Coach Charles Donohoe Biology
17th Week, Jan. 2nd - 6th, 2017 Cellular Reproduction: Processes: mitosis vs. meiosisMonday Jan. 2nd / Tuesday Jan. 3rd / Wednesday 4th
Curriculum / Teacher inservice
No school for students / Teacher inservice
No school for students / Youtube video meiosis made super easy 5:32m
Textbook: page 167 - 170 / fig. 2.3
Future notification: Test over mitosis vs meiosis will be next Wednesday 1/11/17
Academic Vocabulary / Autosomal, diploid, egg, fertilization, Gamete, haploid, homologous chromosomes, meiosis, sex chromosomes, Somatic cell, sperm,
TEKS / 2G, 6AG
ELPS / 1AF, 2I, 4F
Learning Intentions / Students will start learning the differences between mitosis and meiosis.
Lesson Introduction
(Bell Ringer, etc.) / Bell ringer: One fact that is alike and one fact that is difference about mitosis vs. meiosis.
Lesson / Watch above video and take notes. Students will then make a Venn diagram comparing mitosis vs meiosis. Students will start vocabulary puzzle and meiosis diagram.
Lesson Assessment / Once the Venn diagram is completed by the class we will discuss the facts and what section of the Venn diagram they were place in.
Re-Teach/ Extension / The results of the Venn diagram will determine future activity on this topic.
Homework / Student should study notes from video and the Venn diagram for tomorrow work.
Teacher Charles Donohoe
Date Jan 2 - 6, 2017 Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Thursday Jan 5th / Friday Jan 6th / Tutorials
Curriculum / Student notes from yesterday’s video.
Comparison sheet from yesterday.
Vocabulary puzzle and illustration worksheet titled Mitosis vs. Meiosis. / Cell Division: Mitosis vs Meiosis and Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis worksheets.
Student notes, textbook, and worksheets. / As needed. Times available: before school, after school, activity period and some lunches.
Academic Vocabulary / Same as Wednesday / Same as Wednesday / Students are encouraged to come in for help preparing for their six weeks test.
TEKS / 2G, 6AG / 2G, 6AG
ELPS / 2I, 4F / 1AF, 4A
Learning Intentions / Additional practice with meiosis terms; learning through; comparisons, and visually aids. / Have another experience with comparing mitosis to meiosis. The objective is to place new knowledge in words answering questions about the two processes.
Lesson `Introduction
(Bell Ringer, etc.) / Bell ringer: List of properties for either mitosis or meiosis. / Bell ringer: Number of cells resulting from the two processes and at what juncture they appear.
Lesson / Students will continue and complete the vocabulary puzzle on the worksheet, Mitosis vs Meiosis. Then using the knowledge gained this week they will label the diagram provide, color the different sections, draw the cell number as it increases, and caption the stage activities - start to finish.
Student may receive as many checks as needed to complete diagram. / A word comparison worksheet will be given to each student. They may use any reference material except another student’s.
Once each student completes their worksheet they will come to me for evaluation and/or corrections. I will indicate which box has the wrong answer and give them another chance to find the correct answer and return.
Lesson Assessment / Worksheet will be discussed and grade.
Connections will be allowed. / How often each student will have to correct their worksheet will determine if they have homework about this topic or not.
Re-Teach/ Extension / Analysis from the worksheet will determine any reteach or extension. / As assessed per student
Homework / As needed.
Study the review meiosis work to this point. / Homework sheet will cover this same information only in picture form.