevant premises, in notifying a pollution incident to:
(i) the owners or occupiers of premises in the vicinity of the premises to which the environment protection licence or the direction under section 153B relates, and
(ii) the local authority for the area in which the premises to which the environment protection licence or the direction under section 153B relates are located and any area affected, or potentially affected, by the pollution, and
(iii) any persons or authorities required to be notified by Part 5.7, / Section 6.0
153C(b) / a detailed description of the action to be taken, immediately after a pollution incident, by the holder of the relevant environment protection licence, or the occupier of the relevant premises, to reduce or control any pollution, / Section 6.0
153C(c) / the procedures to be followed for co-ordinating, with the authorities or persons that have been notified, any action taken in combating the pollution caused by the incident and, in particular, the persons through whom all communications are to be made, / Section 6.0
153C(d) / any other matter required by the regulations. / See POEO(G) Regulation below
POEO(G) Regulation
98 C (1) (a) / a description of the hazards to human health or the environment associated with the activity to which the licence relates (the relevant activity), / Section 3.1
Appendix 1
98 C (1) (b) / the likelihood of any such hazards occurring, including details of any conditions or events that could, or would, increase that likelihood, / Section 3.1
Appendix 1
98 C (1) (c) / details of the pre-emptive action to be taken to minimise or prevent any risk of harm to human health or the environment arising out of the relevant activity, / Section 3.0
Appendix 1
98 C (1) (d) / an inventory of potential pollutants on the premises or used in carrying out the relevant activity, / Section 3.2
Table 2
98 C (1) (e) / the maximum quantity of any pollutant that is likely to be stored or held at particular locations (including underground tanks) at or on the premises to which the licence relates, / Section 3.2
Table 2
98 C (1) (f) / a description of the safety equipment or other devices thatare used to minimise the risks to human health or theenvironment and to contain or control a pollution incident, / Section 3.3
Table 3
98 C (1) (g) / the names, positions and 24-hour contact details of those
key individuals who:
(i) are responsible for activating the plan, and
(ii) are authorised to notify relevant authorities undersection 148 of the Act, and
(iii) are responsible for managing the response to apollution incident, / Section 7.1
98 C (1) (h) / the contact details of each relevant authority referred to in
section 148 of the Act, / Section 7.3
Table 6
98 C (1) (i) / details of the mechanisms for providing early warnings and regular updates to the owners and occupiers of premises in the vicinity of the premises to which the licence relates or where the scheduled activity is carriedon, / Section 6.2
Section 7.4
98 C (1) (j) / the arrangements for minimising the risk of harm to any persons who are on the premises or who are present where the scheduled activity is being carried on, / Section 5.0
98 C (1) (k) / a detailed map (or set of maps) showing the location of the premises to which the licence relates, the surrounding area that is likely to be affected by a pollution incident, the location of potential pollutants on the premises and the location of any stormwater drains on the premises, / Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
98 C (1) (l) / a detailed description of how any identified risk of harm to human health will be reduced, including (as a minimum) by means of early warnings, updates and the action to be taken during or immediately after a pollution incident to reduce that risk, / Section 6.0
Appendix 1
98 C (1) (m) / the nature and objectives of any staff training program in relation to the plan, / Section 8.0
98 C (1) (n) / the dates on which the plan has been tested and the name of the person who carried out the test, / Table 8
98 C (1) (o) / the dates on which the plan is updated, / Table 8
98 C (1) (p) / the manner in which the plan is to be tested and maintained. / Section 9.0

The PIRMP is intended as a stand-alone document that can be used without reference to any other documents during a pollution incident. It is noted that some content (Figure 3, Appendix 2, Appendix 3 and Appendix 4) is linked to Controlled Documentswithin the Angus Place document management system. These linkeddocuments will be updatedfollowing testing of the PIRMP in accordance with Section 9.0.

A list ofcontrolled documents that are relevant or that may assist with any pollution incident response are included in Appendix5.

