Chih-Ping Chung, MD PHD

Attending physician, Section of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (since 2006)

Assistant Professor, National Yang Ming University, Taiwan (since 2011)

Publications:(* corresponding author) (recent 5 years)

  1. Chang FC, Yong CS, Huang HC, Tsai JY, Sheng WY, Hu HH, Chung CP*. Posterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke Caused by Arterial Dissection: Characteristics and Predictors of Poor Outcomes. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015 Jul 25;40(3-4):144-150.
  2. Chung CP, Huang PH, Chen JS, Chen JW, Yang KY. The Level of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cell Is Associated with Cerebral Vasoreactivity: A Pilot Study. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:258279.
  3. Han K, Chao AC, Chang FC, Chung CP, Hsu HY, Sheng WY, Wu J, Hu HH. Obstruction of Venous Drainage Linked to Transient Global Amnesia. PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0132893.
  4. Tseng HP, Lin FJ, Chen PT, Mou CH, Lee SP, Chang CY, Chen AC, Liu CH, Yeh CH, Tsai SY, Hsiao YJ, Lin CH, Hsu SP, Yu SC, Hsu CY, Sung FC; Taiwan Stroke Registry Investigators. Derivation and validation of a discharge disposition predicting model after acute stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015 Jun;24(6):1179-86.
  5. Chung CP, Yong CS, Chang FC, Sheng WY, Huang HC, Tsai JY, Hsu HY, Hu HH. Stroke etiology is associated with outcome in posterior circulation stroke. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015 May;2(5):510-7.
  6. Chung CP, Beggs C, Wang PN, Hu HH, Zivadinov R.Jugular venous reflux and white matter abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease: A pilot study. J Alzheimers Dis 2014;39(3):601-9.
  7. Tsao YC, Chung CP*, Hsu HY, Cheng CY, Chao AC, Sheng WY, Hu HH, Hong CJ, Wu JC. Collapsed Jugular Vein and abnormal cerebral blood flow changes in patients of Panic Disorder. J Psychiatr Res 2014;58:155-60.
  8. Chao AC, Liu CK, Chen CH, Lin HJ, Liu CH, Jeng JS, Hu CJ, Chung CP, Hsu HY, Sheng WY, Hu HH; Taiwan Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke (TTT-AIS) Study Group. Different doses of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator for acute stroke in Chinese patients. Stroke 2014;45(8):2359-65.
  9. Hsu HY, Lee YS, Ou MC, Chung CP, Chen SY, Ho YP, Hu HH. Severity of spontaneous echo contrast in the jugular vein associated with ischemic stroke. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2014;40(7):1427-33.
  10. Zivadinov R, Chung CP*. Potential involvement of the extracranial venous system in central nervous system disorders and aging. BMC Med. 2013 Dec 17;11(1):260.
  11. Chung CP, Cheng CY, Zivadinov R, Chen WC, Sheng WY, Lee YC, Hu HH, Hsu HY, Yang KY. Jugular venous reflux and plasma endothelin-1 are associated with cough syncope: a case control pilot study. BMC Neurol. 2013;13:9.
  12. Cheng CY, Chang FC, Chao AC, Hu HH, Chung CP*. Internal jugular venous abnormalities in transient monocular blindness. BMC Neurol. 2013;22;13:94.
  13. Beggs C, Chung CP, Bergsland N, Wang PN, Shepherd S, Cheng CY, Dwyer MG, Hu HH, Zivadinov R. Jugular venous reflux and brain parenchyma volumes in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. BMC Neurol. 2013 Oct 31;13(1):157.
  14. Soong BW, Liao YC, Tu PH, Tsai PC, Lee IH, Chung CP, Lee YC. A homozygous NOTCH3 mutation p.R544C and a heterozygous TREX1 variant p.C99MfsX3 in a family with hereditary small vessel disease of the brain. J Chin Med Assoc. 2013;76(6):319-24.
  15. Chen PK, Chiu PY, Tsai IJ, Tseng HP, Chen JR, Yeh SJ, Yeh SJ, Sheu JJ, Chung CP, Wu MH, Hu CJ, Chang CY, Wei CY, Yip PK, Sung SF, Wang SJ, Hsu CY; Taiwan Stroke Registry Investigators. Onset headache predicts good outcome in patients with first-ever ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2013;44(7):1852-8.
  16. Hsu HY, Chung CP, Chen SY, Chiang YY, Hu HH. Spontaneous echo contrast in internal jugular veins: a probable indicator for systemic inflammation and a prothrombotic state. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012;38:926-32.
  17. Lin YJ, Po HL, Hsu HY, Chung CP, Sheng WY, Hu HH. Transcranial Doppler studies on cerebral autoregulation suggest prolonged cerebral vasoconstriction in a subgroup of patients with orthostatic intolerance. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2011;37:1554-60.
  18. Chung CP, Wang PN, Wu YH, Tsao YC, Sheng WY, Lin KN, Lin SJ, Hu HH. More severe white matter changes in the elderly with jugular venous reflux. Ann Neurol. 2011;69:553-9.

Invited speaking:

1.The Effects of Jugular Venous Reflux in Aging. 2nd Annual ISNVD Scientific Meeting.Orlando, Florida, US. 2012. (Keynote speaker)

2.The future perspective of researches on neurological diseases associated with chronic cerebral venous insufficiency. 4th Annual ISNVD Scientific Meeting. San Francisco, LA, US. 2014.

3.Jugular venous reflux and Neurological diseases. Asia Pacific Stroke Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.

4.Sonographic examinations of extracranial venous responsible for cerebral venous drainage. Asia Pacific Stroke Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.

5.Venous Dysfunction &Neurodegenerative diseases linked by cerebral small vessel disorders. 5th Annual ISNVD Scientific Meeting. Napoli, Italy 2015.

Dr. Chung received her MD in China Medical College, Taiwan and PHD in National Yang Ming University, Taiwan. Now she is an attending physician in Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Her clinical services are mainly focused onneurodegenerative diseases and cerebrovascular diseasesincluding

(1)Critical cares of acute stroke and 2nd prevention of stroke.

(2)Vascular dementia

(3)Alzheimer’s disease

Her professional specialty also includescerebrovascular Doppler ultrasonography and cerebral MRI imaging analysis.

As an Assistant Professor of National Yang Ming University, Her research interests are (i) to explore the mechanism of cerebral microcirculatory pathologies in aging neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, and (ii) to uncover the influences of cerebral venous insufficiency on cerebral circulation and its role in certain neurological diseases. To achieve these goals, several studies have been conducted and published in several leading journals in Neurology and cerebrovascular fieldssuch as Annals of Neurology, Neurology, Stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, BMC Medicine, etc.

She has also cooperated with certainabroad investigators : Professor Robert Zivadinov (Professor of Neurology, University at Buffalo)and Michael Dake (Stanford University Medical Center)

For basic studies (mainly biology studies), she served as a post-doctoral fellow in Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA during 2011-2013. During the stay, she conducted projects:

  1. The roles of ROCK1/2 in Th1/Th2 differentiation (studied on Multiple Sclerosis animal models EAE)
  2. The role of Klotho and FGF-23 in Cerebrovascular endothelial cell senescence (applied in cerebral vascular aging and vascular dementia)

Dr. Chung participates in several public and international societieswith goals of exploring better treatments for cerebrovascular diseases or neurodegenerative diseases. She is the course director and chairperson of annual scientific meeting in ISNVD (International Society of Neurovascular Disease), and course organizer in 2014 Asia Pacific Stroke Conference.