The Earl Township Board of Supervisors meeting, held on Monday April 3, 2017 was called to order by Chairman Rick Kochel, at 7 p.m. The following were present: Rick Kochel, Ray Martin, and Lee Zimmerman, Road Master and Solicitor Cassidy. Supervisor Thomas Plitt arrived later.

Tom made a motion to approve the March 6th and the March 16, 2017 minutes, Ray seconded and all voted yes.

Public Comment:

Ed Maser, 32 Runway Avenue inquired if the Supervisors have an update the property screening for the Zoning Ordinance. Rick stated we will follow-up with the Zoning Officer for his recommendation and draft proposal.

Police Report:

Acting Chief Heisse presented the March 2017 police report.

Martindale Fire Co. Report:

Chief Groff presented the March 2017 fire report.

Elanco Library:

The February 2017 update flyer was reviewed.

Subdivision and Land Development Plans:

David Keener, G D Keener LLC, was presenting the Matthew Zimmerman, 240 Gristmill Road, Ephrata, Major Storm Water Management Plan and is requesting the following:

a.  Ray made a motion to approved executing the Reimbursement of Professional Services Agreement, Tom seconded and all voted yes.

b.  Conditional approval of the Storm Water Management Plan. Rick made a motion to grant conditional approval of the Storm Water Management Plan, contingent upon the review comments of the Township’s Engineer. Ray seconded and all voted yes.

Robert Martin, Martin Subdivision, 725 East Main Street, Lots 2-6 Subdivision Plan, reported that York Building Products, East Main Street will no longer allow the sewer extension to go through the block plant parcel as previously proposed. They are still reviewing and negotiating if other options are available.

Tom made a motion to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2017-03, the Garden Spot Village, Cooperative Living, 303 Ranck Road, Storm Water Management Plan, PA DEP Sewage Planning Module, Ray seconded and all voted yes.

Ray made a motion to approve Garden Spot Village, Cooperative Living, 303 Ranck Road, Storm Water Management Plan, Improvement Guarantee in the amount of Eighteen Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Four Dollars ($18,284.00), Tom seconded and all voted yes.

Ray made a motion to approve granting Samuel and Sadie Stoltzfus, 194 Nolt Road, Land Development Plan, a time extension until July 3, 2017, to meet the conditions to record their Land Development Plan. Rick seconded the motion and all voted yes.

Road Master’s Report:

Snyder Road Paving bids were submitted as follows:

1.  New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co. Inc.

a.  2268 tons of 25 mm $ 117,028.80.

b.  1134 tons of 9.5 mm $ 69,763.68.

Total bid $ 186,792.48.

2.  H & K Group, Inc./Landis Deck.

a.  2268 tons of 25 mm $ 150,822.00.

b.  1134 tons of 9.5 mm $ 84,142.80.

Total bid $ 234,964.80.

3.  Pennsy Supply Inc.

a.  2268 tons of 25 mm $ 146,603.52.

b.  1134 tons of 9.5 mm $ 85,900.50.

Total bid $ 232,504.02.

Rick made a motion to award the Snyder Road paving bid between North Railroad Avenue and Reidenbach Road to New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., in the total amount of $186,792.48. Ray seconded the motion and all voted yes.

Snyder Road 12,000 sq. yds. of Road Reclamation bids were received as follows:

a.  Midland Asphalt Materials Inc. $ 20,280.00.

b.  Martin Paving $ 10,920.00.

c.  Asphalt Paving Systems Inc. $ 27,000.00.

d.  E J Breneman LP $ 7,200.00.

e.  Recon Construction Services Inc. $ 10,200.00.

Ray made a motion to award the Snyder Road reclamation bid between North Railroad Avenue and Reidenbach Road to E J Breneman LP., in the total amount of $7,200.00. Tom seconded the motion and all voted yes.

The Joint Municipal Bids were reviewed as follows:

Chip Seal Coating:

1.  Martin Paving, Inc.,

a.  Single application 582,234 sq. yds. $ 546,135.49.

b.  Double application #8 28,976 sq.yds. $ 56,068.56.

c.  Double application 1/4” aggregate 54,779 $ 711,488.16.

Total bid $ 711,488.16.

2.  Stewart & Tate Inc.,

d.  Single application 582,234 sq. yds. $ 532,744.11.

e.  Double application #8 28,976 sq.yds. $ 53,605.60.

f.  Double application 1/4” aggregate 54,779 $ 92,850.41.

Total bid $ 679,200.12.

3.  Asphalt Industries Inc.,

g.  Single application 582,234 sq. yds. $ 809,305.26.

h.  Double application #8 28,976 sq.yds. $ 80,843.04.

i.  Double application 1/4” aggregate 54,779 $ 156,120.15.

