The Clyde Football Club

Community Interest Company (CIC)

Youth Department

A Truly Fans’ Owned Scottish Football Club


Broadwood Stadium, Cumbernauld G68 9NE Tel. (01236) 451511 . Fax. (01236) 733490 . .

Coaches’ code of conduct

Clyde Football Club has a high expectation of those who work and play for the club, the way in which they should conduct themselves in undertaking their duties for the Club. You must meet those expectations by ensuring that your conduct is above reproach.

The general principles upon which this Code of Conduct is based are:

1. We will respect the rights, dignity and worth of every player and treat everyone equally within the context of the football club.

2. We will place the wellbeing and safety of the player above the development of performance. We will follow all guidelines laid down by the sport’s governing body.

3. We will develop an appropriate working relationship with players, especially young children, based on mutual trust and respect. We will not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.

4. We will encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.

5. We will hold up to date nationally recognised governing body coaching qualifications.

6. We will hold the required insurance cover

7. We will ensure the activities we direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual player.

8. We will at the outset clarify with players, and their parents, exactly what is expected of them. (See the Players & Parents Code of conduct).

9. We will co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sport scientists, doctors, and physiotherapists) in the best interest of the player.

10. We will always promote the positive aspects of football (e.g. fair play).

11. Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.

12. We will consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.

Commitment, Leadership, Youth Development & Enjoyment

The fundamental principles of Clyde Football Club Youth Department

Scottish Cup winners 1938-39, 1954-55, 1957-58

Registered Office: 25 Sandyford Place, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G3 7NJ

Company registered in Scotland No. 6731. VAT Reg No. 260 5512 84