CGS3063 FALL 2010 EXAM 1


Please Select the best answer to each of thefollowing questions based on material covered in lecture and in the text. (3 points each)

1.  Who first designed a mechanical machine with all the functional parts of a modern computer?

a.  Atanasoff *b. Babbage c. Gates d. Hollerith e. Jacquard

2.  Due to the need for smaller and more powerful computers in the quest to put a person on the moon, the ______was invented and replaced stand-alone transistors by the mid 1960’s.

a.  RAM chip b. CMOS chip c. vacuum tube *d. integrated circuit

e. trophalyser

3.  The internal clock of a computer is the:

a.  Timing device that processes all instrructions input into the computer

b.  *Timing device that produces electrical pulse to synchronize the computer’s operations

c.  Device which is the newest and most modern in a computer system

d.  Software which shows the time on the taskbar

e.  Area where time calculations are performed

4.  In ASCII, ______unique characters can be created.

a.  1024 b. 128 *c. 256 d. 255 e. 8

5.  The permanently etched program which automatically begins executing the computer’s instructions when it is turned on is stored in (the)


6.  What is the name of the operating system which is rarely found on personal computers or laptops, but is used in servers and high-end workstations?

a.  MS-DOS b. Windows c. Mac OSx d. Paradigm *e. UNIX

7.  A simple inexpensive network architecture in which each computer has equal responsibility for network operation is known as:

a.  Star topology b. client/server c. modified ring topology

*d. peer-to-peer e. equiversal architecture

8.  For a computer to recognize and process analog data, they must first be :

a.  Sent to a mainframe for interpretation b. analyzed for viruses

c. analyzed by the ALU *d. digitized e. all of the above

9.  The range of frequencies which can be transmitted over a given media is known as its:

a.  Modulation protocol b. transmission speed *c. bandwidth

d. baud rate e. channel variance

10. The groups of wires which transfer data from one part of the computer to another are known as the:

a.  CPU b. ALU c. system clock *d. system buses e. CMOS corridor

11. Unjustified reliance on computer-generated information often adversely affects individuals, and is a symptom of (the):

a.  Invidious-benign dichotomy b. anthropomorphism c. cyberphobia

d. extended anthropomorphism *e. Oz sysdrome

12. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10101?

a.  10,101 b. 15 *c. 21 d. 27 e. 49

13. The program which allows I/O devices to communicate with the computer is known as a(n):

a.  Operating device file b. software device file c. utility program

*d. device driver e. I/O compressor


14. In order to connect to the internet, a computer must be able to use:

a.  Windows or MAC OS b. UNIX c. 802.11 d. software licensing

*e. TCP/IP

15. A communications device whose principal function is to send “packets” toward their destination is best described as a:

a.  Gateway *b. router c. bridge d. concentrator

e. none of the above

16. A typical stand-alone transistor would be approximately the size of a:

a.  Light bulb b. fingernail c. postage stamp *d. pencil eraser

e. cell phone

17. The person who first successfully used punched cards for processing data was:

a.  *Hollerith b. Pascal c. Jacquard d. Babbage e. Atanasoff

18. When reading data from a magnetic disk, the most significant time delay is:

a.  Rotational delay *b. seek time c. switch delay d. VRAM

e. data transfer time

19. In the binary number 10110101p, if the parity scheme is EVEN, then p should be replaced by:

a.  0 *b. 1 c. unable to determine from the information given

20. When a processor needs an instruction or data, it searches memory in this order:





e.  None of the above

21. Approximately 1,000 megabytes is a:

a.  Terabyte b. kilobyte c. femtobyte *d. gigabyte e. quadrobyte

22. The numbers printed at the bottom of most checks are a type of:

a.  Optical character format b. Digitized image c.federal funds transfer code

*d. magnetic ink character e. none of the above

23. Which of the following does NOT significantly impact computer speed?

a.  Clock speed b. multiple ALUs c. bus width d. numeric co-processor

*e. all of the above affect computer speed

24. The word size of a typical PC’s CPU is:

a.  1 or 2 bytes b. 1 or 2 bits c. 8 or 16 bits d. 32 or 64 bytes

*e. 32 or 64 bits

25. Information stored in RAM is considered volatile, which means it:

a.  *Can be read only while the machine is turned on

b.  Is stored permanently in the CPU

c.  Will be available when the machine is rebooted

d.  Exists only in VRAM e. none of the above

26. An advantage that impact printers have over non-impact printers is that impact printers:

a.  Are much less expensive b. are quieter than non-impact printers

c.  *Can print multipart forms d. are smaller than nonimpact printers

e. there are no advantages

27. Which of the following is NOT an example of softcopy output?

a.  Image on a monitor b. speech *c. printed document d. motion of a robot

e. all of the above are softcopy

28. A bystander makes a 9-1-1 call to report an accident. She tells the dispatcher that there has just been an accident with injuries on 16th Avenue in Gainesville, and then hangs up. The information is not “good” information, PRIMARILY because it is not:

a.  Accurate b. timely c. relevant *d. complete e. concise

29. In order to speed processing, the next likely to be used data or instruction is often stored in an area called:

a.  The CPU b. ROM c. RAM d. the register *e. cache

30. GUI refers to a type of:

a.  Rom chip b. RAM chip c. voice recognition system

d. geothermal union inductor *e. user interface

31. A computer system which has been programmed at the factory to perform one function very efficiently is best described as a/an ______computer.

a.  Laptop b. mainframe c. general purpose d. super

*e. special purpose

32. Which of the following is the PRIMARY reason we use secondary storage?

a.  Cost *b. non-volatility c. reliability d. storage capacity

e. accessibility

33. A computer which provides software and other resources over a network is commonly called a:

a.  Supercomputer b. workstation *c. server d. mainframe

e. daVinci codex

34. (1 point) The inventor of the first electronic digital computer should be of particular interest to students in this class, because:

a.  He also originally developed this course

b.  She lives in Gainesville

c.  *He’s a UF graduate

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