Total bid $1,046,268.45.

Ray made a motion to award the Joint Municipal Chip Seal Coat bid to Stewart & Tate, Inc., in the amount of $679,200.12, Tom seconded and all voted yes.


1.  Stewart & Tate, Inc.,

a.  Type 1 Slurry Seal 19,417 sq. yds. $ 0.00.

b.  Rut Fill 164 tons $ 29,431.44.

2.  Asphalt Maintenance Solutions

a.  Type 1 Slurry Seal 19,417 sq. yds. $ 42,329.06.

b.  Rut Fill 164 tons $ 28,864.00.

Total bid $ 71,193.06.

Rick made a motion to award the Joint Municipal Microsurfacing bid to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions., in the amount of $71,193.06, Tom seconded and all voted yes.

Ultra Thin Bonded Wearing Course:

1.  Midland Asphalt

a.  Type “A” 21,106 sq. yds. $ 140,565.96.

b.  Type “B” 71,914 sq. yds. $ 368,199.68.

Total bid $508,765.64.

2.  Asphalt Maintenance Solutions

c.  Type “A” 21,106 sq. yds. $ 115,660.88.

d.  Type “B” 71,914 sq. yds. $ 376,829.36.

Total bid $ 492,490.24.

Ray made a motion to award the Joint Municipal Ultra Thin Bonded Wearing Course bid to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions., in the amount of $492,490.24, Tom seconded and all voted yes.

Line Painting:

1.  Alpha Space Control

a.  Single Yellow Line 242,180 LF $ 11,866.82.

b.  Single White Line 831,388 LF $ 40,738.01.

c.  Double Yellow Line 1,675,710 LF $160,868.16.

Total bid $213,472.99.

2.  Midlantic Marking

d.  Single Yellow Line 242,180 LF $ 11,624.64.

e.  Single White Line 831,388 LF $ 39,906.62.

f.  Double Yellow Line 1,675,710 LF $155,841.03.

Total bid $207,372.29.

Rick made a motion to award the Joint Municipal Line Painting bid to Midlantic Marking in the amount of $207,372.29, Ray seconded and all voted yes.

Rick made a motion to approve trading in the 2001 International truck, plow and salt spreader to GL Sayor for the amount of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($14,500.00), Ray seconded the motion and all voted yes.

Rick made a motion to rescind the April 3, 2017 motion to sell the 2001 International truck, plow and salt spreader on the Municibid auction. Tom seconded the motion and all voted yes.

Lee reported that PA DEP is auditing the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) records and the Township facilities and Best Maintenance Practices (BMPs) on April 27, 2017 from 8 am until 3 pm.

Zoning Officer’s Report:

The February 26th – March 19, 2017, written zoning report was submitted and will be filed in the office.

Sewage Enforcement Officer’s Report:

The Supervisors reviewed the Sewage Enforcement Officer’s March 2017 report.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor Cassidy reported that he spoke with Cohen Law Services regarding reviewing and renewing cable, wireless and broadband franchise agreements and it was reported that it shouldn’t be too expensive to negotiate new agreements. Rick made a motion to request written quotes to negotiate renewing the Cable Franchise Agreements, Ray seconded and all voted yes.

Ray made a motion to exonerate one hundred and eleven (111) people from the 2016 Per Capita Tax Rolls, Tom seconded and all voted yes.

The Supervisors reviewed the PSATS 2017 proposed Resolutions and Bylaw changes, which will be acted on at the PSATS convention on April 25, 2017.

The Supervisors acknowledged the Burkholder Quarry Operation, PA NPDES Permit correction and renewal application.

The Supervisors acknowledged the L.C.P.C. schedule/comments on the following neighboring Municipalities Zoning Ordinance amendments:

Brecknock Township – Zoning Map change

West Earl Township – Zoning Ordinance amendment

Leacock Township – Official Map adoption

Leacock Township – Zoning Ordinance amendment

The Supervisors acknowledged the LCCD earthmoving inspection report and other reporting for the following properties:

Garden Spot Village, Sycamore Spring, 423 South Kinzer Avenue

Receipts received in March were $141,024.74 in the General Fund and $133.18 in the Waste and Recycling Fund.

Tom made a motion to pay the expenses in the General and the Payroll Funds (Checks #1889 – 1942 and #7988 - 8012) in the amount of $140,335.19, and the payroll taxes electronically transferred in the amount of $10,646.05. The Street Light (Check #412) in the amount of $1,118.33, and the Waste and Recycling (Checks #231 - 233) in the amount of $12,895.19. Ray seconded the motion and all voted yes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda S Becker, Secretary