2.2Definition ofaPollutionIncident

The POEO Act 1997 defines a pollution incident as:

“pollution incident means an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on premises, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise”.

A licensee is required to notify the relevant regulatory authorities of a pollution incident if there is a risk of ‘material harm to the environment’, which is defined in section 147 of the POEO Act as:

(a) harm to the environment is material if:

(i) it involves actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial, or

(i) it results in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount, or amounts in aggregate, exceeding $10,000 (or such other amount as is prescribed by the regulations), and

(b) loss includes the reasonable costs and expenses that would be incurred in taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, mitigate or make good harm to the environment.

Identification of a pollution incident is detailed in Section 3.0.

2.3Immediate Notification of Pollution Incident

Licensees will now be required to report pollution incidents “immediately” instead of "as soon as practicable" (section 148 POEO Act). This means that licensees need to report pollution incidents without delay.

Licensees must notify all relevant authorities about the incidents. These include:

  • Environment Protection Authority (EPA);
  • Department of Planning and Environment;
  • Department of Resources and Geology;
  • Ministry of Health;
  • WorkCover Authority;
  • Lithgow City Council; and
  • Fire and Rescue NSW.

Contact details for the above relevant authorities are provided in Section 7.3.

3.0Preventative Measures

3.1Description and Likelihood of Hazards and Pre-emptive Actions

This section has been prepared to meet the requirements of clause 98C (1) (a), (b) and (c) of the POEO(G) Regulation.

A pollution incident Risk Assessment for Angus Place (Appendix 1) has been prepared to:

  • Describe the hazards to human health and the environment:
  • Describe the likelihood of any such hazards occurring;
  • Outline existing controls to prevent pollution incidents occurring; and
  • Outline key pollution response measures.

The PIRMP Risk Assessment separated harm to human health (personal injury) from environmental risk. Any potential incident that hada likelihood for harm to human health was ranked based on a ‘Personal Injury’ consequence only and any potential incident that had a likelihood for environmental harm was ranked based on an ‘Environment’ consequence only.

Impact to ‘Annual Business Plan’, ‘Business Interruption’, ‘Legal’ and ‘Reputation’ consequences were not considered in the Risk Assessment.

3.2Inventory of Potential Pollutants

Table 2 outlines the potential pollutants (chemicals) stored onsite at Angus Place Colliery

Table 2Inventory of Chemicals at Angus Place

Product Name / Product Stockcode / Location/s of where product is stored / Estimated Total Quantity
Mine / 57731 / Transtank 1 / 20,000L
Stockpile / 889130003 / Transtank 2 / 15,000L
Omala 220 / 158026 / Oil Store / 40 x 20L
Omala 320 / 158028 / Oil Store / 30 x 20L
Omala 460 / 158030 / Oil Store / 30 x 20L
Rimula – bulk / 326132 / Workshop Bunded Area / 1,000L
Rimula – drums / 326124 / Oil Store / 25 x 20L
2020 - bulk / 279190 / Solcenic Tank / 8,000L
2020 - drums / 279661 / Oil Store / 64 x 20L
Tellus – bulk / 158044 / Workshop Bunded Area / 1,000L
Tellus - drums / 158045 / Oil Store / 300 x 20L
Spirax ATF - bulk / 158055 / Workshop Bunded Area / 800L
Spirax ATF - drums / 58301 / Oil Store / 30 x 20L
Coagulant – WTS8 / 56171 / Rail Flat Top at EOR / 1,000L
Degreaser, tough orange / 56684 / Workshop Bunded Area / 1,000L
Coal plant dirty water dams / n/a / Site Pollution Ponds / 6000kL maximum
2000kL typical

An MSDS is kept for every chemical used on site and an inventory of MSDS kept on the CHEMWATCH database.

3.3Inventory of Safety Equipment

Table 3 outlines the safety equipment kept on site. The location of all safety equipment and the Store are shown on the Surface and Site Services Plan (Figure 3).

Table 3Inventory of Safety Equipment