College Learning Council

Meeting Minutes

August 29, 2011

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Co-Chairs: Ann Beheler, Susan Lala, Tiffany Haynes



Ann Beheler, Donna Berry,Michael Carley, Rosa Carlson, Chris Craig, James Entz, Richard Goode, Susan Lala, Eric Mendoza, Susan Regier, Miles Vega, Ann Marie Wagstaff


Lorie Barker, Kim Behrens, Craig Britton, Terry Crewse, Erin Cruz, Bret Davis, Jason Duncan, Phillip Duncan, Antonia Ecung, Russell Fletcher, Baldomero Garcia, Virginia Gurrola, Tiffany Haynes, Stewart Hathaway, Bill Henry, Resa Hess, Valerie Lombardi, Andrew Messchaert, Maria Roman, Steve Schultz, Cynthia Smith, Leif Syrdahl, Joel Wiens, John Word


  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Susan Lala-Bell at 3:07PM.

  1. Adoption of Agenda

Motioned: Lori

Seconded: Jim Entz

Ayes:10 / Nays:0 / Abstentions:0

Motion: Carried

  1. Approval of Minutes

Minutes dated March 21, 2011.

Motioned: Ann Marie Wagstaff

Seconded: Richard Goode

Ayes:10 / Nays:0 / Abstentions:0

Motion: Carried

Minutes dated April 4, 2011.

Motioned: Ann Marie Wagstaff

Seconded: Richard Goode

Ayes:10 / Nays:0 / Abstentions:0

Motion: Carried, with the addition of Dr. Packard’s title.

  1. Information Items
  2. KCCD Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is going to the Board Thursday, April 7, 2011. Many of the numbers within the plan are left open for the college’s to fill in the percentages that they want to improve; it will be interesting to see if the Board would approve a plan with blanks in it for the colleges to fill in.

  • Question: Is that a change from the previous plan CLC review, if so were CLC’s recommendations considered?
  • Dr. Beheler is unsure if CLC’s recommendations were addressed; further discussion will be tabled until Dr. Carlson arrives.
  • Question: How were recommendations for the Strategic Plan from CLC received by the board?
  • The Board heard CLC’s recommendations but has not responded.
  • Dr. Carlson last heard Consultation Council members were asked to continue to review the strategic plan and have discussion on the campuses. The plan is a draft and will be presented on April 14, 2011 to the Board of Trustees for information. The issues shared in the plan will be vetted over the next 45 or 60 days and the colleges will have the ability to build upon the work of the group.
  • Chancellor Serrano will take the Strategic Plan to the Board after which she will have the colleges fill in the blanks. During a previous Consultation Council meeting changes were made but not updated to the Strategic plan. The Strategic plan is a District plan; Chancellor Serrano is expecting the colleges to come up with their own plan of action. Chancellor Serrano doesn’t want the Consultation Members to dictate what the colleges do.

Information: Approval of the KCCD Strategic Plan as recommended in the educational services report; this document is the revision of the Strategic plan adopted by the Board of Trustees on September 7, 2006. A draft of the Strategic plan was presented to the Board on April 14, 2011.

The Strategic Planning Committee wasn’t given a lot of time to meet and give input to the Strategic Plan. It is unknown if the input forwarded to the Board was considered.

  1. Substantive Change Proposal

The substantive change for the RN program was approved; however the substantive change for distance education is still in process.

Mrs. Phinney is working on the substantive change proposal for ACCJC; once it is complete Dr. Beheler will send it out for CLC members to review. The change report will basically say we want to continue on current path.

The bottom line is if you can get over 50% of any given degree or certificate online PC is required to go to ACCJC and obtain their approval.

  • Question: Substantive Change Reports go to our accreditation?
  • Yes, PC doesn’t want to go into the accreditation review and have ACCJC determine that PC is offering any given degree or certificate program online without first having completed the substantive change report and apply for approval.

Clarification: Curriculum approved the RN program then a substantive change report was submitted to ACCJC for their approval.

  1. Action Items
  1. PC Mission and Vision Statements

CLC reviewed the PC mission and vision statements. Mr. Carley doesn’t want to change the mission statement just because California is having hard times. Mrs. Ann Wagstaff feels Porterville College should continue to strive to reach the goal set forth in the statement; therefore the statement should left unchanged.

Motion: “To accept all three parts of the mission and vision statement.”

Motioned:Miles Vega

Seconded:Jim Entz

Ayes:10 / Nays:0 / Abstentions:

Motion: Carried

  1. Subcommittee Reports
  1. Enrollment Management Committee

Enrollment is continuing to discuss the enrollment management plan. Still need to discuss assignment for responsibility and timeline for plan goals. A draft of the plan should be ready by earlier fall.

  1. Grant Oversight Committee/Grant Progress Reports

Grant Oversight will meet, May 3, 2011. Grant Oversight will discuss if they should continue or be handled in another fashion due to the lack of grants being done by the college.

Dr. Beheler suggests that CLC find some monies to help fund a grant writer.

  1. Budget Committee

Budget has had an open forum regarding the changing philosophies of the state on student success. A follow up open forum will be Tuesday, May 3, 2011. Budget will discuss how the budget allocations will be spent and how it relates to sustainability;will also talk about Student Services, Administrator Services and Academic Services. Feedback from the forum will help the Budget Committee understand if these services are sustainable for students and student success.

Mrs. Berry would like to have CLC meetings over the summer. The tentative budget will need to be approved.

  1. Strategic Planning Committee
  1. Other Reports
  1. President

Tom Burke took into consideration from Porterville and Cerro Coso College and recommended to the Chancellor that the District shouldn’t have a discretionary carry over.

The Consultation Council went over a lot of board policies.

The Council discussed luminus and the upcoming training on May 18, 2011.

  1. Accreditation

Accreditation will have an open forum May 3, 2011. At 10am people who have been on accreditation visits will talk about standards and the rubric.

  1. Academic Senate

The Senate is asking the divisions to pick their outstanding students for graduation.

  1. Curriculum Committee

This will be Mr. Vega’s last CLC meeting; John Satko will be the new curriculum chair. Secondly, The Aces meeting was cancelled because doesn’t work.

  1. Basic Skills Committee

Basic Skills was cut $10,000; the Basic Skills Committee Chair, Dr. Ecung and Mr. Carley and met with BRIC last week to come up with some plans for evaluating learning communities.

  1. Student Learning Outcomes Committee

Discussed with BRIC how to assess institutional SLO’s, also looked at how other colleges are creating SLO’s.

  1. Facility Planning Advisory Committee
  2. Marketing and Outreach Committee
  3. Information Technology Committee
  4. CCA
  5. CSEA
  6. ASPC
  7. Other
  • Information: Barnes & Noble will take control of the Bookstore on May 31, 2011.
  • Information: Porterville College has gone out for an RFB (request for proposal) for foodservices. Porterville College is evaluating keeping the Cafeteria in house or sourcing it out.
  • The Transition task force met with BRIC last week. BRIC suggested looking at the “ask the counselor” link to find out what the students are thinking.

BRIC also talked about placement prep so students do better on the assessment. Recommend having a week long orientation, having a true first year experience through linked course, have a brochure of successful students, sharing with High School Principals what students are lacking when they come to college, look at other colleges and see what are they are doing.

  1. Future Agenda Items
  1. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 4:20p.m. by Susan Lala-Bell.